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blue No11

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Posts posted by blue No11

  1. I think we should be unified and tell the fucking lot of them to leave their fucking egos at the door sort out their differences and fix the club rather than making us look like fucking comedy show and dividing the fans loyalty up so we are fighting with one another and not with our enemies. GET IT FUCKIN SORTED

    Defo agree on this
  2. Another Question guys.... So if we take Dave King out of the picture as a lot of people do not like him what is the alternative ? Do we (A) stick with what we have got or is there another option (B) we can all come close to agreeing on ? Our club is getting well out of control and we the real Rangers men/woman must must get our club back !

  3. The board I don't trust... They can get to fuck ?

    Ally McCoist....Extremely poor manager and wasting valuable resources ?

    Dave King... Rangers fan Club at heart wanting to plough millions into the club. How do we help him achieve his goals ? Or do we let him get on with it on his own ?

    I believe we the fans need to find common ground in getting our Club back on track and weed every last person out of Ibrox that is hindering the club due to there own personal interests or this is going to go on and on and on. We need to start shouting louder and together as one !

  4. Its time to move on in a mire positive direction without Ally. He had his chance to mix Youth with experience and he blew it big time. We might be sitting top of the league un beaten but the style of play his team selection and substitute's are beyond belief. At the end of the day we can't all be wrong ?

  5. Lets face facts Ally was a superb striker and a funny guy. He has never been one to keep discipline. The whole reason Souness dropped him on the bench years ago was lack of discipline. He was never going to make it as a manager and he certainly won't make it being pushed up stairs being a pen pusher. His time is over at Rangers.

  6. 800k for somebody just to stand there in the dugout and do the sq route of fuck all, i really detest him now and not because of the loss or the fact we've been god awful since he took charge, its the fact he

    Fuck theres no point in saying anything because i know i'll regret it at some point and the abuse from posters on here is just not worth it.

    I'll finish it for you. The fact he sits there in front of tv cameras and preaches he's Mr fuckin Rangers when all he is doing is lining his own pockets and keeping it together. Aye nae bother Ally mr Karaoke! Were more Rangers than you will ever be. We dig deep to watch The Rangers ! I used to love that guy but he is part of the farce that is Ramgers at the moment. Souness dropped him as a player because his attitude was all wrong,great player with the wrong attitude. Seems to me his attitude is still one big joke.
  7. That's not what the OP asked. He asked if the board can afford NOT to sack him. As in, will we sell enough season tickets while he is still in charge.

    Personally I think season tickets could struggle to sell while McCoist is still there sadly.

    Misread as im sitting here shocked angry and saddened by what is going on and not taking the post in. Time to call it a night from here,head is melted !
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