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  1. what a fuckhead!.... international duties are international duties and it's the fucking FIFA rules over the clubs you idiot... they are giving you favour so just take it...you should be happy and thankful not act like a jerk by insulting them what a fuking ungratitude... with all due respect to all respectable Rangers fan and to the great club... this moron real got into my nerve! and since you are not happy , let me give you the news from the official FAF website.... Bougherra won't be playing the Celtic game...because they granted the permission to the players from 27 to Dec 30. http://www.faf.dz/article.php?a_id=331 now, Note that the FIFA rules states that's it's the club obligation to release a player 14 days before an official international competion (tournement)....ACN start Jan10, means the player ,normally, should be with the national team on Dec 27
  2. what a fuckhead!.... international duties are international duties and it's the fucking FIFA rules over the clubs you idiot... they are giving you favour so just take it...you should be happy and thankful not act like a jerk by insulting them what a fuking ungratitude... with all due respect to all respectable Rangers fan and to the great club... this moron real got into my nerve!
  3. also we are hearing that Madjid Called today his friend Smail Bouzid (the other Algerian in the SFL) to congratulate him and thank him for his first goal in the Scottish league against Celtic today which allowed Rangers to be in the lead...knowing that it's Bougherra who helped Bouzid to joing the scottish club. Goal of Smail Bouzid against Celtic:
  4. according to DZfoot site which is the number one site of football in Algeria also we are hearing that Madjid Called today his friend Smail Bouzid to congratulate him and thank him for his first goal in the Scottish league against Celtic today which allowed Rangers to be in the lead...knowing that it's Bougherra who helped Bouzid to joing the scottish club. Goal of Smail Bouzid against Celtic:
  5. as an Algerian what I understand from this interview... is Bougherra is saying I respect this club... I like this club, I like the fans and respect them and I like to be here...so if I'm staying I wouldn't mind it at all...in the other hand think from a footballer perspective...the carreer of a footballer is short and who doesn't want to play in a big clubs...and who doesn't want to make more money, doesn't make them bad people or dishonest people!...I think it's fair enough, and I don't see bougherra or any other player can be more honest than that... yes he did some mistakes but who doesn't??...nobody is perfect! as long as he is honest and loyal to the club and give a 100%. I think Madjid is proud of his club and appreciate what this club has offered him and the fact that he is always seeking the fans understanding that's because he got respect for them... I see Bougherra always try to work things out either with the club, the coach or the fans through good communication and transparency ... but having said all that who knows maybe it's the club that wants to sell him and gain some money since he only got 2 years left maybe it's in the interest of the club to let him go...that's why bBougherra is saying"it's not in my hand"
  6. Great Video...Gazza was one of my favourite players along side with Roberto Baggio....it shows you how big Rangers is...and honestly I was surprized to see in the video that Walter Smith was there at that time!!... well you guys you should be pride of your Team...it's one of the biggest no kidding... and we are Happy to having Bougherra with you...and hey by the way congrats for taking the lead recently....and Best of luck...I wish Bougherra will stay till the Celtic game...and I hope and think that ALgerian Federation and the National coach will approuve it...I hope and wish..just to let Bougherra give a little back.
  7. Before he joined Rangers, before he joinded Charlton even...I believe since 2004
  8. Thank you Thank you Rangers Thank you Thank you Scotland we dedicate this win to all of you it's was a game of high stake...we didn't watch great football but it was a game of 1 goal....and we are soo happy it was Algeria's now Bougie will be back to Gers with 200% spirit One two three, Viva l'algerie Go Rangers Go
  9. Hey Rangers fan...I didn't forget you ! here is the streams for the playoff match in Sudan... Strangely, the game is LIVE on FIFA.com (link below) http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/news/new...eria+egypt+live or the classical P2P.... http://www.myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=...amp;part=sports or in one of the links below http://fr.justin.tv/mohandchaoui/old http://fr.justin.tv/yallahooda http://www.justin.tv/magedx?publisher_guard=mtv http://www.egytube.com/ the game will start im exactly 1 hour that is: 18h30 Alger, Paris 17h30 London 12h30 Montréal, New York [Eastern Time] 09h30 Los Angeles, Vancouver [Pacific Time] 21h30 Dubai, Moscou 04h30 Sydney wish luck guys.... the circusstances are different now and we are better mentally given the terrible conditions and the pressure we played with in Egypt.... the spirit is high and there are reports that most Sudanese are WITH US! eventhougt it was Egypt that choosed them (we choosed Tunisia and FIFA draw ended up with SUdan)...also there thousands and thousand of ALgeria's fan there...so we hope for the best. 1 2 3 Viva l'Algerie and we are all behind Rangers
  10. He is fit again. It happens. Glad to hear it, i hope he finds his way home this time. playoff next wednesday.... first min and last minute goals..that's...
  11. as promised here are the list of streams for the match game will start in 10 min... http://www.myp2p.eu/broadcast.php?matchid=...amp;part=sports it's a decisive world cup qualifier Algeria needs... a win, a draw or a loss with less than 2 goals difference Egypt needs 3 goal difference win a win with 2 goal difference for Egypt... both teams even on everything....playoff match Nov 18th in Sudan. Wish us and Bougherra luck boys
  12. promise, should be Saturday evening if the game will go ahead. Whats the chances of a result on the pitch Algiers? Believe me on the pitch we are a strong team..we already beat them 3-1 in ALgiers this year...we are on top of the group and without a defeat for 17 months...we jumped to our record FIFA ranking to the 29th spot...so football speaking we are not afraid..but you know with the intimidation and violence and "coulisses"..you never know what will happen....we need a win, a draw or a loss with 1 goal diff...if we lose with 2 goal diff we will play a playoff game next wednesday in a third party country...if we lose 3 goal diff...we will be illiminated...so...we have our chances...and hope the boys will play their game.
  13. please don't blame Madjid for playing the game, yes he was injured and there was intense effort to get him fit for the game...madjid is our Rock in defence and he is a very very important piece in the team..everybody was praying he will be fit and everybody was asking for him to to do his best to be ready.. u can't imagine how we love him down there because he loves his country and always give his best...that's why he knows the team and the fans rely on him which makes it hard for him to disappoint tand not play especially in a crucial game like that... of course if he is not fit from injury he will not play and we won't risk him.... but we all want him to play... and he feels that responsability, that's why hope you won't blame him. we all know it's been tough for him and for rangers these past 4 weeks but believe me it wasn't intended to be like that... but what to do things happen.... and I wish Madjid will do all he can to make up for that to Rangers and his fans to which and about whom he always said good things. thank you in advance guys for your understanding and all the best to Rangers from our heart honest to god (on behalf of Madjid if we can permit that and excuse my English , I know it's a disaster!) good morning Glasgow, good day .... and good night cause it's almost 1 am here and time to sleep) Best of luck and hope you wish us luck.
  14. Oh boy, you are like Angels compared to those!
  15. promise, should be Saturday evening if the game will go ahead.
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