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Everything posted by SuperAli

  1. No emails, have they all been sent out now? It should be allocated on a loyalty basis, not a ballot system. When we went down to the 3rd division 'fans' didn't renew for four seasons, only renewing when we got promoted back to the premiership. These 'fans' probably have been allocated tickets yet my parents who have had season tickets on the CCCS since the beginning haven't been allocated any. Absolute joke.
  2. Margaret Mitchell MSP sent me this statement: “This deeply offensive display of vandalism has united the whole community of Coatbridge, together with people in neighbouring communities, in their condemnation of this wanton act. “It should be put in perspective against the reverence and respect that people show every year when they gather on Remembrance Sunday. These memorials serve as a constant reminder of the debt of gratitude we owe to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms in past conflicts. “It is essential therefore, that Police Scotland now uses every tool available to it, including a thorough examination of social media in order to identify the perpetrators and ensure they are brought to justice.” Frank McNally, a councillor, responded to me almost instantaneously to let me know that the councillors of that particular ward met this morning and are coordinating their investigation alongside the Police. The cenotaph has now been cleaned of all graffiti too.
  3. http://stv.tv/news/west-central/1366884-police-probe-after-pro-ira-graffiti-daubed-on-cenotaph/
  4. Why would the board ask questions of the board?
  5. We get our fellow fans to stop voting for them. People don't realise that the Scottish government is the SNP.
  6. Written to all local councillors, MSPs and MPs. Dear * Please see attached images of vandalism to Coatbridge cenotaph which was carried out on the evening of Monday the 12th of September. Graffiti includes words such as 'IRA', 'PIRA', '1916' and 'Provos.' The Evening Times has also reported on this bigoted behaviour which can be viewed via the link: http://m.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/14738991.Bigoted_vandals_daub_IRA_graffiti_on_Coatbridge_cenotaph/ I trust you will find these images as distressing and disgusting as I, and many others, did. I hope you will publicly condemn this behaviour at the earliest opportunity. I suspect you may believe that highlighting and condemning such behaviour may give these vandals publicity but I believe that simply ignoring behaviour like this, which the media and politicians in Scotland have done thus far, has only encouraged behaviour like this to continue and worsen. Yours sincerely, *
  7. I know. Going to email local councillors, MSPs and MPs once I get to work, too.
  8. http://m.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/14738991.Bigoted_vandals_daub_IRA_graffiti_on_Coatbridge_cenotaph/
  9. About 10/15 mins from me too. Dont know if you'll know or remember that a committee in North Lanarkshire Council allowed the Republicans to march through Coatbridge to commemorate the Easter Rising which was only stopped after a group of us got wind of it and lodged a barrage of complaints. The institutions are rotten to the core from the bottom to top.
  10. Part of the problem is people moan and moan about the Scottish government but I have no doubt they vote SNP when it comes to an election. People don't seem to understand that the SNP is the Scottish government. Vote them out! The sooner we get them out of office, the sooner we can start getting back to some sort of normality.
  11. I've emailed the photos to Scotland's main newspapers in the hope that someone will take it seriously and actually condemn this, God forbid.
  12. The cenotaph in Coatbridge was badly vandalised at some point this evening. Nothing surprises me in Scotland anymore
  13. With it being the anniversary of the Ibrox disaster so close to the next Old Firm I was actually dreading what they had planned because they are getting worse.
  14. I saw something had happened in Cumbernauld but no mention of football teams in the article I read? I assumed it was linked to the football though.
  15. The group replaced the Rangers Fans Board (without actually telling the Fans Board it was happening) and is meant to unite the fan base and replace all other fans' groups. It consists of unelected individuals from various groups who are basically acting as puppets for others' agendas.
  16. If we are banning their fans, are we going to be happy if they ban us from Parkhead which will be their inevitable response? FYI it doesn't bother me as I never have been and never will go to Parkhead. Just interested to know people's thoughts.
  17. Completely agree. People will be moaning on here about what's happening, and I bet they vote SNP regardless.
  18. They talk the talk but when we need them to actually do something and represent us they're silent.
  19. Still nothing from Rangers or our 'representatives' at Club 1872? Inexcusable.
  20. Yes you need to report it. Anything sectarian written online also needs to be reported to the Police before they act upon it. It is so that they have a witness to cite should it go to court. Sad but true.
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