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Posts posted by BsongoBear

  1. 11 hours ago, RFCRobertson said:

    A discussion has been had between @Lloyd72 and a few others including myself.

    We've came to the agreement that you are a taig. 

    Okay well that makes my continued posting on this site untenable, so this is the final one. But it doesn't change what I've said about our club since coming here; that we are losing money and continuing to wish for 'investment' is just a pipe dream. Lean years, which should have started in 2012, are now being forced on us. Now is the time to really pull together and support the board because Plan B is a Grimm fairy tale that has Mike Ashley on the final page.

  2. The tims are financially over the horizon. There is no 'chase' - even £20 million (fees + wages) probably wouldn't guarantee a serious title challenge much less Champions League money. So why gamble/waste £20 million if there's no possible return? There's no chance the new manager will get any significant money, not while they're strong and have rodgers in charge, it would just be chucking money away. If King et al DO have money then they'll wait until the odds are a bit better; until then we'll be operating on a shoestring (relative to celtic) and aiming to consolidate second place and financial stability. Any new manager/DoF will know this.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Gandalf007 said:

    I reckon a good manager would make us more competitive and difficult to beat unlike what we are at present; think we'll get someone in next week, not sure who though, any ideas?

    Pfff...not a clue. If we need more director loans, and there's a payout due to previous management team, then I'm really not sure the board will sanction money for a big name manager before season ticket renewal

  4. 10 minutes ago, Hilly86 said:

    Fair enough, I think we'll have to agree to disagree about RM being of any significance to the playing squad, or that forcing ourselves to find positives does anything.

    Just going with the notion that they do get to know about negativity, are you suggesting that this hinders them from playing well or putting in more effort? I completely agree that criticisms can be over the top, but if that's enough to impact on our players performances, they're even worse off than their limited footballing abilities betray.

    No alternative plan here, but that's my point. My criticisms are only based on what's gone on for too long now and given to try and make me feel better. It will matter hee-haw to the players.

    Agreed. Yes I think anxiety and not feeling supported plays a huge part in sporting performance and no player is immune from that nomatter what level they play at. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, Hilly86 said:

    Cheers for replying.

    First off, I wish I could be as resolutely positive as you, truly. I just don't follow the logic in suggesting that being positive or negative on this forum has any bearing on the players who'll never read it. They only get to hear and see the support of travelling thousands there to back them, despite letting them down repeatedly. It's cathartic to vent here, wanting us to be much better but knowing that the players can't be punted any time soon.

    Ignoring the negativity for a bit, what positives would you highlight right now?

    Your welcome, Hilly. I just see the forum as part of the overall experience of supporting Rangers. I understand the hurt and anger but absolutely don't see how transmitting that to the players (I think they might read, or hear about, comments from various forums) will help them and us. There are no positives to highlight right now. There are no other players to put on the pitch. There is no new great manager coming in. There is no money.

    There's only the players we have and if we criticise them they'll get worse, not better. So my positivity comes (partly) from knowing there's no other option, we either get behind those players or we're fucked. 

    If you have an alternative plan, I'd love to hear it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Hilly86 said:

    Honestly, with cool heads all round, I'd be genuinely interested to hear why you think being positive on the forum will help?

    Just the forum? Why not be positive everywhere? Where does negativity (or 'realism', if you like) get us with our players who can't be changed? For me the forum is similar to the terrace, I'm positive in both (or I would be if I attended a game) and I think the only thing useful to the players is our support, certainly not our criticism.

  7. 21 hours ago, BlueThunder said:


    22 hours ago, BsongoBear said:

    There is no sugar-daddy. There is no billionaire. There's only us. We're barely alive, but if we keep pretending we're something else or quickly can be something else...then we'll be also-rans for 20 years.

    What the actual...... What point are you making?


    Apologies, the point I was unskillfully trying to make is that we're stronger together, pulling in the same direction. For me that means supporting our manager and board, if only because there's no chance of anything better coming along in the near future. 

    Talk of Europa League riches, wealthy 'investors', a benevolent Mike Ashley...it's just pure fantasy and it doesn't help us focus on realistic plans and solutions. Reality is a continuation of the current hard austerity. I want us to stop bleating about what we don't have. I want us to become united and rebuild the club. That way we might have 5 years rebuilding before getting close to them. But if we're divided it could be 10 or more (20 was dramatic...maybe).

  8. This is a Rangers manager - OUR manager - fielding questions as honestly as he can. I get the feeling he's a good man whose been told there's no money but he can't say that because people will stop coming to games. I think that's bollocks, I think the real fans (I don't count myself as one, not been to a game since 1976) would attend MORE if they were just told the truth; we only have austerity and rebuilding to look forward to but we desperately need EVERYONE to pull together. There is no sugar-daddy. There is no billionaire. There's only us. We're barely alive, but if we keep pretending we're something else or quickly can be something else...then we'll be also-rans for 20 years.

    ps I think Club1872 have their heads so far up the Board's arses that they've totally lost perspective. We need an INDEPENDENT voice, not a voice that toadys to the Board

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