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Bheast Skelper

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Everything posted by Bheast Skelper

  1. This cunt was also outed on an EDL website for previously supporting the killers of Drummer Lee Rigby. I hope he gets removed from life as well as his job.
  2. Unfortunately, after the last 6 months of pushing lies on here, YOUR VIEW counts for fuck all.
  3. Fucked the share price AND scared off future investment. You bastards really did do a good job on us eh.
  4. Only if it had been stolen from Freddie Mercury Though I doubt it would give her anything she doesn't already have.
  5. made me laugh. That's 28p per share, not for the entire club.
  6. Get this fuckin cunt and his ilk tae fuck. OFFICIALLY THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF FILTHY RANGERS HATERS EVER.
  7. Probably the best way to get rid of Focus, is to force them to take action against the scum. (as SuperAli is trying to do) They will eventually have them tarred as bigots and anti-cafflik, regardless of the fact that Focus will take far more action against us as they will against those bheasts.
  8. Sums things up nicely. At least it wont get deleted from here BNB
  9. Shouldn't that be the job of the RST's lawyer? oh wait..........!!
  10. Who gives a fuck if it's in the BD Why wouldn't you want as many people as possible to see this? Nobody looks in General Football and Sports. We need to get this info spread as wide as we possibly can.
  11. I know Ally is out of his depth and should walk but no need to call him names like that.
  12. 4 games in 11 days. Brilliant. I'm lookin forward to that. Thankfully we will be playing diddy teams. It might make up for the weeks of no fitbaw after Ally called off games coz Jig had a golf match on etc..
  13. Unless you are playing Rangers it seems.
  14. If you have had a shitty day or just find it difficult to fall asleep at night for any other reason, just do what I do.......... Close your eyes and imagine the slime that is mad phil the pensioner killer, spending the last few years of his short, sad life, screaming uncontrolably while trussed up in a straight jacket and slamming his face off the walls of his padded cell. Youll sleep like a baby
  15. He isn't a supporter. He is the enemy. Still trying to derail the club.
  16. If we play through the championship with Ally and his coaching team at the helm, it's a very real possibility that we wont get promoted. That would be disastrous for the club. It could eventually lead to sub 10,000 attendances again like back in the 80's. I can only hope that big changes are made by the start of next season to try and catch up with the time we have lost We need a manager who can get the most out of the good squad we already have, not playing everyone out of position to try and accommodate Ally's pals. We need a guy who can motivate. And we need someone who we can trust to spend money wisely, when that time comes.
  17. That was fuckin painful to watch, and very very embarrassing, McCoist will cost us at least 10,000 season ticket sales if he is still here for next season.
  18. Its reeking of criminal activity and fraud. Surely they should be made to pay back all champions league prize money, and have titles stripped from their records. Can you imagine the feelgood factor that would create for us bears.
  19. Great work by those involved in gathering this info together. Keep it up lads. This summer, the eyes of the worlds media will be on this corrupt little hole. Maybe we should get organized and use that fact to highlight this. A few well chosen banners etc. (Also give the sos something to do.) It might just get the English media interested enough to run with it.
  20. Survival. They have almost squeezed all they can from our story. Printed as many lies as the bheasts who fund them have a stomach to read. It is almost at the end game for the printed mhedia. They can no longer afford to turn their backs on news stories that can keep them afloat for a cpl of years. Just as they did all they can to bring us down because it kept their circulation figures up, They will be forced to do likewise with the scum when the time comes. It may need the removal and replacement of some editors and journos, but it will happen, soon.
  21. I agree with 1st_Jan. Almost all of them were amongst the cream of the spl when we signed them. And you can include Bell and Wallace in there too. There is something wrong with the management team if they cant put these guys out on the park to impress in the 3rd tier of Scottish Fitbaw. Coisty was a footballing hero when I grew up. Boyhood idol etc, but he is not the guy who can take us back to the top of league 1.
  22. Very well put Swally. You're a modern day philosopher
  23. He'd be a great replacement. I think Solskjaer will manage an English premiership club by the start of next season, if not before. Very highly rated young manager. His name was mentioned a couple of times for the Cardiff job that was to be vacated by Malky McKay recently, However, that seems to have hit the skids.......for a week or two.
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