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  1. Yet again, the tramps prove incapable of behaving. ANOTHER fan gets on the pitch. Add this to the litany of offences caused by their anaemic ability to control themselves while inside the theatre of crack-cocaine. WHEN WILL WE SEE SOME ACTION FROM UEFA? When will Septic FC sack their security and employ a company who know what their doing? When will the tramps admit that they don't know how to behave and own up to being a shower of unwashed, morally bereft beggars.
  2. Who cares - 4-2 is the only scoreline I remember from the tattie-dome this season.
  3. see ye there pal - years since ah had a decent scrap! 1-4 would have shut those fannies up for a while eh?
  4. What the fcuk are you on about - being a dick and a fanny? Open your eyes Well done!
  5. SMITH WILL WIN US THE LEAGUE. Stop being a dick. Look back at this thread in 6 months time. You'll feel like a fanny - I guarantee it.
  6. i only listened to the last 15 minutes of the game and had 30 quid on Man Utd winning 4-1. also had a tenner on 4-2 so a bit gutted man u didnt fuck them good and proper. never mind tho - aalborg will fuck them out of europe altogether and we can all laugh. then silly wee lassies like that daft bint above can sniff about elsewhere for their kicks. rangers fan or no - nobody insinuates im a fuckin tim and gets away wi' it. jist cos i've onlygoat 12 posts doesnt mean im not a regular on here - unlike some of the upstarts posting their pish. gonnae mod me fur that coops? Who are you calling a daft bint ya cunt? *grabs mcboyd* steady big yin. Hes not worth it. But but but... i got glass bottle of irn bru already.. ye'll need more than that hard man. try a fuckin posse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Who is he, the "Big man" or something? you never read the Dandy FFS? What age are you guys on here?
  7. YEP, as ever it is going to take something serious tp happen before the police DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! What is the point in them being there if they continue to fuck around with incidents like this?
  8. YEP - IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO LOSE LEAGUES, IT'S WALTER SMITH!!!! He's fuckin pish he is! Irony anyone....... ......irony........
  9. i never saw it chris - only going by what the english (and pat 'tim' nevin) commentator was saying on 5 live and they were both pretty sure it shoulda been red - which is kinda unheard of - well, for the english commentators anyway.
  10. i only listened to the last 15 minutes of the game and had 30 quid on Man Utd winning 4-1. also had a tenner on 4-2 so a bit gutted man u didnt fuck them good and proper. never mind tho - aalborg will fuck them out of europe altogether and we can all laugh. then silly wee lassies like that daft bint above can sniff about elsewhere for their kicks. rangers fan or no - nobody insinuates im a fuckin tim and gets away wi' it. jist cos i've onlygoat 12 posts doesnt mean im not a regular on here - unlike some of the upstarts posting their pish. gonnae mod me fur that coops? Who are you calling a daft bint ya cunt? *grabs mcboyd* steady big yin. Hes not worth it. But but but... i got glass bottle of irn bru already.. ye'll need more than that hard man. try a fuckin posse.
  11. i only listened to the last 15 minutes of the game and had 30 quid on Man Utd winning 4-1. also had a tenner on 4-2 so a bit gutted man u didnt fuck them good and proper. never mind tho - aalborg will fuck them out of europe altogether and we can all laugh. then silly wee lassies like that daft bint above can sniff about elsewhere for their kicks. rangers fan or no - nobody insinuates im a fuckin tim and gets away wi' it. jist cos i've onlygoat 12 posts doesnt mean im not a regular on here - unlike some of the upstarts posting their pish. gonnae mod me fur that coops? Who are you calling a daft bint ya cunt? what the fuck is this - stupit cunt week? are you female? judging by the looks of your photo it's an even bet right enough. read the thread from the beginning - the "sniff sniff" comment might shed some light. fuckin call me a time ya week prick. mod me now coops - that about deserves it. sorry, but im not taking this shite from mc-fuckwit. fuckin mod him too while yer at it. ps - grow a brain before ye start flingin shite pal
  12. i only listened to the last 15 minutes of the game and had 30 quid on Man Utd winning 4-1. also had a tenner on 4-2 so a bit gutted man u didnt fuck them good and proper. never mind tho - aalborg will fuck them out of europe altogether and we can all laugh. then silly wee lassies like that daft bint above can sniff about elsewhere for their kicks. rangers fan or no - nobody insinuates im a fuckin tim and gets away wi' it. jist cos i've onlygoat 12 posts doesnt mean im not a regular on here - unlike some of the upstarts posting their pish. gonnae mod me fur that coops?
  13. sniff sniff... your arse too near yer nose or summat?
  14. Playing anti-football tonight by the sounds of it. wonder how much the media will make of the sound of this mhanky game/ although to be fair, it does sound like that wee portuguese cowardly cu*t should have bee sent off. delighted she stayed on of course cos it gives the scum something else to bump their disease ridden gums about. CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, YER HAVIN' A LAUGH!
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