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Posts posted by kyle

  1. I would love to bring back the days when the billy boys and the sash were belted out at ibrox.. But things have 'changed' :dry: I reckon we should continue to sing OUR songs minus the 'offensive' bits like FTP etc. because apart from those offensive words I dont see what the problem is?

    the billy boys and the sash are OUR songs, they have been sung at Ibrox and all over the world for many decades.

    I also dont find FTP 'offensive'. it should be my right in a democratic country to shout it as loud as i want.

    unfortuneatley none exist

  2. I would love to bring back the days when the billy boys and the sash were belted out at ibrox.. But things have 'changed' :dry: I reckon we should continue to sing OUR songs minus the 'offensive' bits like FTP etc. because apart from those offensive words I dont see what the problem is?

    people should be allowed to sings these songs, what ever hapened to freedom of speech, but i am strongly against them they have nothing to do with the club , i hate the pope but i also hate gangsters thugs etc. namely billy fullerton its 2009 we should move on the sash and billy boys are protestant songs imo not rangers songs the two are not the same

  3. I think in short over the years, JJB have screwed us over, BIG TIME! Can't wait till the contract with them is over with

    thats a releif for me i actually thought rangers sold the merchandising rights to jjb selling the rangers shops was a big mistake it gave us money but i still dont think it was wise

  4. the jjb deal on the whole has been a total farce in scotland their shops have hardly any rangers stuff and in england they have none whatsoever just like all the other sports shops but they all have rakes of celtic shirts also the rangers shop in falkirk sells barcelona shirts and a load of other garbage and wont do anything other than names on the back of shirts i wanted will be 52 when plg came in (luckily they didnt do it) and they refused, this seasons shirt though is very nice but its being realsed far too late and not having enough stock is pathetic

  5. everyone always says the media tries to give rangers a bad name and i have always belevied that is a lot of tosh but i beleive it now, our club made mistakes but they wont let us forget that, we have moved on from the days of bigotry but the media need to remind everyone else its utter pish i saw the preview for it in the paper it said theres going to be a 8 page pullout on the story which is absolutely pethetic i cant beleive anyone buys papers like the sun and the daily record

  6. Has 'Kyle' done something in particular to warrant the aggression being shown to him just now?

    because i am against rangers and protestantism being thought of as the same thing or in any way related i am a celtic fan who shags my sister and is attracted to children apparently

  7. You support Celtc mate, you shag your sister and you find children attractive

    very good, the truth is that you are of limited intelligence

    So what are your qualifications oh intelligent one? What is your level of education?

    qualifications dont prove intelligence imo but ive just left school and have 5 highers AABCC as well as int 2's ,standard grades etc

    Well good for fucking you, give yourself a medal

    why are you replying like this, i never said i was smart to begin with i just said jim wasnt i never bummed about my qualifications because i dont even care i just told you because you asked

  8. You support Celtc mate, you shag your sister and you find children attractive

    very good, the truth is that you are of limited intelligence

    So what are your qualifications oh intelligent one? What is your level of education?

    qualifications dont prove intelligence imo but ive just left school and have 5 highers AABCC as well as int 2's ,standard grades etc

  9. The reason i ask is because a lot of Rangers fans claim to be Protestant, but actually, they couldn't give a fuck about God, and only take the title "Protestant: because they think if you support Rangers, you have to be. And that it's just another opposite to Celtic.

    I don't know any Rangers fan who thinks they 'have to be' Protestant. I know a lot of fans who, like myself, come from a Protestant background and are very proud of that, although they are not religious themselves. I don't see any problem with that, why do you...?

    i think you need to be protestant because it certainly seems that way to me anytime i say anything against it on this forum i get slated for it

    That's because you are a f****n bastard

    No offense like, but away back to terrorist minded mate

    what are u talking about ?

  10. I think its time to let the world know that we are a Protestant club and not ashamed of it. For a start we should bring back the annual Orange parade to Ibrox where it belongs and dont worry what the PC brigade think. If it was good enough for our fathers and grandfathers to be proud of our protestant traditions, then we should all be proud and stop trying to appease the Pc brigade. I think the club should have a flute band at every home game to entertain our fans and play the Sash before every home game. We should welcome all religions to Ibrox but stop being scared to tell the whole world that we are a protestant club and not ashamed of our past. :uk:

    Rangers are a FOOTBALL club, not a religion or in any way affiliated to a religion. There is no place on a football field or any other sporting field for religion.

    If you want to follow a religion, go to a church or whatever building your religion preaches in. If you want to see a game of football, go to a football park.

    Every citizen on Earth has the right to follow whatever religion floats their boat. Just as they have the right to follow whatever football team they want.

    If you look at all the troubles in the world, past and present and look at what's behind 90% of them... religion.

    Religions cause more trouble than they solve. So to me, religion is good for absolutely nothing.

    finally someone who speaks sense

  11. The reason i ask is because a lot of Rangers fans claim to be Protestant, but actually, they couldn't give a fuck about God, and only take the title "Protestant: because they think if you support Rangers, you have to be. And that it's just another opposite to Celtic.

    I don't know any Rangers fan who thinks they 'have to be' Protestant. I know a lot of fans who, like myself, come from a Protestant background and are very proud of that, although they are not religious themselves. I don't see any problem with that, why do you...?

    i think you need to be protestant because it certainly seems that way to me anytime i say anything against it on this forum i get slated for it

  12. they look very nice i wouldve left out the club crests though ,make it look more proffesionnal

    Admin - What the hell is this guy doing here ?

    whats with the negativeity i said the badges were very nice as they were but if you took away the crests it would be symetrical and look better

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