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Posts posted by stuvey

  1. You are out of your depth and continue to make yourself out as a saviour. You have not done one positive thing for the club and I dont think anyone seriously knows why you bought the club in the first place. If you are not a fan you should not be buying a football club, you can not make money out of it. Go and invest in roofing companies again you waste of space.

    Your just back from Ibox, right..I bet you were one of they idiots booing him on live tv?

    If you were.. I hope you grow a nipple on your bottom lip!

  2. MW3 gameplay is spot on but it fails on maps! Another let down from COD.

    Battlefield feels old and outdated..very laggy too? Where's the battles? You need to run for 5 minutes to find someone who ends up killing you before you fire your first shot off. A Fail... as usual :)

  3. Open a command prompt window on your PC (Start >> Run >> type cmd and hit Enter) and perform the following command:

    ipconfig /all

    Look for the Default Gateway address. This is the ip of your router fella.

  4. This is unfair. The average English fan, ie the 'public', are self-deprecating and know how shite the national team are and how perennially doomed to failure they are. The media and the public are not the same thing.

    Loada shite. How come you all have the world beater mentality? Not only in football. I dred London 2012

    Hated and over rated.

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