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Posts posted by davy1shoe

  1. While we're on the subject of obsessed inbred peados from the east. Heres what the bold Jim White had to say to some of them sending him messages obsessing over a club they say is "dead".


    I've said this story before in Rangersmedia before.

    Worked in Jim's dad's house years and years ago fitting carpets , his dad told me that he would go to games with Jim ( before Sky when he worked in Scotland) and would get spat on coming out the Glitterdome by the nasty mob.

  2. I have had since the Scumbag Shyte was at the club.

    Cancelled when all the so called improvements never happend.

    Green came in RTV got better but still no live scoreboard or time on screen , emailed them about it next game it was back on screen.

    Need to renew my pass might wait till new players can play as is poke my eyes out with games like Forfar.

  3. From The Scotsman.

    I smell bullshit.

    Birch dismissed a suggestion Hearts had been dealt with leniently in comparison to Rangers, who were fined £50,000 last year for going into administration. Rangers put a statement up on their website last night from chief executive Craig Mather, expressing surprise at “glaring differences in the sanctions” and he says he could “understand rising anger” among Ibrox fans.

    But Birch insisted: “Each situation is different, so I think with the extension of the embargo we have been dealt with in relatively the same manner. Hearts supporters will be disappointed by the extension of the player embargo, but of course it won’t prevent us signing players who are out of contract. It’s not ideal, but those are the cards we have been dealt and we have to get on with it. I appreciate SFA rules state clubs in administration will face sanctions, but Hearts have already had a points deduction and player embargo and it feels like we’re being penalised twice.”

  4. I want to believe they are in debt but they made over 30million last year and have banked over 12 mill and possibly more with the pending sale of another player and the season hasn't even started yet. Any notion of them in debt is fantasy.

    Ok can I just say this once and once only.

    Does this club not pay tax ???


    Theres at least 40% tax coming off it , you sound like that lying cunt Davy that always lying on Snyde about this tax free club.

  5. South American Football - Referee beheaded by fans for killing player - Yahoo! Eurosport UK

    The barely believable incident happened in Maranhao, Brazil, last Sunday.

    According to reports in Brazil, referee Otavio Jordao da Silva (20) fatally stabbed footballer Josenir dos Santos Abreu (30) during a heated moment of a match.

    Santos Abreu is believed to have argued and then struck the referee after being unhappy with a decision.

    It is believed the referee was carrying a knife throughout the match and fatally stabbed the player in retaliation.

    Santos Abreu was rushed to hospital but died from injuries on the way.

    Outraged by the incident, some spectators then apparently decided to inflict a gruesome revenge on the referee.

    According to reports, the referee was tied up, beaten, stoned and quartered. They then put his head on a stake and planted it in the middle of the pitch.

    One man, Luiz Moraes de Souza, 27, has been arrested over the incident. He has admitted to assaulting the referee but denied killing the man. Police are searching for two more suspects.

    They are currently viewing video footage of the incident filmed by a witness with a mobile phone.

    In a statement, the regional delegate of Santa Ines, Valter Costa, who is looking after the case, said: "One crime never justifies another crime. Actions likes this do not collaborate with the legality of state law."

  6. Ive heard that offered quote at £10 million and £12 million - either way thats alot of dough they have forfeited - especially when you consider Educator's point - the best legal brains in the country were suggesting it would go in Rangers favour- 60/40 in our favour was the one I remember reading.

    I do think there is dark forces in all of this with the Money Vodaphone Starbucks Amazon walk away from by having a mailing address in another country.

    If theres companys to go after go after these as thats total going out of the way to avoid tax ,Rangers paid tax just not as much as HMRC wanted but these companys try and get away with paying next to nothing.

  7. Were (as it stands) HMRC entitled to the monies they were claiming....NO... they are appealing right enough but as it stands it was not their money to chase.

    So again without this claim which was wrong and given the end result fraudulent do you think Whyte would have been the preferred (only) bidder for the club?.

    Look if we had simply paid the 49 mill or whatever it was to HMRC that would have been fraud....would it not....

    Bullshit , HMRC change the rules after that fact that in any other world would not be on.

    Murray offered money at the start years ago but they wanted way more.

    HMRC caused all of this trying to rob us.

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