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Posts posted by Rangersfansmediawatch

  1. 16 hours ago, Dlydon81 said:

    Honest question, do you work at Ibrox?  I think you show good insight into what would be required to rectify some of the issues.  

    i take the point that we need to prioritise spending but the harsh reality is that we have so little spare cash that it isn't at all obvious where the boards spending priorities lie!

    Some guys on here blame the stadium repairs for no investment in the team but we don't see the stadium getting any better.  Conversely, we need to invest in the team rather than do major repair work but we are shopping in the loan market/free transfer market.  It's tough whatever way we look at it at the moment.

    I pray we clear the legacy issues in 2017 and then can finally move forward properly!


    No mate i don't work in Ibrox, I know a few people who do and when speaking to them in general just ask how the work is coming along.

    Totally agree with everything else you say, We are caught in a situation between the devil and the deep blue sea or a catch 22 situation, Do we spend what little we have on stadium repairs or bringing in players and ignoring the stadium.

    We simply don't have the cash to do both at the same time, In normal circumstances a club would either have the infrastructure in place and needing to sign better players or have a decent team and having to spend money on their stadium, Because most of the stadium has been neglected in some way or the other it makes it even more difficult that we also need better quality players and at the same time juggling about the money we do have.

    I also think people go overboard when describing the state of the stadium, But what they forget is most of it is just visual and needing no more than a good tidy up, Imagine you neglected your own house and hadn't painted or papered it for a few years and how poor it would look, You then get people in and within a couple of weeks it looks fantastic.. Imagine doing the same to something on the scale around 1000th the scale of your house with the added problem of the huge heights involved also and you can see the vast difference along with obvious huge costs and see just how difficult the job is.

    Can't remember if it was Green who said it, But at the time the cost of doing the exterior was estimated to be around £6m but unsure what that involved doing as it seems a lot of money.

    I don't know why we also stopped cleaning around the concrete at the Copland and Broomloan stands as it was looking much better with the grime removed, Ibrox needs nothing more than a makeover and a bit of paint and a general clean up, Along with doing something with the cladding behind the stands,It's brown and looks horrible now but there is a lot of it to replace.

    Despite Ibrox needing a good makeover, It's still one of the best looking stadiums in Europe without a doubt and solidly built.

  2. 11 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

    Can see wooden railing running pitchwards to the left, like the panelling that runs round the directors box.

    Pretty sure that's angle would be roughly the directors box it was taken from.

    Makes sense given there's a couple of them doing it.

    Think you've got this one wrong.

    It's not just Rangers fans who get a seat in the directors box, Given it's on the left hand side more than likely it will be guests and officials from the unwashed sitting there.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

    Fuck all been done to the stadium. 

    Cause a couple a tradesmen walk around wae a paintbrush n a couple a screwdrivers is embarrassing. 

    The white structure at the top of the main stand still ain't been touched. 

    The bricks around the stadium are still bogging. 

    Paper mache flags on the broomloan are already in tatters. 

    The toilets are still a total disgrace. 

    Hundreds offered and were all rejected in favour of the boards pals. 

    Exactly why old Dougie got the bus contract. 

    The guy you refer to with the paintbrush is doing a very good job given he's on his own doing work that was neglected for years and speaking to him he won't be short of work for a substantial period, I'd rather we are employing someone full time rather than subcontract the work and be shafted by them.

    The downside also of having a facade as lovely as ours is it's a listed building and harder to maintain if repairs are needed due to permissions required and things having to be carefully removed and replaced.

    The beam on the top of the main stand isn't a case of a couple of guys with a bucket and sponge, There is the health and safety element and if you have seen pictures of the top of the main stand roof the beam is still a fair height above when standing next to it, I would assume it would be far from an easy job and although it's just cleaning it,It would be pretty expensive perhaps running into the thousands.

    I agree with what you say about the flags, But the holes they cover were part of the way the stands were built and i can't think of anything else apart from bricking them up, Which again would be rather expensive.

    There have been a lot of complaints about the toilets and it's something they need to sort.

    On your point about hundreds of tradesmen offering work free gratis, The club can't have hundreds of people walking around the stadium for obvious reasons, But they could have took up offers from some to improve the cosmetic things that need attention, They have took up offers previously a few years ago when quite a lot of the pipes burst in the main stand and i know personally two plumbers who gave up their own time because the situation was pretty bad.

