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Everything posted by WeeJacksonRFC

  1. He's not on 65k a week is he? No chance. Edit: Lol, just saw it on the BBC. What a joke. Where are they getting that kind of money from? Trafficing ? smuggling ? Humantrafficing! running wee bhoy brotthels YEP it has to be one of those things
  2. ah got me there!! but big deal I joined in 07 was 16 at the time! if not 15 put my age up... gunna cry about it .... re lax....
  3. you talking to me prick!? im a bluenose just thought it was funny how we have been skint and looking at players like Shittu and all of a sudden (daily) says we missed out on a player like that!. call me wee sacks!! ya cunt!! Oh aye that's right, Mr Lies-About-His-Age Mr Im-A-Proud-Proddy-Live-My-Life-By-It when did I lie about my age ? when did I run my mouth about all that? (thought so)
  4. didn't have to call me weesacks! coulda just put re-post m8
  5. you talking to me prick!? im a bluenose just thought it was funny how we have been skint and looking at players like Shittu and all of a sudden (daily) says we missed out on a player like that!. call me wee sacks!! ya cunt!!
  6. And Walter Smith has missed out on Portuguese midfielder Ricardo Quaresma, whom he was trying to sign on loan from Inter Milan. (Daily Record) its on the bbc SPL gossip colum!. thought that was funny!.
  7. So I was playing Fifa 10 agiasnt Ceptic and Andy Gray starts speaking about them he says Jock Stein lead them to 10 consesctive tittles???? error no doubt 10??? more like 9 in a row... even then why dont they talk about Rangers like that!? he does talk about Rangers in it tho
  8. I agree its great to enjoy football again. Isn't it!??? been so long since we got to enjoy good football thought today was great shows they have it in them just need to step up..... now all I need is a contract my self all replace broadfoot & life will be good
  9. It's been a wee while since the teams played that good! thought Millers goal was a BELTER!! Plus Boyd seems to be working on his movement & he seems to be getting better Davis was great today aww sorry just had to make a topic cant wait till we play the tims!! 53 HERE WE COME :)
  10. Cheers mate but im in Canada won't work here.
  11. Hey every one im in Canada wanna know if any one has any radio links I could listen to the match any help would be greatly apreciated. ?
  12. "Were does it say Concentrate? on this ball"
  13. Hey so I am on a site with a few Rangers shirts for sale & a lot are match worn. Here is one I am looking for info on. 1996/97 #3 Reserves. does any one remeber who is was or have an idea. PS they have match worn shirts by Reyna & Porrini!
  14. them tits in yer profile pic! look about 24 pounds each!! lol
  15. click the link provided for the full story! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...ers/8297988.stm so what does every one think! I wouldn't mind to be honest money you would get in the EPL would benefit us!
  16. I would start off by getting my self a nice Ranger Rover with the plates Gers1st. Then a cracking new suite I would then pay a some big men to break mcgeadys,maloneys & who else's legs. then I would start by selling Mchulloch,Whittaker,Mendes. Give Weir his retierment present. I would then instruct Walter & Ally & the rest to use Murray park properly! example practice free kicks,shooting,passing (The basics) or they will get the mighty back hand from me! gers1st! I would then take a holiday to Magaluf for a week. Come back & inform walter he has 22 million to spend on transfers & contracts!. I would also ask him what players he would like to be told to sling there hook. example--Velicka,Smith & so forth. I would then invest in filling in the corners off Ibrox. then I would switch from umbro to Nike or Addidas. I would also make sure that when celtic come to Ibrox they get the boiler room for their change room & no plumming in it. & there fans would be constantly mocked & made fun of by the stewards:) then I would build a statue of me outside no more then 30 feet tall thats what I would do.
  17. walter For f-uck sakes! man kenny scored 2 get doon there and get him what ever he asks for & have it ready & waiting for him after the match! Durrant rite am on it!
  18. aww man I thought they forced them off! he had blood all oover him aid's infested f****n blood! shoulda been imediatly told to go off.
  19. What happend there a seen he was all busted up with blood on his shirt ? & blood running down his face!! ref didn't force him off arn't the rules if you have blood like that u need to go off ? & fuck man the lines men when lafferty was fouled both times! one of the unwashed grabbed his top then he was shoved from behind? & the reff did nothing. the officials were
  20. Is that James Morrisson :D in that one pic! 2nd from last!! ha ha
  21. http://www.skysports.com/opinion/story/0,2...5601121,00.html """What can you say about the Old Firm that has never been said before? Enter any superlative imaginable and you're still going to come back to one basic fact... it's HUGE. There's no other derby game like it. That's not my opinion, but the opinion of countless players who have sampled the game's biggest rivalries... people like Andrei Kanchelskis, Graeme Souness, Mo Johnstone... The atmosphere is indescribable, the build-up immense, even people who don't like football get swept up by Old Firm derby day. In a nutshell, you get a week of pure adrenaline and nervous tension, followed by a week of pure bragging depending on if you wear hoops or light blue. That is what is at the very heart of it all, a burning desperation not to lose to your arch enemy. That is what makes Ibrox and Celtic Park sound like a wall of noise, and that is why both grounds become a simmering cauldron of fearsome pride come derby day. I remember my first derby back in 1994; I was completely taken aback by the sheer passion of the event. Grown men who spend all week suited and booted suddenly completely lose themselves and become different creatures altogether. You end up feeding off the person stood next to you and the result is an intimidating, awesome, animalistic atmosphere based on raw emotion. Ibrox is the setting for the drama this weekend which, in my opinion, always creates an almost angrier mood in the air. It's difficult to put your finger on the subtle difference between the two grounds. Both clubs have superb home fortresses, Ibrox is steeped in history and will hold over 51,000 on derby day, whilst sections of Parkhead are newer and more impressive - holding over 60,000. What has to be said is that, whatever side of the fence you sit, you would have to be extremely hard-nosed not to admit that the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention when half the stadium on derby day is singing You'll Never Walk Alone with scarves above their heads. It's awesome. I think even Rangers fans would be hard-pushed to deny it is one special footballing moment.""""
  22. R.I.P. now you can be with the rest! gone but not forgoten! lets get a win sunday for Stan!
  23. If it's all white like that wouldnt bother me looks a nice top!
  24. Hey guys I see all the Negativity surrounding the team & Watty! I aswell share my own opinions on the matter! even tho last night loosing 4 nill made me very upset! I must say! no matter win or loose,no players brought in,in debt,get gubbed 4-1 I still wake up every single morning put on my Rangers top & be so damn proud to were it! as I know soo many Bears feel the same!! When ppl ask me who I support a big smile comes on my face & well I shout out RANGERS!! I just thought I a nice post to take away from all the negativity!! & plus we are world record holders!! & our form will come back NO SURRENDER!!! W.A.T.P.
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