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Blue Blooded

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Posts posted by Blue Blooded

  1. 10 hours ago, cp9 said:

    Everything that's wrong with some people in this country. It reeks of cutting your nose off to spite your face. 'I would never vote Tory even if they were clearly the best party with the best policies only because their Tory'

    its the same nonsense the SNP come out with, so singular and dogmatic in their approach that they do more harm than good. 

    You couldn't be more wrong. It has nothing to do with cutting off my nose to spite my face, I fundamentally disagree with their  policies. I am not an out and out socialist, but yes, I am left of centre.
    I could never vote for such selfish policies. I support people who support people.  

  2. On 8/2/2017 at 7:15 PM, keithgersbear said:

    The Unions had far too much control, consistently bringing the country to a halt, Argentinian aggression, PIRA terrorists, economy in the gutter, you should look at the GDP growth since the war to when she left. You will see a huge rise from the mess she inherited. Manufacturing suffered but the complaints about the closing of the pits is more of an emotional argument as people lost jobs which is bad.


    But the closing of the pits was inevitable. 

    I will let it go mate. I disagree, but fair enough.

  3. 4 hours ago, keithgersbear said:

    The country would not have turned around naturally under Labour policies. The country was a basket case. 

    Yes it would have. Our GDP when she came in was x, and by the year she left in 1990, it had gone up 236%. In the same time period, Italy, who were behind us when she took over, were ahead of us, and had increased their GDP by 299%.  France and Germany both pulled away in terms of GDP, but not in terms of percentages.

    Don't tell me her she turned the country around. None of those other countries had monetarist policies, but in her 11 years, they still all out performed us! And she sold off all of the family silver, and the oil and gas, and came out with nothing the others didn't have.

    France had a socialist government during this period,  None of those other major countries endured as high unemployment as the UK, so don't tell me tossing millions of people on the dole to reduce inflation, was the only method available, because it is clearly not.

  4. 1 hour ago, keithgersbear said:

    She went to war and actually won a successful war, took on the PIRA and killed many of them, turned the country around. Great PM.

    Went to war! lol. She went from being absolutely despised to being a hero for beating off a Latin American junta. The Argies done her the biggest favour possible, giving her the opportunity to 'lead' us in battle, lapped up by the pro Tory rags like the Mail and the Sun.

    As for the IRA, well that was standard fare for all PMs from 69 onwards. She did nothing out of the ordinary on that front. 

    Was Tony Blair a great PM for leading us into battle? 

    The country would have turned around naturally. Monetarist policies were not the only policies capable of bringing inflation under control! That was all she cared about, inflation.

  5. 35 minutes ago, With Heart and Hand said:

    So because you disagreed with her policies that makes her a psychopath? :lol: this is why I don't like debating left wing nutters

    Maybe you should realise you are not the most important person in the world, you're not really important at all you are insignificant, and there are plenty of people across the globe who have remarkably different political views than you do, instead of getting pissed off and calling folk psychopaths why don't you realize it's all part of democracy and do something to change it, like giving reasons why you are on the other side instead of calling folk cunts and psychos, it totally makes your side of the argument irrelevant and insults your own intelligence and everyone elses

    This is the difference, between the left and the right in this country, the right lose an election and they get sad, the left lose and election and they get angry

    She was a psychopath because she did not care about the outcome of her policies. She displayed no empathy whatsoever. She was a crackpot. It mattered not a jot how many people's lives she ruined.

    This is not a left v right thing for me, this is making sure that bitch is never revered publicly by the people of Britain. I would never myself vote Tory, but I have no such hatred for John Major, or David Cameron. I disagree with their politics, but that is all...she was different. She was a robot.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Frank Harrison said:

    The ethnicity.

    No, I don't believe that mate. I just need to wander around any town centre full of lard asses and numpties, and then go to any hospital to find all the doctors and consultants are from former colonies! We are all pretty equal around the world when it comes to intelligence etc among different peoples/cultures, but some are prevented from expressing their intelligence by the restraints of religion.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Frank Harrison said:

    You were saying muslims haven't evolved, we all know what you meant by that.

    No, I am saying Islam hasn't evolved. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    What I meant was that 100/200/300 years ago, people were still slaughtering each other in the name of Christianity, denying evolution, condemning those that did not believe etc...in the same way the extreme factions of Islam act now. 

  8. 3 hours ago, keithgersbear said:

    The last one with a spine!