    Then again when the club have their own card displays they don't seem to have any problems with people walking around or indeed health and safety issues when they ask for volunteers to help set them up... Figure that one out. 

    There is a lot of work needing done some more of a priority than others and will take a long time and loads of money to rectify.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Theulstervolunteer said:

    Is it not worth anything anymore that these were the guys who purchased the shares and are still fighting court cases against others investors who saught to drain as much money as possible from our club? The only real option we had to vote for to rid ourselves of the bastards who were stealing from us since  the summer of 2011? I understand the frustration at seemingly current lack of investment but we cut our losses by 50% in last year we are back in the premier league we have a new management team and brought in 20odd players and staff in the last 21months......we no doubt need better product on the park as this squad are not good enough but let's at least give them til may to see where we are before we start absolutely slating them at every turn .....as for the "Rangers men" label that is nonsense they may be Rangers fans but it's impossible to be a passionate fan travelling the length of the country every year and be a successful millionaire business man at the same time... you won't find that anywhere in life. They ...wether you like them or not are the best we can get ATM.

    Who on the board with the exception of King are millionaires ?

    The simple thing wrong with most Rangers supporters are two words, Impatience and frustration.

    The club was left in a total mess both on and off the pitch,Exterior and interior of the stadium was severely neglected and our playing squad was decimated to the extent on our travels through the leagues we were still paying stupid amounts of cash for nothing more than very average players and in some cases trebling their wages.

    All said it's my opinion that if most people were honest they would admit that everything can't be done overnight rather than continuing to blame the board for everything to cover simply their own impatience and frustration.

    We are all frustrated but nobody is going to wave a magic wand and hand us millions of pounds, Nor is some sugar daddy from the Arab states suddenly deciding he loves Rangers.

    I'm not the biggest fan of the board,But i think if i'm being totally honest it's out of pure frustration and impatience and going through the last four years of negative publicity about the club that sees me this way.

    We all long for the day we are back challenging,Have a great team and money coming into the club and all the legal stuff dealt with and our retail deal back where it belongs,In our hands.

    Patience is a virtue, But doesn't apply to Rangers fans who have went through hell and back in the last few years, Most of us looking back would have thought four years on from admin we would be in a far better place, There was a lot of damage done in those four years and it's still going on to this day from a legal perspective.

    Rome and it's history wasn't built in a day.. Neither were Rangers and our proud history.

  5. 4 hours ago, Virtuoso said:

    I don't understand why we're wanting a player with an inherent / genetic knee injury that can't be fixed. Every time he fucks his ligament, it's simply an operation to fix the damage - the under lying issue is always there.

    Didn't stop him playing for Birmingham and being voted their player of the year from both players and fans.

    Then again it would be a shocker if we signed a player with known knee problems.

    I'll also confess to never had heard of him, But looking at one of the usual youtube vids he looks a very good player on his day, But not getting a game for a very poor Spanish team for most of his loan deal is worrying, But then again if he was playing and was a standout he wouldn't be going to Rangers, So perhaps him not really being on the radar and attracting attention is good for us and maybe just maybe, He will come good for us and be eyeopening how passionate our fans are and give him a huge confidence boost.  


  6. Say you had £20m to spend and you could spend it on the stadium or players, But couldn't spend it on both.. What what you spend it on ?

    The stadium has been neglected for years,Needs loads of work done and could do with being perhaps upgraded, If it was to be ignored then in a few years it would cost twice the amount.

    The playing squad is average and in order to challenge for the title the squad needed an injection of far better quality and a figure of £20m would see a team of far better quality with the ability to challenge for the title and also raise our profile and be more attractive to outside investment, Don't spend it on the squad and we remain an average team fighting for second place for the foreseeable future with the risk of our attendances dropping and losing income.

    So what would you spend it on ?

  7. 17 hours ago, zanderbear said:

    Look both sides of the 'Old Firm'  think the media is all for the other side and all against them, if you believe this is the case, then your either uneducated and believe in dogma (what others tell you to believe in), paranoid or both.

    Bit of a hypocrite aren't you.  You just told a poster above that accused you of being one of the unwashed, That you had an opinion.

    I wrote my own opinion of the media and because you don't agree with it, i and anyone else who thinks the same are uneducated and paranoid because you don't agree with it.

    As i said your a hypocrite.

