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rab wilson

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Posts posted by rab wilson

  1. Was just reading that in our first three games in the league that season we never scored a goal. You could not imagine us going three games without scoring.

    We only lost 1 home game as well that season and that was one of the three games you mention agin st mirren. Away form abysmal, only 6 wins out of 18 and only 3 points in it at the end of the season, another title we really should have won. :sherlock:

    Blue we should still have won the title as in the Celtic game we went i goal up and even when the scum went down o 10 men they still beat us. Can you mind Colin jackson scored a own goal, and that scumbag Murdo MacLeod scored in the last minute.

    Was at the game, and my memory coudl be slighly off but I thought it was a Monday night, and was the last game of the season as if was a game postponed from March. It was at the San giro and we needed the draw to win the league. We went 1 nil up and the scum went to 10 men. It was 1-0 at HT. They then scored 2 goals in the space of 2 o 3 minutes half way through the second half. Even then we came back to get to 2-2 so the league being ours. They then scored with about 10 to go and then got a 4th in injury time as we had gone all out for the equaliser we needed.

    Wasnt it a Friday night??

    I had a feeling I had a real shit weekend after it.

    Was A Monday mate and then played Partick Thistle on the Wednesday.

    This is correct Minst, played the tims on monday May 21st and beat plastic whistle 1-0 on the Wednesday.

    Breakdown of that last Month of May

    Monday 2nd beat m'well 2-1 away

    Saturday 5th beat celtic 1-0, game played at Hampden.

    Monday 7th beat aberdeen 2-0 at home.

    Monday 21st lost to celtic 4-2 away.

    Wed 23rd beat thistle at home 1-0.

    Thurs 31st lost to hibs away 2-1.


    Was only 8 at the time so was not allowed to go to the game. I remember my dad coming home from that shithole that night, he just sat in his chair. I was scared stiff cos i thought he was going to blow up, but all he said was" you know whit robert, things aren't going to be the same again for a long long time for the gers. if greig was playing we would be champions." how right he was, and that was the last thing he said to anybody for about 3 weeks. Real bear ma da!

  2. I forgot about Lyon. That was magical, absolutely magical. Probably my second placed moment behind Villarreal.

    And there's both HS's as the other chap pointed out.

    Ah, it's not bad being a Rangers fan eh :D

    Aye danny> sometimes they let us down.....but compared to others, we don't get short changed a lot of the time. I love these threads. Other peoples favourite times no matter how small that you forget about , then go oh aye that was fuckin magic an aw. Go on the bears, show us what you've got!

  3. Mine is a bit more abstract. I was barry's performance against Porto at home that year. For 40 mins he was sheer genius, turning them inside out, passing sublime. I played the dvd for the kids team i coach. That night and the stuttgart game at home 2 years ago, barry was world class, and showed everybody what a genius and how important he could be for rangers.

    Oh and just for good measure... both helicopter sundays... GIRUY Timmy!

  4. ....David Healy in on a season's long loan. Makes perfect sense. Can score goals at the highest level, and would run his guts out for the jersey. I know it's been said before, but what do you think? I for one would love it. We can't afford to lose 30 goals a season and not replace him, no matter how skint we are.

  5. I hate going back to the day, but when i was a wee boy in the late 70's early 80's, the east enclosure was where me and my dad were every home game. Ibrox was more than half empty in those days, more of the time less than quarter full, but i was always bursting with excitement on a saturday morning at the thought of being in there amongst the bears. My god those were the days when players could actually pinpoint who they were getting abuse from. The atmosphere was better then with 8000 in the ground than with 50000 now. I used to go into school crowing about how my uncle gave for example frank mcgarvey of st mirren absolute hell from the warm up to when he walked off the pitch. The guy was left nameless and familyless . Fuckin magic! Or when my dad went for the bus driver in springburn cos he got the polis to chuck the derry off the upstairs of the bus for belting out the party tunes. Christ ma dad called him all the bead rattlers under the sun.

    I still remember the one line of his tirade that always makes me laugh and i will take it with me til i die:

    "you ya f****n bastard, nae wonder your a fuckin bus driver. It's fuckin hard to stand up straight when there is a priest on yer back!" Come on robert ,aff the bus. ha ha ha

  6. White lacoste tracksuits, thick gold chains, that gelled down hair and and spots like a lepers arse

    Neddy bastards...its those wee sh1tes that will get us in trouble rather than the real fans...i cringe when i see them

    You mean a white tracksuit like they sell at the Rangers shop???

    Not you Maybole....grahamteuchter has obviously never been to a Rangers game!

    Just to confirm, I don't wear those white tracksuits :lol:

    Aye right, ya fuckin' ned!

    i wear a white lacoste trackie top........... under my stone island jacket.I'm no a ned...just a bastard!

