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Posts posted by BlueEdu

  1. I have no problem with Rangers connection to the Protestant faith. I also have no problem with Celtic's connection to the Roman Catholic Church. It is of both teams heritage and deserve to be celebrated. What i have a problem with is that the choice of songs that talk about murder, terrorists, f4nian blood, or a disregard for other people. That is what i have an issue with and some of the main offenders are the plastic paddys and the plastic prodies who just use religeon as a way to vent bigoted views. Im not suggesting that we are all bigots or they are all bigots, what im saying is that there is a small minority that are and it poisons the religeous side. Protestants are not bigots.. bigots are bigots...

    The fact that we have a forum where all views can be discussed is a good thing. It shows that we can all debate and respect others views and possibly gain insight on others point

    I don't think i've ever agreed more with a post

  2. Great post OP (tu), some very valid points. In the same way that non-religious fans deserve to be spared of elitist views and treatment from religious ones, it works the other way round too. Why anyone would want to ignore our past or what made us the club we are today is bizarre.

    For me personally - as is definetly true for a large portion of rangers fans - i was raised protestant by my father, whos father raised him the same way. And while at times i do consider myself religious and protestant, i'm also guilty of being very sceptical of many points of the faith. When i do see things like an orange march though, where people exercise their religious views, i feel aw'ed at their passion and belief. I think its a very proud faith and i'm certainly glad it is associated with rangers football club.

    I think people need to remember that you can support rangers both for it's past and what it may or may not be becoming

  3. I think its shameful how Alexander has been treated. Comes across as a hardworker and certainly a man of class, and just when it seems like hes getting the shot he deserves, shagger comes in and makes a big blunder - although his later save was brilliant. If it was me, it would be Alexander number one. Hes earned it and hopefully would spur macgregor on to get back into form

  4. Best away day ever for me. Glorious weather, Portsmouth was a great place + all the pompey fans were excellent. The match singing was simply epic - a full 90 mins, and even when the goals were conceded we simply got louder. Then both sets of fans applauding each other after the game. A great day and i was very surprised to hear that a few pompey youngsters were starting a fight afterwards

    Yeah it was BlueEdu. Singing 10 german bombers and it just got louder after portsmouth scored couldnt even hear them celebrate their goal.

    The Billy Boys after every follow follow

    the bouncy at least 5 times

    I seen a few right wankers throughout portsmouth but most were superb.

    and the ones that were wankers didnt seem like real pompey fans tbh.

    Smithys was the best and worst (absolute dive) pub ive ever been in :P

    Aye Smiffys was the best for all the wrong reasons :D

  5. Best away day ever for me. Glorious weather, Portsmouth was a great place + all the pompey fans were excellent. The match singing was simply epic - a full 90 mins, and even when the goals were conceded we simply got louder. Then both sets of fans applauding each other after the game. A great day and i was very surprised to hear that a few pompey youngsters were starting a fight afterwards

    The funniest bit was when the Bears were belting out 10 German bombers and Pompey scored at about the 6th bomber.

    The bears just completely ignored the goal and carried on singing.

    Funny as feck

    Lol i know man, the pompey fans must have been confused lol

  6. Best away day ever for me. Glorious weather, Portsmouth was a great place + all the pompey fans were excellent. The match singing was simply epic - a full 90 mins, and even when the goals were conceded we simply got louder. Then both sets of fans applauding each other after the game. A great day and i was very surprised to hear that a few pompey youngsters were starting a fight afterwards

  7. Best away day ever for me. Glorious weather, Portsmouth was a great place + all the pompey fans were excellent. The match singing was simply epic - a full 90 mins, and even when the goals were conceded we simply got louder. Then both sets of fans applauding each other after the game. A great day and i was very surprised to hear that a few pompey youngsters were starting a fight afterwards

  8. Can someone explain ... exactly how long do you have to have supported Rangers before you become a TRUE bear ??

    Just a question, as when people proclaim about Glory Hunters, i presume they mean those who followed the club from say .. the mid 90's, that would be 15 years ago

    I detest the term "true bear" or "real Rangers fans" .. they suggest that i may not be a fan of the club because i don't believe what someone else does, or think how they think.

    Surely, the most basic test of being a Rangers fan .... Do you want them to win when they play ?

    If the answer is yes then, to me, you are a Rangers Suppoprter ... end of.

    The rest of it ... well, that's just window dressing.

    Exactly mate. If you love the team and the football that's all that matters. It's a football team.

    I grew up in the 90's being a rangers fan during the Advocat era, so i guess i would be considered a glory hunter too

  9. Bluepeter you made me laugh saying 23 would be left, the truth is the club started to die when the glory hunters, and the imposters started following our club when we started to win things again. :)

    So these people, they admittedly follow the club. Then how are they imposters?

    Half of them only buy season tickets so they can brag to their pals that they have a season ticket for Ibrox. Some come in watch the game for 10 minutes then get up and go for a pie or cup of tea. They then come back and repeat the same just before half time, they are then late for start of second half and then go for a snooze or talk about where they are going on holiday or their house needs painted. then with 20 minutes left even if the game is close up they get and away they go, and dont give Rangers another thought until next week, they just use the club as a hobby. :)

    Then they don't follow the club, simple as! :)

  10. Bluepeter you made me laugh saying 23 would be left, the truth is the club started to die when the glory hunters, and the imposters started following our club when we started to win things again. :)

    So these people, they admittedly follow the club. Then how are they imposters?

  11. The only position i would say i'm personally worried about is Weir - no offence to his obvious fitness but i don't see him being able to hack it this whole season with europe competition etc.

    Apart from that yeh it would be nice to bring in some players and strengthen a little. However, it is true that with thomson making a comeback, naismith looking on form and up for it at this very early stage, and with young players including fleck and aaron supposedly being brought into the side we DO have some variety in positions other than CB.

