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Bheast Skelper

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Everything posted by Bheast Skelper

  1. Im glad he has walked, It gives us a chance to bring in someone better. I wish him well.

  2. They are moving on Gogzy. To their next victim. Somers and the Easdales now not flavour of the month seemingly
  3. He didn't fail in all that he is accused off. Mistakes may have been made, nobody doubts that. Why are we hemorrhaging a fortune? wage bill? mALKY murrays doing I believe. With ally being the biggest drain. Wasn't Stockbridge the ONLY full director we had at one point?
  4. YES and YES. Cant say I have seen it, unless it was the one from a few weeks ago, but I would disagree with ANYONE endorsing that prick. He is the biggest enemy our club has had in the last 2 years, and still refuses to fuck off after being told to 3 times now. And you are the failed businessman PM's ......."attack dog". ( i know, im wetting myself laughing too) so i will give you as much respect as I would give him.
  5. Get over your life...enemy no.1 PM would take ANY seat on the board. Desperate bastard of a man.
  6. 28% amongst many others. Happy? not really. But if you are in a hurry and dont want to play the Q&A game, maybe another time eh
  7. Nope, your wrong.....twice. Im not upset BS has gone. He wasnt the best we could have had, but blamed for way too much. He wasn't a failure. He was a scapegoat for those who think he was sitting in the failed businessman Paul Murrays seat. In reality, he was part of the board who saved the club. Stood strong in his post when he had to and endured vile abuse from vile people. He put Wallace in his position. Not exactly the weak FD that some make out. Im glad he has walked, It gives us a chance to bring in someone better. I wish him well.
  8. Very eloquently put Malv. In fact, those were my EXACT thoughts as I was writing.
  9. Certainly not those who are prepared to bring the club to its knees in an attempt to allow failures to step aboard.
  10. You asked a question? No, I wasn't at the AGM because I work. My vote was proxied ok Who gives a fuck how good Somers is at public speaking. If that is all you have as a reason for campaigning to get him out, you are really scraping the barrel. His jokes weren't very funny. WTF? Maybe not as funny as your comedy duo, I agree. Your argument is laughable and shows you and the followers of the failed businessman Paul Murray up for what you really are. Troublemakers. No REAL reason for hindering the club other that selfishness and gullibility on your part. Here are some questions for you, please answer. Have you seen mALKY murrays tramp like public performances? What are your views on them? What are your views on The failed businessman Paul Murray's proven lies prior to the AGM? What are your views on Dave Kings laughable prophesy that was really just a blatant lie.....ADMIN BY CHRISTMAS? NOTE TO ANY REAL RANGERS FANS OUT THERE......UKIP BEAR IS HAVING A Q&A SESSION, GET YOUR QUESTIONS FIRED INTO HIM AND LETS CHARE THESE CLOWNS WITH FACTS.
  11. Are you retarded or just deluded? oh, I see, Retarded it is then.
  12. I am with you 100% in what you say about BS. Maybe not the best FD we could have had, but no way near as bad as made out. Or guilty of most things the rebels accused him off. He stood firm in his post when we needed him to and put Wallace in place. I thank him for his work at the club and wish the guy well.
  13. No surprise that Stockbridge leaving isnt enough to keep you lot happy. Your agenda is clear as day and the support wont fall for it again. The "Rangers people" you want running our club will get nowhere near it. The failed businessman Paul Murray was shown how little support he had at the agm
  14. Aye, filmed on his knees with his head inside a certain persons beige coloured overcoat
  15. Well obviously it wasn't. I was thankful that the character of the loose mouthed drunk at the helm of the club was made public. Hopefully that video set off the alarm bells needed to get shot of him.
  16. Sadly true. Evidence of their continued support of the failed businessman Paul Murray. We really need to start shouting them down at every opportunity.
  17. Do you expect to come on to a Rangers forum and lie like that and expect nobody to ask if your fingering your sister tonight? I expect a few people will.
  18. I know. The REAL fans need to get off their lazy arses and stop these enemies now before the next campaign of lies and filth gets a foothold.
  19. Wow, arn't you gonna be fuckin beelin when Ally gets punted.
  20. Where does he sit at Ibrox? Or EVER sat?
  21. Deary fuckin me. I despair. We are NEVER gonna be allowed to move on. Who would have thought it 2 years ago when they all tried to kick us to death that we would eventually end up doing it ourselves.
  22. This Unfortunately club enemy Carsons Rhat is the cock socket of failed businessman Paul Murray and will continue to push for him to sit on our board. Sad waste of a life really.. .
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