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Posts posted by Briton

  1. 20 minutes ago, Corky True Legend said:

    OK. Maybe I should have added :lol:. This thread has turned light-hearted now that the original query has been answered. It was just my lttle joke.

    Okay fair enough. A lot of people do believe that though. Probably down to the Daily Hate Mail.


    13 hours ago, Corky True Legend said:

    I thought it was now either Mohammed or Khan.

    There are no 'non-British' surnames names in the top ten.  I think Patel and Ahmed are the highest ranked of the immigrant names (ignoring Ireland). Mohammed is a given name BTW.

  3. 17 hours ago, Redwhiteandblue said:

    What you really think of royalists. I bet you think we are only just misguided or some other mild word that you will use to prove you are better than me you republican scumbag. 

    I don't think anything about them as a group as I'm not a moron.  I certainly don't think they are scum just because they support the system; many of my friends and family are 'royalists' and they are decent people, as are the republicans I know.  Saying that, none of the royalists I know are sycophantic; I do find that trait a bit pathetic. I'm not really a republican but I do want to see the end of hereditary monarchy.  It's untenable and a tool for conserving a lot of what is wrong with our society. That's probably all a bit beyond you though. 

  4. 17 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

    Only a few hundred likes but 9000 posts .Something tells me your in same camp at bp9 .

    Dear oh fucking dear. I'm not interested in the 'please love me' attitude  many here think is important.  If I was I could easily get more likes by spouting the desired bullshit.  I'm not in the same camp as BP9 as I disagree with most of what he says but I admire him for standing up for what he believes regardless of whether it makes him unpopular or not. He's got more balls than most of you. Now run along and bask in the glory all those likes you're so very very proud of.  

  5. 58 minutes ago, ZZed said:

    The SNPs first agenda was to get people to identify with this 

    scotlandnavy300.gif as their country's flag the next was to get them to

      reject this uj.png. Rangers Football Club supporters hold this flag at every game. We are the visual sporting employment of all the SNP reject. The SNP like all political parties will try to make their opponents look as bad as possible, this meant attacking all that Rangers stand for and their history. Opportunity has given them the chances to damage us, because of their stance they have attracted people who dislike Britain and us because we identify with it. The SNP are the Scottish Sinn Fein. If we want this to stop then vote for Rangers minded people and stop believing that politics and sport are separate because in Scotland they are not. 

    Rangers fans have assisted them in this in my opinion.  The surrender of our support for our footballing country (by many) was a huge mistake. We should emphasise we are Scottish and British and carry a Saltire for every Union Flag. They are the ones who want to make being British and Scottish mutually exclusive; we shouldn't join them in that by coming down on the British side alone.

  6. On 6/2/2016 at 3:58 PM, siddiqi_drinker said:

    @Briton   oh aye I see how that works, very good.

    You raised the issue on more than one ocassion, don't be surprised when folks take the piss.

    Tosser? Really, wish I could have the pleasure of you calling me that to my face.

    I raised it on one occasion as far as I can recall, and that was when an official of the club misnamed the club.  I have since replied to several tossers who bring my name up when the term 'Glasgow' Rangers is reproduced here.

    BTW...why shouldn't I be surprised when 'folks' take the piss because I think the officials of the club, at least, should refer to the club by the name the founders gave us? Personally I'm surprised so many tossers seem to think that's a bit of a joke. 

  7. 8 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

    Glasgow Rangers?  I expect  we will hear from Briton sooner rather than later, bound to be upset.  :mutley:

    When did I ever say I was upset?  I just find it a bit sad that a lot of 'fans' seem to think the club being misnamed is a bit of a joke (or worse, they don't know the name of the club they 'support').

    BTW...if you are going to be such a fucking tosser as to bring me into it  every time the club is misnamed (as if I'm the only one who thinks it matters) please use the @ symbol so as I know . Thanks.

  8. 8 hours ago, eejay the dj said:

    Still can't get over our loss last week .How pathetic we were .How predictable we were against  a side we struggled against few weeks previously .Got me thinking of previous big losses .All in the glorious Sunshine .1980 hurt like fuck .89 Likewise .94 v Utd .98 at Scumdome  .I actually think last weeks topped the lot .We blew it big time because we knew exactly what Hivs would throw at us .

    We missed out on Europe and we gave the bastards that are Hivs the best day of their lives .That's what makes it so hard to take .

    All the focus is on the Riot but I seriously hope ,the team and most certainly our defence is totally different from the team that played this match next season .

    It reminds me of how I felt after Zenit. 

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