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blue No11

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Posts posted by blue No11

  1. I seen the Easdale brothers laughing and joking with each other on tv when we were 2-0 down last night as if they had not a care in the world. Fucking sickening!

    What do the RM body language experts have to say about that?

    They also don't give a fuck about Rangers. All about the money !
  2. After last night and that display any person who loved Rangers would have said do you know what I have tried my best thats me done. But no the ARROGANCE of the man to say he is staying on is unbelievable. Fuck off Ally your a clown of a man,I once loved that guy but I have nothing but anger for the man now. Get to fuck away from our club you are destroying our football and the good name of our club !

  3. So its the day after and I will tell you this I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ALLY AT ALL. HE CAN FUCK OFF THE DISRESPECTFUL MAN. I have followed Rangers for 25 years chanted his name week in week out but no more ! Any good person/manager would have hung there heads in shame and chucked it last night,but no the Ally show goes on. On purely football matters the man is an utter disgrace and his arrogance is destroying our club. Fuck off Ally! You along with others are destroying the good name of our club.

  4. He better be gone after tonight. The mans arrogance in his post match interview is unbelievable quote "Im 100% the Rangers Manager". Ally your 100% totally disrespectful to the people who have paid your wages.. That being us lot... Go away far away from our club as your are causing us serious damage. I have lost total respect for you tonight,you should have said sorry thats the end of the road for me. But no you didn't.

  5. After that post match interview he can fuck off... I loved that guy as a player but after that interview I have lost all respect for him. He should have said thats me done. 25 years and I have never seen a team on the field like this shower of shite !

  6. lets look at the facts - we need another £8 million to see out the season and we have nothing left to leverage apart from murray park and ibrox.

    we need that £8 million and it's not forthcoming. i've no idea what the end game is but i think the easdales are hoping to sell at profit and will live hand to mouth until they can do so. the hedge funds are apparently selling up so i assume they are finalising deals with either more hedge funds or ashley to finally take us over IF we get back to the SPL this season.

    Pretty spot on .... I think !
  7. I am glad he has handed in his notice.

    Seems to like playing games with his press/media releases

    I think he is playing games for his pay off and I think the top brass in the board room are playing games for a sell off to Ashley or whoever so they can also line there pockets... Bloody mess and were all left to suffer.
  8. I've no problem with McCoist leaving like most I think he is a shite manager but resorting to calling guys like McCoist a rat have very short memories of what he has done for the club as a player and post admin. The club craves change...the fans want it the club needs to go forward.

    Ally oot.... Absolutely

    Calling him a rat does not sit well with me. Lets pass judgement after the fact and don't condemn the guy before any discussions on his future have taken place and the outcome.

    I will agree with you that Rat is a bit low. But do you know that feeling that you get when your sick of what has happened to our club and why nothing can be ever straight forward with us. Blowing off steam buddy,maybe wrong in calling him a rat but I personally feel if your not paying in to the Rangers bank account and that you hold a high position in Ibrox I automatically think your at it. I just wish we could turn a corner and see some progress on and off the field.
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