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Posts posted by BawdeepLoyal

  1. I know we have already got the appeal in but we have 3 days in which to lodge the appeal - but we are lodging the appeal based on the summary of punishment only and without seeing the charges and deliberations that lead to these conclusions!

    If it wasn't so serious you'd laugh - our QC will have a field day with this!

    The question is who will we use? We seem to have had a few issues with various lawyers!

  2. I've been saying for several weeks that Whyte was and still is the biggest obstacle to a CVA and avoiding liquidation.

    Unfortunately, it's going to take a fair whack of cash to 'persuade' this guy to walk away and, even then, he may still want the smug symbolism of director's box tickets for life.

    Those who want to buy the football club and, indeed you and I, are going to have to decide whether or not the distastefulness of paying this guy takes precedence over saving our club.

    I think the bids will work themselves out, and I don't see liquidation (yet anyway), but Whyte does seem to be a complete prick, and normally when folk like that have the power and ability to hold it over folk and use it to their advantage, they cannot resist it. Thats my biggest worry at this time.

  3. As we know there has been much speculation about Whyte and his shares recently with him being branded irrelevant, and a side issue, by the administrators.

    I don't think any of us really believed that to be the case, but I have been looking back at Whyte and how he came into the picture and as far as I can see there are a few matters which will need resolved before Whyte agrees to any handover, no matter who buys us and what is offered in any CVA.

    To me the minimum Whyte will want is what he has paid out, one way or another.

    I assume that there have been costs associated with the following:

    1) Due diligence - he must have paid a lawyer or other such company for a report of sorts.

    2) Legal fees - incurred as a result of contracts being drawn up, signed, registered, advice give, attendance at meetings, etc, etc.

    3) General expenses - travellng, hotels, general playing Billy Big Baws whilst in Glasgow taking us over.

    4) Accountancy costs - as stated, running the numbers in conjunction with the lawyers, etc.

    5) Business consultancy/financial advice - there are always hanger-on costs like these, BS though they may be.

    In light of the above, I would guess that the total is a fair whack indeed, and there is no way he will walk without this being paid back to him, whether he actually deserves it or not.

    if we then look at the situation where he actually expects a payment for his shares on top of the expenses/costs above we could be looking a seriously frustrating situation with Whyte, and one which may not be easily resolved.

    Has anyone any ideas the type of figures we could be looking at for an average buyout of the sort we have been subjected too? The share matter will be based on opinions, but there must be some figures available for takeover costs per se.

    Any ideas?


  4. No Tesco for me now - I used to go to the big one at the junction for the Patong turn off next to the Bangkok Hospital Road. I kicked up fuck at customer complaints but no-one spoke English.


  5. Douglas Park, Scott Murdoch and John Bennett were all named back in March.

    Douglas Park is well known. Murdoch - no clue. I note that there was an article on Gersnet re Bennett - seems he wanted to ensure that folk didn't consider him as a financial 'big hitter' - fair enough from his point I suppose. He also said that he had only had a chat about it with PM - in other words, no commitment. Of course, things may have changed by now. Still all very wishy washy to me.

    The Daily record says around 10 folk (they talk pish though) were involved, and it does seem to me we still know more about the other bids/interest than that from the BK.

    I know its the D&F boys that they legally have to convince, but I still would like to know what their plans are for The Rangers.

  6. I would agree that he doesn't speak for everyone (or me), however, as fans reps go across the board he is a good speaker. I would say that when you have seen others on tv over the years they do not present a well thought out approach, but he does. The content may not be to taste, but the delivery is much better than I have seen from others.

    That of course does not detract from the fact that he cannot with be trusted with 10 bob.

  7. I suppose he never attended St Bede’s RC either. Now I know that just makes him an RC, but once you start putting the jigsaw together I know what I am starting to see!

    Look at the facts

    To me the general religion/RC stuff is never really an issue, but as soon as the "I am Irish, its my heritage, I am being victimised" comes into play, it all goes to shit.

    Thanks for posting it as I hadn't seen the first thread either.


  8. In what way could he open the Asia market for us? What benefits would we see?

    The same as any other business/product entering a new market - you need exposure and a vehicle to do that. He can offer both.

    Increase in interest equals increase in demand. Thus TV revenue, merchandise, etc.

    Its all down to advertising and having the right contacts and sponsorship to do that. We have tried to open the China market before, but it was a half-assed attempt doomed to failure. If you want someone that knows the Asian market - who better than an Asian?

  9. for all the optimism on here from that guy off gersnet, his quotes have been laughable, either he is ripping the piss and is another chancer or has took some really shite p.r advice

    The vast majority of people in the UK never mind Scotland would struggle to believe the obsession that Asia has with football.

    It wouldn't surprise me if he knows more about The Rangers than we think. I would doubt that he is a Bluenose in the true sense of the word, but then again, neither was Murray or Whyte, so nothing new there.

    If he can open the Asia market for us that will be more profitable in the long run than anything else.

    He is definitely worth exploring further, thats for sure.

  10. I understand what you mean, but Whyte went beyond that.

    Not paying the PAYE, selling the Arsenal shares, using money he gained from a loan on ST's to purchase the Club and then putting the rest of that money somewhere else.

    I just can't agree with what he did.

    Same as you, I don't agree, however, there will definitely be more to this whole scenario than meets the eye, and has not been published/admitted to, most likely for legal reasons.

    I just wonder if we will ever get the true story.

    One thing that f#cks me off is that when Ally was calling him during the transfer windows, he didn't answer his phone for two days. This comes from one of the Murray Park guys.

    Everything else aside, that is disrespectful to The Rangers manager, and one of the best and most respected Rangers player ever. For that reason alone I would batter him until my arms ached. Who the F#ck does he think he is treating our Ally like that? Wanker. Gets me raging every time I think about it.

  11. if the yahoos raised 14 million 20 years ago I'd be mortified and shocked if we didn't blow that out the water.

    Me too, but that is the way it will likely be.

    Every club I have ever been in has folk complaining about 2 quid for the bus, 50 quid annual membership, etc. I even include Hong Kong in that where most folk are earning a wedge. When it comes to cash folk don't like parting with it, and when it comes to a 1000 quid etc, it will not happen in the numbers required no matter what folk say after they have had a pint down their local.

    Its exactly the same thing with Euro away games etc - its always the same faces, and these are the folk that will cough up - those prepared to make sacrifices. The vast majority will not. Sad but true.

  12. I reckon the Asia market would be great for us and offer long term stability.

    There are obviously plenty of folk who can afford Rangers, but my issue is with the future investment. We can't continue as we have, so with the BK offering up nothing that I have seen other than the same old Scottish focused plan, I reckon we need to look further afield.

    Asia revenue would be massive.

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