  7. Don't have a problem with the "neds", its the ones who thinks they are above the so called "neds" that bother me.

    If you class a drunk bear standing up and singing with the odd swear word directed towards the ref or opposition team then put me donw on your list.

    Luckily I have a great bunch of folk round me who either join in with me or don't bother with me.

    here fuckin here my son. Great post. I'm with you. Too many on here up their own arses.

    No Surrender

  8. I go with my brother but would not hesitate to go alone. Been my slef a few times and TBH may sound wierd I like being myself and only worrying about myself. Its nice to just be alone and do somthing you enjoy alone.

    you are never alone. you have got 50000 pals there.i do it all the time. unless i take my son. walking up the stairs and seeing the pitch through the stairway still sends the hairs on the back of my neck on end, just as it did for my first game in 77. fuckin love ibrox. what a name

    sorry for the emotion


    That's the bit that gets me too mate. I sometimes go alone, depends if anyone else can make it or not. I don't get to as many games as I'd like, going alone certainly isn't going to stop me!

    i knew i had a soulmate chicco. when i hear that ball thumping about in the warm up . man it's like you are kicking it. i love watching the place fill up. aw they bears!

    for 1 day a week in an otherwise fuckin shit existence. life! A REASON TO LIVE

  9. I go with my brother but would not hesitate to go alone. Been my slef a few times and TBH may sound wierd I like being myself and only worrying about myself. Its nice to just be alone and do somthing you enjoy alone.

    you are never alone. you have got 50000 pals there.i do it all the time. unless i take my son. walking up the stairs and seeing the pitch through the stairway still sends the hairs on the back of my neck on end, just as it did for my first game in 77. fuckin love ibrox. what a name

    sorry for the emotion

  10. ..being skint. some people on here forget what it's really like to support rangers. we don't need to be touting ourselves around the world for a shitty nike shirt. we should be proud to support the greatest club the world has ever seen. i've had enough of the big money spending. as long as i see 11 bears battling it out on the pitch, giving their all, even if it was in the scottish 3rd division, i will support them. fuck the money.watch and see the big bucks crumble and sell their soul to the highest bidder. give me tynecastle on sunday any day of the week. bears going beserk when boydie scored. that is what it's really all about. isn't it?

    No surrender


  11. walter is a gentleman who always carries himself with great dignity. A true rangers man. Remember how much moaning o'neill did after suvill? fixture list fucked them, that's why they won fuck all that year. We had a much more punishing run in 2 seasons ago, and although we lost the league, we won 2 cups . Walter just told the players to get on with it. That should always be the rangers way. Let the bheggars moan .

    we should be very careful what we wish for.

    Ally will be ready after this season's CL experiences

  12. It's worth another watch :D

    i hate to bore everybody with my story about that night in florence, but for anybody who can be bothered to read it here we go.

    my life had hit the skids, lost ma house and i was sharing a house with a manutd, a leeds utd and a liverpool fan, but after macgregors save against werder, they were all converted. the belief that we could go all the way started from then. that night we were glued to the telly and the longer the game went on i began to believe more and more that this was our time until cousin got sent off. when it went to penalties we were all hammered, and for once i did't mind if it didn't go according to plan cos i was so proud of walter and the boys, on a shoestring where all the millions had failed before. When barry missed i thought that was it. But then they missed, and all of a sudden i burst into tears. when vieri stepped up i thought there was no way he was going to miss, then he fuckin balooned it, but we had lost count of the kicks. I didn't realise that if nacho scored we were in the final. Pat the utd fan shouted go on nacho, put them through. I was watching through my fingers covering my eyes. I'll never forget peter drury for the rest of my life. " Rangers are coming. and do you know what? Manchester may not be big enough!"

    I remember kneeling down on the grass in the garden on the mobile to my son and we were both screaming and crying for about half an hour.It was the best feeling i have ever had.

    Sometimes in life, the only thing you have ever really believed in and never betrayed, is the thing that will steer you through your darkest days.

    So i'm saying thank you to walter, ally, wee durrant and kenny. And all the boys in blue(or white that night).

    I was singing follow follow wrecked at work for the next week.

    No Surrender


  13. the wheels on you're house go round and round

    round and round, round and round........

    One of my all time favourites at the bigjockknewcamp....even though we were getting skelped at the time


    du wei wherever you may be,

    you eat dogs in your country....love sticking it up them at any given opportunity

  14. rangers v hibs 1977 0 -0 was so dissapointed i never seen a goal and wondered why there was no commentry

    was 1977 rangers v either ayr utd or st mirren i can't really remember. but i was in the centenary stand with my dad and uncle tommy and cousin tommy from kirkintilloch. it finished 1-1. sold on rangers forever.

