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Everything posted by Maryann

  1. he hasn't helped himself tbh! i cant remember anytime so far this season when he has had a fantastic game! i feel he should be doing alot better! for to be getting paid approx £15k a week then he should be producing.
  2. he shouldnt off went to the papers and kept his trap shut coz he is just gonne get more grief! never a £3million player! walter should try and put him oot the door for what ever they can get for him!
  3. 2 mins injury time! but 3 in the 1st half!!! something strange there!
  4. what a disapointing display! no leader in the whole team.
  5. the surface might be slippy, but the team performance is shocking!
  6. i hope they get a grip for the spl game next saturday! coz this wont be good enough!
  7. going on todays performance he isnt far away.
  8. what the fucking is this defending all about. sleeping at the back again.
  9. ffs lafferty. has he won a ball yet? id put fleck on instead of him!
  10. 3-3 right rangers get stuck into this shite! broadffot done well for the penalty
  11. great player, and of course your never gonne say a timmy is better than a ger are you?
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