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Everything posted by lochinver-bear

  1. think thats the first time ive heard that particular version
  2. i have never really thought about it <_< so i guess i dont consider you either weird or foreign just the guy who started rm (spl)
  3. morning mrs M <kizz> hows you today got anything good planned (king) dunno yet i mite watch white christmas classic film i love it. what about you? <kizz> nothing planned as yet hopefully spend a bit of time on here and then plank my ass in front of the telly
  4. morning mrs M <kizz> hows you today got anything good planned (king)
  5. didnt use to be like this all comes down to money , a lot cheaper to justshow repeats yeh but they could put christmas stuff on guess they never thought of that
  6. dunno for sure but he`s always saying that he doesnt eat red meat <_<
  7. didnt use to be like this all comes down to money , a lot cheaper to justshow repeats
  8. for tea tonight thought i would spoil myself i could never be a veggie as i love red meat to much ( sorry dado )
  9. i know , i watched the great escape the other night for the 15th time
  10. is finger a fudge not a sexual devience
  11. got it on already they`re goin mental
  12. just finnished a full bottle wine n a dont even drink the stuff oh oh alky alert
  13. a wee sad looking guy i used to work with tried to kill himself got the car in the garage put a pipe from the exhaust into the car turned the engine on and then ran out of petrol :o i mean you couldnt get much unluckier than that lol i shouldnt have laughed when i heard about it but couldnt help myself
  14. quite mild over here have a wee dram to warm you up
  15. it sucks big time <yes> and im no good at it
  16. just as well you are to young to remember fanny craddock Was she an alky? she might have been lol but she was just about the very first celebrity tv cook <yes> I know of her LB from my family Who are all older than me! us old bassas are good for some things
  17. just as well you are to young to remember fanny craddock Was she an alky? she might have been lol but she was just about the very first celebrity tv cook <yes>
  18. i like the sound of that word " free " have a good one m8 (beer1)
  19. just as well you are to young to remember fanny craddock
  20. no rest for the good <kizz> or even for me how ya doin mrs M <kizz>
  21. hello definately a quiet night for me , got to get up 4am for work
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