    Celtic lost 3 regular starters and their new players have yet to play SPL (except Fox i think?). We have a settled team who know each other and can play well with each other.

    It ain't all doom and gloom!

  12. Well, you crafted a really good piece of writing to start this thread, but taking selected quotes from an newspaper article that you can't provide a link to or the full text from seriously undermines the point you're trying to make, as the quotes are out of context. That's why I want to read the full article, because I'm not able to form a legitimate opinion on her comments otherwise. At face value, her comments that you've used here appear to have an anti-RFC agenda, but I can't say that with any certainty without reading them in their original context.

    Whoa.... hold on there Zappy Chappy.

    Its not my fault that the newspaper in question does not have an online version ! Had it done so I would have been happy to provide you with a link.

    It's no problem at all. As I said, I just wanted to read the comments in the context of the full article she wrote. Been looking for the article, but can't find it via google, so I'd guess the only place to get it would be the Mitchel Library or something like that.

    Anyway, I've been doing a little digging myself to try and get a better picture of what this so called journalist, Anna Smith is all about & frankly I'm not particularly impressed. To me, she comes across as the journalistic equivalent of a 'jack of all trades, master of none' who writes somewhat antagonistic 'popular news' articles aimed at people who read every snippet of garbage printed in the rag they happen to be wasting their time reading. On www.journalisted.com where there's links to 87 of her 'articles', you can get a fairly good impression of her *cough* rather broad range of gutter press subject matter, which includes everything from celebrity smut & tongue and cheek humor, to moralistic righteousness & uneducated dabbling in the popular political subjects of the week or month. My impression is of a crass journalist who writes crass articles for a crass tabloid newspaper & that as AMMS has suggested several times in this thread, she really shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

    Having said the above, I did however find an article from 21/09/2008 which clearly does show her biased opinion, outright disgust at Rangers & a very defensive pro-Irish & Irish oppression based point of view. Here's a few stand out remarks from her article "The Irish don't deserve our shameless bigotry":-

    So where are the voices in high places condemning the braindead Rangers fans for the shameful singing of The Famine Song? Where are the football bosses, political leaders and police chiefs when they are required to stand up and be counted?

    You won't find them anywhere in this country.

    You won't find anyone in the establishment telling it like it is, in this, the most bitter little country in the world.

    I am incandescent that in the face of such blatant racism, no-one with any clout has uttered a word of condemnation.

    This was Alex Salmond's chance to stand up and publicly tackle the bigotry that runs like a festering sore through Scotland.

    Absolute bull, Alex. The truth is, you are tackling nothing. You are hedging your bets, because you don't want to offend the broader Protestant community.

    A vote is a vote, whether it comes from a bigoted numpty on the Rangers terracing or a fan with a brain.

    You have failed to pick up the baton and move on with the serious anti-bigotry groundwork done by Jack McConnell.

    But it's never going to work unless the men at the top stand up with an emphatic statement that the singing of this vile song is an affront to decent fans by the thugs who bring disgrace to a great club. But Bain's response makes you think that they're tittering behind their hands in the board room.

    Because every time an Irish Catholic in this country makes any complaint about bigotry as being racist, it is met with some mirth. I want to be clear about this. I utterly condemn the singing of IRA songs by the idiots who turn up at Celtic away games.

    And the collecting of money for IRA coffers that used to go on blatantly at matches was an affront to decent Irish in Scotland and anywhere else.

    To be honest, I feel sorry for anyone bringing up a family in this country. It is not bitter to the core. It is bitter from the core. Because it is not only the Rangers bigots who have brought shame on Scotland.

    It is the establishment, the politicians and the heads of industry, who refuse to condemn the racist slight on the Irish.

    You know why? Because deep down, despite the success story of Irish immigrants in Scotland, there is still a feeling that they shouldn't really have been here in the first place.

    One look at the lyrics to the Famine Song tells you that this is not simply to wind up football fans.

    Here's the first verse:

    I often wonder where they would have been

    If we hadn't have taken them in fed them and washed them

    Thousands in Glasgow alone

    From Ireland they came Brought us nothing but trouble and shame

    Well the famine is over

    Why don't they go home?

    Don't tell me that's not racist. Of course, I expect the usual barrage of bile from the lowbrows who tell me to p*** off back to Ireland.

    And I would be even less surprised if the ancestors of some of these racist clowns in Rangers shirts also have ancestors who died in the famine.

    Because thousands of them are of Irish descent - it's just mixed marriages that led to them being Protestant.

    The Irish who support Celtic and travel over for matches do so because of the worldwide family that is the Irish diaspora.

    The same diaspora that Pakistanis, Chinese, Indians and Jamaicans are allowed to have without racist chants.

    But not the Irish. They have to listen to this bile.


    As you can see, this is an opinionated woman. Should she be publishing these sort of articles? Well, who am I to say, but I've never bought the Mirror & never plan to, so it's not really my business to suggest what they should or shouldn't print in their rag. Is she part of a bigger agenda? I think not. She's inadvertently contributing to something bigger, but from reading her opinions on a range of subjects, I'd say that if she is directly involved, then it would have been a case of one of her superiors telling her to write this article, which would mean that it's actually someone higher up in the Mirror who has the real connections with any organized agenda. That's just my own personal opinion of course & I could be completely wrong.

    This cow is indeed a part of a bigger agenda, she was part of the troops out movement, make no excuses for this ira camp follower. She works for the NOTW now but her bile is just the same. She is now billeted in dear old oirland with her fellow trash ! :sherlock:

    This is because other cultures integrate with ours! Many of the celtic support have not and will not, e.g. apartheid schooling in 2009. Shambles

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