    She was a psychopath. I'd like to hear you refer to her as such if your father was put on the scrapheap with no job or self esteem or prospects so that the middle and upper class could add to their portfolios via the denationalisation of BP, British Rail, British Gas and numerous others. 
    She did not give a single fuck for anyone other than herself and her cronies. She was ruthless, without compassion and is completely misunderstood bu idiots who actually think she put the country back on its feet. Without squandering the enormous revenues from North Sea oil and gas, she could never have got away with her policies. Granted British Rail in particular was a big loss maker, but it could have been turned around without handing billions to that cunt Branson. Same with the rest of the national treasures she sold off to finance her horrendous policies.


  9. 4 hours ago, bluenose_n1 said:

    There is a diffference between muslims and Islamic extremist

    i never said anything about everyday muslims

    but get rid of them all


    Well that's a step in the right direction, but your last line is unfortunate.

    They are only people mate, misdirected and brainwashed in the same way Christians are. Albeit, they are a hundred years or so behind in their development/evolution! 


  10. 5 hours ago, Domthenbud said:

    I am in no way a supporter or detractor of Islam caus I don't understand it. I do though have a great fear of it because of the way the bad side of it is progressing and the varying tactics being used to kill people, apparently in the name of Islam or it's great leader. Now my big problem is sharia law. Is sharia law the law of the bad bastards who are responsible for the attrocities around the globe or is sharia law obeyed by all Muslims incl our local shopkeepers etc. The reason I ask is that with current birth rates, I am told, will inevitably create a Muslim government in the not too distant future and I want no part of it for my family.

    Mate, in the 19th century, they predicted by x amount of years, New York would be x feet deep in horse shit!!!

  11. 24 minutes ago, bluenose_n1 said:

    But it's not the next generation that's blowing fucking wee lassies up after a pop concert ya fucking balloon

    zero tolerance is the only fix 

    known provos were picked off and held under internment and then deported out the country or even jailed 

    fuck sake you couldn't even be Irish when the provos were bombing mainland U.K. Without getting arrested so how is it these fucking cunts can stand in town centres up and down the country and spout there hatred for all things British 

    you think Maggie thatcher would be allowing these fuckers the chance to blow up weans 

    not a fucking chance

    time to send the bigs boys in to sort these fuckers out

    have the sas drag a few out there fucking mosques and see how the rest react


    lol. I knew I should have stayed out of this! 


    Send the Big boys in! :mutley:  Drag them out their mosques to see how the other 3 million react. Aye, that would work!!!!

    P.S. Maggie Thatcher was a thug and an inhuman bitch from hell who cared more about inflation than people's lives. Ends justify the means was her mentality!.

    Referring to  "blowing fucking wee lassies up after a pop concert" is a cheap way to try and win an argument. It goes without saying how wrong that was, but do you have the same emotions when you hear about the 1 million (5% of the population) Iraqis who have died since we got involved with Bush in the Iraq wars? Men, women and children, not to mention the millions injured or displaced, and that is just Iraq, I haven't even started on Syria, of Gaza, or Afghanistan, or Yemen. All of whom died or suffered as a direct or indirect action by our government and its allies over the last 25 years. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Frank Harrison said:

    I didn't say he had any real merits, he's just one man highlighting something he thinks is wrong, I don't see how anyone could disagree with him when it comes to things like extremism? Personally I like the guy and think he talks a lot of sense, if you don't that's fine, each to their own. To say that anyone who agrees with his views is uneducated/ignorant is ignorance in the extreme and really arrogant. 

    What are his aims? How is he going about achieving those aims? Forming far right groups and pointing the finger at muslims, and the Koran etc, does nothing but increase tensions. Most muslims are just ordinary people who get on with their lives and spend a little time praying to their god, same as the Christians do. They are not radical, or radicalised, but when people fan the flames at street level, it forces people into taking sides, and if you are a peace loving muslim going about your life, and are confronted by idiots who want to target you simply because of your beliefs, then you are automatically going to adopt a siege mentality. Ie we will only create more radicals.

    Everyone with a brain is against radical Islam, but to prevent new young people being drawn to these poisonous beliefs, you have to do it from the top, not from the bottom. Our government allows and turns a blind eye to the funding of these madrasas as we are more interested in selling arms to the Gulf, keeping onside with them to prevent them allying with China or Russia. Our ministers and their sponsors will continue taking sweeties from multi national companies for as long as we do nothing about it. What is the point in demonstrating about banning the burqa? All it does is make the demonstrators feel big and important, and probably imprisons a few more women from muslim societies who will no longer be allowed out by their husbands. It is too late for them....you have to focus on the next generation, and that means disassociating ourselves from alliances in the Gulf, cutting their funding, banning their funding.