  15. if he still posts? i,ve been off for a long time, bad situations all that sort of shit, but i just bought myself a new laptop and i don't see him posting at all. what's happened?

    No surrender


  16. Fleck was a great wee player, he gave a good scoring return and scored some important goals. I think he only played one full season under souness, and left at during the beggining of the following season if i remember correctly. Saying that, Kevin Drinkell was a good replacement for him, better player too, but id have still liked to see him stay.

    Remember playing for essex and going into clubhouse at middlesex aftewards and listening to the whole millwall crowd sing you scotch cunt on the telly as flecky put the winner in the top corner .3-2 for norwich. He could have been superb for us. Part of the Ibrox 4. Souness couldn't wait to fuck him off. I hated souness.

  17. Decent player, hard worker, never scored enough of his chances.

    Certainly better than MacDonald, Dalzeil, Williamson and Urquhart. Mind you, ma dug was better than Urquhart.

    Christ on a bike! Billy Urquart! remember him running out against cologne at Ibrox in the european cup in 79.He was absolute pish!

    Aye, thrown into a European Quarter-Final just weeks after being a Highland League player. I've seen Billy Urquhart score overhead kicks from 25 yards mate (albeit at a lower level), so he wasn't all that pish.

    Hounded out of Ibrox before he got the chance to prove himself, not that i'm saying he'd have been anything special, but harshly remembered is a term i'd use. Still a good bluenose too.

    I was only 7 at the time WVB. It's not you is it? ha ha ha. At least he got to put on the blue jersey i suppose. I would have whacked my granny to wear it and still would even though i would be the fattest bear since big DJ to wear the jersey.Nae offence big man! come on chelsea!

  18. Decent player, hard worker, never scored enough of his chances.

    Certainly better than MacDonald, Dalzeil, Williamson and Urquhart. Mind you, ma dug was better than Urquhart.

    Christ on a bike! Billy Urquart! remember him running out against cologne at Ibrox in the european cup in 79.He was absolute pish!

    Aye, thrown into a European Quarter-Final just weeks after being a Highland League player. I've seen Billy Urquhart score overhead kicks from 25 yards mate (albeit at a lower level), so he wasn't all that pish.

    Hounded out of Ibrox before he got the chance to prove himself, not that i'm saying he'd have been anything special, but harshly remembered is a term i'd use. Still a good bluenose too.

    I was only 7 at the time WVB. It's not you is it? ha ha ha. At least he got to put on the blue jersey i suppose. I would have whacked my granny to wear it and still would even though i would be the fattest bear since big DJ to wear the jersey.Nae offence big man! come on chelsea!

  19. Decent player, hard worker, never scored enough of his chances.

    Certainly better than MacDonald, Dalzeil, Williamson and Urquhart. Mind you, ma dug was better than Urquhart.

    Christ on a bike! Billy Urquart! remember him running out against cologne at Ibrox in the european cup in 79.He was absolute pish!

  20. Must say i get happier by the minute watching RFC players withdraw from the National team!

    Saw a kilted arsehole on saturday on union Street pissing up against a parked car and people passing and smiling - when you think of the hatred the media and footballing authorities drum up against Rangers fans and then contrast it to the tartan army it begs the question; we are the mainstay of the Scotland support 75-80% but should we continue supporting the Nation when the Media and other fans hate our guts?

    I say they can go and fuck themselves!!

    Not just a recent thing, but on saturday it just re-established my feelings.Scotlands national team can go and fuck itself.Bears always have got the shit end of the stick, no matter how successful we have been.can't cheer for a Celtic player playing for scotland, or a sheep or an HIV. RANGERS ONLY FOR ME! Tartan Army are all wankers!

  21. today at 1:45 my grandfather passed away in his sleep with me and my family at his bedside. He was a big Bear and followed them since he was a youngster knew all the greats, most of them lived down the road from him.

    RIP grandpa going to be sorely missed, was a second father to me who i saw almost every day of my life.

    So sorry to hear that Jama. my uncle Tommy from Kirkintilloch passed away in his sleep 2 friday's ago. I only found out from my estranged sister last wedneday. All my first games watching the bears were with him , my cousin Tommy and my dad. We were the biggest blue nose buggers I knew. All my happiest memories of being a bear were with them.Picking him up from the Teachers distillery on a friday night reeking of whisky will be something I WILL TREASURE FOREVER. So any bears who know or remember BIG tommy WILSON FAE kirkie, please say hello. I don't even know where the funeral is as nobody has passed the info to me. I feel your pain brother.hope you and you and your family are coping alright.


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