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  1. Available after 7pm tonight and sunday late afternoon til late.
  2. If attacking on this map, I run to the left and quickly zoom into the warehouse with my sniper rifle and 8 times out of 10 I will get a quick kill and sometimes 2/3 enemy as you get the opposition running into that zone straight away. The only problem with this tactic is my own team! as they all run infront of me. It would work in a clan match by waiting and let me fire at least 5-6 times (10 secs) at the start then attack ahead of me. (I have taken out 4 people in about 10 secs with this tactic) It also seems to work again and again in the same match, even if they work out what is happening after the 1st game it causes them to delay/slow down meaning we can gain ground. And yes I agree with the above holding at least one person back to catch the flanker!!! also claymore position to stop this would help.
  3. Also Claymore planting is crucial on this map, the cafe area is a good spot and if you can there quick enough go through the cafe to the base of the steps plant one there, definatley 1 / 2 enemy will run past B to try and get a good view of A. Then that person go up the stairs to cover the bomb at A or plant another claymore in the same place.
  4. will be on later tonite, 10 ish onwards
  5. I will be on tonight at about 7ish
  6. quite agree with bluenose, even if the bomb carrier holds back a bit until a team has cleared the way to A or B, I have found that you can sometimes be at A or B and you have cleared the way, but bomb carrier is struggling at the other target. A lot depends on the map, as sometimes it is worth the bomb carrier sprinting to the A or B, planting and hide. The other idea possibly is for most of the team when attacking to storm A for instance and let 1 or 2 sneak to B. Pretty obvious but if we know what is going to happen it may give us the edge. Lets just get some private party matches going and try some tactics............
  7. Can we not sign up some suicide bombers. !!!! It is annoying if there are cheats out there especially if they are in clans in the leaue tables, there is no answer to it except maybe report them, but can't see that working. The private matches are good fun, and if anything it will get us all to know where each other is roughly running to on each map. Me and Barkie were saying if we are attacking, then all of us attack one target and maybe one person runs to the other target and chuck smoke grenades, frags, heavy gun fire {a lamb to the slaughter} to distract the oposition in thinking it's being attacked. {would have to make sure you claymore behind you while heading to the one target to stop people flanking us round the map}, we could do with having 2 or 3 game tactics for each map and stick to it.
  8. Me and barkie were talking about that this morning, and wondered if people have lag switches etc. Basically cheating bastards!!!
  9. Could'nt get on last night, was out partying in Liverpool.. Sounds like you had fun .....? How far in advance can you organise a clan match?
  10. I will be on later tonight 7ish onwards.... until my eyes start bleeding!!!!!
  11. Maybe a Sunday night, as this is when most of us are in I would guess..... Not sure how it works, can we all talk while looking at the same map. I have been trying to master the sniper role, because I have noticed from the start of the game good clans take out 1-2 people instantly which puts the odds of winning in there favor quickly. I have found on the vacant map if you are attacking and run left, zoom in I can sometimes snipe 1-2 people that hide by the bomb. This Call of Duty is becoming obsessive!!!!!!!!!
  12. Cheers guys.. Bring on the clans!!!!! Andy
  13. Found some very useful tactics on youtube, take a look we may learn a lot from this..... ;-)
  14. Hi Guys I registered on the gamebattles site, does someone need to invite me into the team? its under andypic Cheers Andy
  15. Hi Guys I was searching the net and found a piece of software that lets you edit the maps and add markers/icons, so that you can position players so that we have a plan. After playing Tuesday night we were just running around and not knowing where each other were or going, it may help to give us some tactics, which is going to be needed against the battleteam clans.. (cut and paste link below) and check it out. http://www.infinityward.com/community/foru...hp?topic=4278.0 There is also a way of us all looking at the map at the same time by linking us all. {Not sure how that works but one of you chaps might know} andypic
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