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Posts posted by kyle

  1. the song juat like the billy boys and all the rest of them is just plain ridiculous it has nothing to do with rangers yet we sing it anyway who actually gives a fuck about the ycv or some poof on a white horse who played about with swords

  2. a also heard the rumour that it was to be nike for season 09/10. as we are still with umbro who have been bought over by nike, and with jjb about to go bust they are the only shop who stock umbro, so they will have to sell the kits elsewhere and nike always get a better uptake

    *just a rumour*

    jjb arent the only shop who stock umbro

  3. nah only numbers, i dont know if we even are more so than the scum because of their european win but teams like madrid milan and united are more successfull truthfuly but still its nice to be able to say we are the most successfull team ever

    We need to be more positive

    i was being positive and tbh i couldnt care if we are the most successfull team because rangers are my team win lose or draw all i was saying is that spl titles cannot be compared to the european cup

  4. How can a professional footballer in this day in age, with the fitness facilities we have at Ibrox, barely last 45 minutes in the heat today i'll never know. He was blowing out of his arse after about 10 minutes, fucking diabolical. I expect the "Boyd can do no wrong" group to come on defending him etc, but this time you can't. He is embarassingly unfit, and the money this guy gets a week is sickening when some people knock their pain in day in day out to get 5 quid an hour , and this joker gets a wee bit hot and wants off the park but earns thousands a week.

    Disgusting. No doubt this Summer we will get the "Oh Boyd has been working on his fitness" pish once more, but the fact is it has steadily went down since he joined us, he was much leaner, much livelier, nowadays he looks overweight and can't last half a match in warm conditions.

    Whatever way anyone dresses it up, it is simply not good enough.

    absolutly rite but i do feel we owe something to this man

  5. if you turn 18 before august 1st it isn't, so as long as your 17 before 1st august you can get a concession ticket anywhere

    i had to give up my ticket cos they wanted me to pay an adult 2 seasons ago and im only 17 now

  6. well since itd from the pre david murray era the stadium has no ends or screens no club deck and no club shop also the arstoturf is orange pml so is the building in the bottom left

    morleys nite spots at the wrong end

    and the astro turf thats orange was a red blaize pitch before all this poofy astroturf surface came in

    morleys nite spot ?

  7. SPL champions! Made possible by Carlos Cuellar? Yes. I believe that Carlos Cuellar was one of the major reasons why we won the league this season.

    The money from his transfer funded the purchases of Mendes, Davis and Edu, and without them we would not have won the league. There are three questions to look at.

    1. Would Rangers have won the league without Mendes, Davis and Edu? The answer has to be a resounding NO.

    Bougherra had joined us before we played Kaunus and with him and Weir in the team, we had the best defenive record in the league. Cuellar and Bougherra would have improved this, but I don't believe it would have made a significant difference.

    However Mendes and Davis were mainstays throughout the whole season, and Edu came in and played a major part in our unbeaten run which propelled us to the title. Yes, there were periods during the season that Davis and Mendes didn't play that well, but who else would we have used? Adam? McCulloch?

    Without the three of them, we would not have won the league, and would have struggled in the midfield area, particularly when you look at the two old firm games that we won, and which were vital in us winning the league.

    2. Would the club been able to buy these players if Cuellar had not been sold? Again the answer has to be a NO.

    If the club was looking to sell Boyd in January because it was going to be very close to its facility at the bank, then how could it possibly afford to buy these 3 players? there is no way that the club could afford to buy anyone else despite their protestations at the time.

    3. Did Cuellar leave the club on his own volition? The evidence on this is inconclusive.

    Would he have left had we qualified for the Champions League? I believe that the answer to this is no. He was in the directors box for the Kaunus game, and that isn't the actions of a player who has decided to leave.

    After the Kaunus game, he may have looked around the club, and seen a team that had played its opening 2 European games with McCulloch and Adam in the midfield for the first match and McCulloch and Dailly in the midfield for the second and seen a team that was going absolutely nowhere. He would have seen a club that was in disarray, with no money to spend to improve the team, and felt that the club had badly let him down and decided to leave, and who could blame him for that? I certainly wouldn't and believe that he was badly let down.

    Alternatively he could have been encouraged to go by Murray and Bain. They would have highlighted the financial plight of the club and explained that there was no cash left to buy a midfield, and did he want to play in team where the midfield mainstays were going to be Dailly, Adam and McCulloch, and that they needed him to leave, but they were going to say that he was invoking a clause in his contract for the good of the club's image.

    I believe that he was encouraged to go but he would not have taken much persuasion as he could see the mess that the club was in.

    We wil probably never know the exact reasons for Cuellar leaving but it remains that we would not have won the league with not having Mendes, Davis and Edu in the team during the season.

    So to Carlos Cuellar - a big thanks for last season, and as big a thanks for help making this season so successful!


    he seen the fat pay checks down south and any foreign player in his position would

    i think its mr murray we need to thank for allowing walter to spend the money instead of giving it to the bank of scotland to cover his own ass

  8. My cynical side would ask why Boyd, Adam, Ferguson etc often look out on their arses after 50 minutes.

    But I won't be cynical today :pipe:

    im guessing it has something with them being fat lazy cunts but its not mr. owen's fault charlie adam loves about 10 pies too many

  9. The question doesn't really make sense to me because I couldn't not support Rangers.

    I could take the £10 million and say I will never support them again, but I would still would still want them to win, and the passion would still be running through my blood.

    true, you could follow another team easily but you could never love them in the same way, i would take the 10 mill and follow any other team apart from cetic,aberdeen,hibs etc you could invest the money and fund rangers with your earnings and even though your not following them you could pay the bears to come have a kick aboot in the back garden of your mansion

  10. I'd rather concentrate on guys who really would have been head turning signings from the moment we signed them. Guys like Gudjohnsson, Jones and Pires became great players. They weren't really great players when they were linked with us.

    Anyway for me I can only think of three from the top of my head and they are Paul Ince, Kevin Phillips and Craig Bellamy.

    as much as i hate him i would have gladly had him at rangers, didnt know we were in for eto'o or messi imagine the impact they would have made if it happened

  11. For me he should start EVERY game. He gives 100% in every game.

    I'd have him signed up for 3 years more, and with an option as a coach.

    No one comes close to showing the passion he does. He scores important goals.


    hes a good wee player and gives his all and i would like to see him start 90% of games

    dont think theres much chance of him becoming a coach because his english is poor and i dont know what advice he could give players when ally mccoist can tell a striker everything he needs to know

  12. definately under an adult for you mate and that will set you back a good 4-5 hundred bangers then with your cup away and european games ur lookin at £1000+ a season easy , thats why a had ti give up mine robbin bastards tryin ti charge me full price when im still at school

  13. i wanted him out earlier as well but its not all his fault we have the talent in our squad to win the spl every year but some of thum are lazy wee basterds who need a good kick up the arse n thats what i blame walter for also some eh his singings are pish but we dono wat goes on behind closed doors and who actually makes these decisions to bring players in. i think we should jus get rid off some of the dead wood like daily and mcculloch (not weir) as well as mcgregor and fergie and well do alright in europe , walters defensive tactics mite be borin but for a team like us its what you need ti dae ti get results against the big teams , a also dini hink we can get a better manager than walter cos were no as big a name as we used ti be and a still thank walter for comin in when he did and savin oor club

    Got the gist of this, but can anyone decipher it into proper English. Pretty sure English is widely spoken even in Falkirk by the bairns


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