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blue No11

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Posts posted by blue No11

  1. I have been of the opinion that ally has had to go for a while due to his non existent management abilities. My opinion of the man himself has been soured since that karaoke picture leaked from the night of the ramsdens cup final. Since then he has not done anything to make up or explain the reason why he and the players were seen smiling, laughing, singing and having a good time despite the fact many fans were sitting in pubs, homes and on busses up and down the country trying to piece together what they had just witnessed, put that on top of the fact every training pic seems to be a right good laugh, players checking in to nando's on twitter after a few hours training the week following a poor result, his long list of feeble excuses and players making the same continuous mistakes show that these things are not being picked up, worked on or discussed , a motionless exp<b></b>ression on the touch line and you have not only a man who is tactically inept but also does not have a clue how to Instill discipline, organistation and generate the sort of fear factor/respect that managers should have to make sure they get the best out of their players. Too interested in being pals with the players. Do you think sourness gave a shit wether players were his pals or not.

    The man who as a player I adored as a player is completely out of his depth as a manager , and it is holding my club back as much as any off field financial matter and it is heartbreaking and painful to see if nothing else.

    I forgot all about the karaoke incident. We really need to turn the heat on him at games now. The only way is to hound him out the door !
  2. I just don't want any more risks taken.

    Rangers in my opinion are too big, and too important to just give random rookies an opportunity to practice their craft.

    All managers should start at the bottom and work their way up, as failure doesn't really impact small clubs, and if they unearth a gem of a manager they win promotion and a decent severance package when he moves on.

    If Rangers did have a reserve team in the lower leagues this would be the only way we should accept a manager promoted from within.

    Although in the interim whilst we take applications for a new boss I would have no problems with miller.

    He sure as hell couldn't do any worse than the clueless dud we have now.

    Can't argue with that. Its all pretty sad now tbh.
  3. Not disagreeing with the Ally oot brigade but just saying get rid of him is easy so if we then who do we get to replace him?

    let's be constructive rather than destructive.

    How about some realistic suggestions for the Fans Board to take to the real board.

    Stuart McCall?, Derek McIness? who the f?

    Im not saying this is the answer but even Kenny Miller could do a better job than Ally he is on the payroll and has a brain in his head unlike his boss.
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