  8. That's a much better read than the previous one and spot on with a lot of what they say.

    Social media is fast becoming like Custers last stand for Rangers supporters, The mere mention of anything negative about the unwashed soon sees your tweet re-tweeted and suddenly surrounded from all sides by the unwashed and nat unwashed bullying and throwing abuse in your direction.

    The official twitter feeds of Scottish newspapers has also seen a rise in abuse towards them if they dare say anything out of place and some of the abuse is quite disgusting towards certain journos like Matt Lindsay of the Evening times.

    The media in this country are simply shit scared to say anything wrong about the unwashed and are quite happy to print nothing but negativity about Rangers, Knowing they will never get the same abuse from Rangers fans.

    You only have to look no further than the child abuse scandal in British football and see the difference in reporting from the English media compared to the Scottish media who still refuse to investigate the cover up of child abuse at Celtc.

    It's not also about tit for tat, Rangers fans merely request a level playing field when reporting about both clubs, Rangers are the worlds most successful football club based in a country where their own media hates them with a passion, So bad in fact they have written three story's in a few days from three different ex Rangers players about a manager from 10yrs ago and printed story's about Rangers employees wage structures... Scraping the bottom of the barrel because they have nothing to write.

  9. Where has this all came from in the last few days ? That's now 3 story's in a few days about a manager from 10yrs ago and Gavin Rae sticking his oar in now.

    Looks like the media are running out of bad news story's about Rangers and scraping the barrel with this nonsense.  

  10. I've seen plenty of people asking why they never show accounts or where the money has been spent and anyone asking is usually pointed to a website that doesn't get updated nor shows the information asked for or at worst they ban people for asking pertinent questions they are entitled to ask.

    I also thought that committees had to be re-elected after a certain time by vote and where money is involved Dingwall won't be far away, Strange that he is like the preverbial fly round shite when dealing with supporters money.

    Has anyone ever seen any minutes from any of these meetings they have had ? Try asking for them and see the nonsense you get hit with.

    From the minute this RFFF first raised it's head,Those involved were falling over themselves,Posting in all the Rangers forums telling people how to donate and were more than happy to answer any questions.. Fast forward and any questions are ignored and minutes of meetings are non existent.

    I will give you one guess who's job it is on this committee to supply these minutes of these meetings.. Quite a rounded chap with an ego the size of king kong''s balls and who beats up little boys for selling their own fanzine on his patch.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Orange Persson said:

    The thing against him is that he has his fist clenched on both forward and backward movement of his arm. 

    I've watched all the replays from different angles and you can't tell whether it was a push with his hand or a punch, Most people getting punched in the stomach would find it quite painful, But the Hamilton player seemed to be not affected in the slightest.

    The Hamilton player also running to the media saying "he should get done" and trying to get his own player involved by claiming he saw it and witnessed it is pretty pathetic.. His own player he tried to get involved simply said in reply "These things happen in football".

    Tv evidence is totally inconclusive, Yet Kiernan get's offered a 2 match ban based on the same evidence that proves nothing, So regardless he get's a 2 match ban.

    Where is Dembele's 2 match ban for his arm smash into Hill's face where indeed the evidence is indeed conclusive or Browns laughable dive to try and con the referee while on a booking.

  12. 2 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

    Are you buying or selling?  Would the asbestos issue make the costs of renovation prohibitive?

    I am sure there were loads of buildings from that era with asbestos that have been renovated and I thought @thebooler had uncovered some plans related to Ed house.  

    Most buildings from that era contain asbestos in one form or another, It's use is mostly to stop fire from spreading and slowing it right down, Any multistory flats built in the 60's were absolutely full of asbestos in pipe lagging,boiler jackets,bath panels and in interior walls(false walls).

    It's absolutely harmless if not disturbed, But more often than not people haven't a clue if there is asbestos there and drill into it or knock walls down,You still see a lot of very old garden sheds with corrugated asbestos roofing.

    Edmiston house has quite a lot of it within wall panels and roofing and insulation which may also contain it,You don't have to remove it to refurbish a building and can work round it as long as you don't disturb it by breaking it apart, But as an aside,If Rangers wanted to knock Edmiston house down and rebuild something else,All the asbestos would have to be removed before demolition because of the dangers of the dust from it.

    Ibrox primary believe it or not has a lot of asbestos in the school but it's still used every day by all the kids and teachers, The council have marked in the school were the asbestos is and as long as it's not disturbed it's fine.