    That won't happen though will it? Not while the oil is still there! Not while Britain wants to continue with its power trip.


  13. 2 minutes ago, Frank Harrison said:

    The irony of that is staggering. 

    Well when you recover from your staggering about, maybe you could go into detail about the merits of Tommy, his aims and his methods to achieve those aims, and maybe you will convert me into a follower! 

  14. On 7/30/2017 at 3:23 PM, With Heart and Hand said:

    Care to elaborate? What about sharing his views makes one ignorant or uneducated? If his opinions are racist or bigoted then can you please provide examples? It's seems you are the ignorant one to claim that a significant percentage of the population is ignorant or uneducated by opposing radical Islam and wanting stricter rules on immigration

    You'll likely bury your head in the sand and ignore this post but it would be nice if you at least backed up your comments 

    He is doing nothing positive to achieve his aims. He is merely creating disharmony and division among communities, or indeed further dividing those communities at ground level, ie, where your average man/woman on the street will suffer. He is basically pointing the finger at the junkies, rather than tackling those at the top who import and distribute the drugs.

    If he really wants to do something about radical Islam in this country, he should be spending more time demonstrating against our own government regarding its links with the Gulf states, who are the main sponsors of the poisonous Wahhabism preached in the mosques he targets. Our own government turns a blind eye, (and has done for decades)to the money rolling in to this country to fund these extreme schools and mosques. 

    I can't stand Islam myself, but frightening people on both sides of a divide, will not bring about peace, but only further alienate people from one another.It is too late to tackle those already under the spell, to achieve his aims, he should be focussing on prevention of the next generation of Wahhabists coming through. 

  15. 8 minutes ago, 6superbarry6 said:

    I'm guessing you're a liberal leftie then? there's just turn a blind eye while the goatshaggers attempt to turn the UK into an Islamic state,treat women as second class citizens,systematically groom and rape young white women and threaten our national security,it's the bury the head in the sand liberals like you who are the morons.

    Believe it or not, it doesn't have to be the extreme outlook you offer, or the extreme alternative. I am very much anti Islam mate, but I am not anti muslims. 

    The scenario you portray will never happen, but clowns like Robinson live and feed off the fears of the ignorant and poisonous. I hope you grow out of this attitude and realise the truth in time.


  16. 10 hours ago, 6superbarry6 said:

    Love Tommy Robinson,fuck ISIS and the IRA 

    Tommy Robinson is a complete moron, and anyone who supports him or his views is either of the same ilk, or just plainly ignorant, uneducated or stupid in the extreme.
    That all said, those who attempted to play crusaders were every bit as bad if not worse.


  17. 2 hours ago, dummiesoot said:

    I have had the Seve discussion with others at work, he did drive poorly, but Seve got out of some shocking positions to Scramble a par or birdie by being the best escapologist golf has ever seen. Speith drives poorly but get the breaks to get some of the most outrageously good lies I have ever seen, consistently. 

    His putting is tremendous.

    Do yourself a favour and Google Billy Fosters story about Seve's shot at the Swiss masters if you haven't already seen it. Seve was a genius, Speith isn't.

    Seve is/was my idol in golfing terms mate.Seen everything there is to see about him. Loved the guy, and was there to see his swashbuckling win at St.A in 84.

    Honestly mate, I am not Spieths biggest fan, but the guy has something special. Regardless of how he got out of the 13th with a bogey, the worst that would have happened was a double bogey...people are overdoing that aspect of it. The bottom line is the minute he lost the lead, he went crazy, and in years to come I am sure people will be a lot more generous to the lad than they seem to be at present. It was a sensational finish.

  18. On 7/24/2017 at 5:52 PM, dummiesoot said:

    His putting is a huge difference that and his ability to get 'the odd' lucky break.

    Take nothing away from the finish but his driving accuracy was that bad he should not have been in the hunt if he got some of the lies his shite driving deserved over the 4 days.

    His driving was poor, but so was Seve's. It is the number on the card that matters. 

  19. On 7/23/2017 at 10:41 PM, Gaz52 said:

    No disrespect to Kuchar - but had it been a Dustin Johnson or an in form Rory Mcilroy then I think they would have kicked on and won it

    I think that is just conjecture. Dustin Johnson had a shorter than 10 ft putt to with the US Open, 2 to get in a playoff, and 3 putted!!!

    Kuchar still managed to be under par on the day, and gave it his best. 

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