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Posts posted by teddybears1872

  1. I would allow warburton to end of season, without any new signings, I would be looking for a new manager come next season,With all available funds waiting for them, We are in a serious fight for second place, I think we will just get there, spare point or 3 at most.

  2. Tax avoidance schemes are everywhere,Nearly all the rich and famous have used some sort of avoidance scheme, Even Tony Blair and David Beckham use them, The HMRC just seem to be picking on those who they suspect owe them a couple million,While leaving the companies who owe billions alone. They seem to be picking cases where the person in most cases will just go bankrupt,.  The HMRC needs to rewrite the rulebook. 


  3. I am not German,Nor do I have any connections to nazi Germany, Also I am not in any form linked to any orange hall's etc,  But I have been  called a H** and orange bastard on a few occasions,   I can only respond by saying I am scottish and proud, And I have a father, Also get your eyes tested for colour blindness as I am White.



  4. Can't stand it when the vaper, Blows a cloud in your face, happens quite a lot these days, But they do give off a nice scent sometimes, Can see why a lot of kids are all vaping instead of getting stoned these days. A bit like when I got my mum to buy hooch as a kid saying it was apple juice.vaping appeals to the young gen.

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