    It's also extremely expensive to have it removed even in small amounts due to the danger to the people removing it along with the disposal of it.

  13. Pure and simply Rangers are the only team in Scottish football who can challenge the unwashed, Why the media in this country constantly tell us we're light years away from them and will struggle to catch them and if they keep getting the champions league money they will be the untouchables.

    Why ? Given Scottish football is absolutely transgressing at a frightening pace, No team outwith Rangers or the mankies has won the title for nearly 30yrs, Why all the negativity about the only club that can challenge them, Why would a tosser like Sutton given he knows how bad Scottish football is, Then claim that celtc should put us down and finish us off... That would mean no competition at all and we may as well all turn the lights off and resign from the league.

    If everything was reversed and the unwashed had went through what Rangers went through, Along with next to no income from sponsorship,No retail money and lost all their best players and their fans would have deserted their club in droves unlike the Rangers fans who set world record attendances in the lower leagues.

    If all of the above happened to them, Would they win the league with spending less than £3m, Of course they wouldn't.

  14. If the club are saying his injury is "Private", To me that means personal issues in his private life.

    Could mean a number of things from struggling to adapt and missing his family,Some players can also get very down due to constant niggling injuries and Jordan might be suffering some sort of depression which is a difficult illness to cope with.

    Whatever's wrong with him we all hope he makes a speedy and full recovery and look forward to him pulling on that blue shirt again.

    Get well soon Jordan. 

  15. We now employ on a full time basis a painter/decorator and a plumber,I spoke to the painter chap and he told me quite a lot has been done but still plenty of work still to do but not anywhere as bad as the usual suspects on social media would have you believe.

    It's mostly cosmetic work needing done and in layman's terms that's just a general tidy up after years of neglect.

    Problem is that most people don't actually see the work that's being done and mostly concentrate on the exterior of the stadium which costs far more money than a few rolls of wallpaper and a few tins of paint.

    Guys doing the work are doing a good job given the resources they have.

  16. 44 minutes ago, dogtanian said:

    Rumoured to be the next Steven Gerrard and future england captain if the hype is to be believed unfortunately neither play football anymore ?

    I couldn't care less who he's rumoured to be, Once he get's over his injury problems,Pulls on the famous blue jersey and gives 100% that will do for me,He's a smashing young player and plays for The Rangers.

  17. 2 hours ago, Davhow said:

    When I didn't see it mentioned I thought I had been hearing things!

    Absolute joke for the media to write they don't know what end it came from, why would any bear disrupt our own silence!

    We did disrupt our own silence by rising to the unwashed cretin who shouted.

    No point sitting there pretending it didn't happen.It did.

    As myself and plenty of others stated on here even before the game, They should have been ignored totally and our fans wouldn't have been part of the headline,We have morons in our support also. 

  18. 4 hours ago, jcb said:

    To claim that Pat Bonner can barely conceal his hatred for us is nonsense.

    Anyone who has had a conversation with him will tell you he is a absolute gentleman who has many good things to say re -both past & current Rangers players.

    Sutton on the other hand is typical of what passes as journalism/punditry in Scotland today. His double act with Terry Butcher is pathetic and does nothing for BT Sport.

    Tend to agree with what you say about Bonner,I've never heard him say anything really bad and more often than not comes across as someone who has no bias with Rangers.

    It's quite a bizarre read and although Sutton should have considered his words a bit more carefully given the time of year for Rangers fans,I also think Sutton's piece would have been written days before Saturdays game.

    He's still a cock though

  19. 6 hours ago, DBBTB said:

    Why has this whole "our spending means we should be beating everybody bar celtic" become such a go to argument now?

    It was something I hardly ever seen posted on here before we went into administration and now it's constantly used as a go to arguement every single time we have a bad result.

    I understood people using it when we were in the lower leagues but it's almhost like people have forgotton, or they just choose to ignore, that there were times when we couldn't beat shite SPL teams with squads and teams that were far more expensively assembled and had far more quality than the team we have now.

    Annan and Stirling both beat us at Ibrox and would be eye opening to see the difference in budgets.

    I completely agree that more money spent doesn't equate to being untouchable from a football point,You only also have to look at the billions the unwashed have to prove a point when they were knocked out of a cup on their own ground by Morton.

    Even the super teams of Europe despite the huge amounts spent can be beaten by teams with far less money.

    Money doesn't always grant you success,But it sure helps to ensure in most games you will win. 

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