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Posts posted by maineflyer

  1. There are plenty on RM and elsewhere who would love to see and end to the Ulster connection and no shortage of those who would willingly, but dishonestly, deny there is any relationship at all between Rangers and the good folks of Ulster. This is revisionist nonsense of course and says much about the nature of people who (at best) are so easily embarrassed by their own. Insomuch as the supporters define the club as much as half a dozen suits who sit in the boardroom (or in the United States), the ties between Rangers and loyalist Ulster are long and continuing, an important and undeniable part of this club's heritage and something to treasure with pride.

  2. Surely the student has made contact with the trollop by now and can offer a more 'informed' opinion. :wink:

    We all know what the truth is don't we. :wink:

    Oh yes, from the very start. :wink:


    What a couple of silly little morons you two are.

    Like RM's version of Beavis and Butthead. Or Butthead and Butthead as it appears.

    Grow up.

    It was MF that was as good as calling me a tim.

    I must be really undercover since I've spent good money on my season ticket. doh

    Jeez, your eyes still not dry yet? :h34rt:

  3. Saying that he wants one of our members to 'rot in hell' after he has backed VB in saying the story was shite IS wrong Gid.

    Yeah right, his position is so clearly aligned with VB that he's currently an object of ridicule on VB for the "support" he's offered. Weasel words are cheap and easy for those who use them often enough.

  4. Meh, don't really give a fuck.

    It's fine and well for certain individuals to criticise an industry they've never stepped foot in.

    I, like you, agree that your buddy has went too far here and deserves a complaint against her for what is a ridiculous story. Why you're getting shot down for saying that you agree with VB is utterly beyond my comprehension.

    I shared my knowledge of her that despite the story and the fact that she's got a tricolour in her gaff, she's not got an agenda and her first big exclusive kinda ran away with her.

    I'm a tim/sympathiser now apparently. doh

    Think that was one of the VB boys as well. (Maineflyer)

    Maineflyer has nothing to do with VB ....... but I do support everything they do to take direct action against the sort of Rangers hater you've spent the entire evening covering up for. Despite claiming you've been criticised for merely acting in a reasonable fashion, you've actually tried very hard indeed to deflect the debate from the factual attack your wee friend perpetrated against Rangers. No matter your attempted victimhood, no one accused you of being a tim and it's possible you may not actually be one - but you certainly try hard to impersonate one and it's entirely disengenious to claim that defending our enemy is anything other than giving succour to those who would do us down at every opportunity. You describe yourself as a tim sympathiser and by your words tonight you are indeed just that. It may be your own pet tim you're seeking to protect but, given what she's been doing, I think you're barking up a particularly dubious tree.

  5. I think we should all make the most of this opportunity to wallow in the depth of their pain, their manic envy and their transparent bitterness. It's at times like this you get to see the true nature of the bog-dweller. It might not be pleasant but it provides an invaluable lesson for everyone who cares about the Rangers community, a chance to see exactly what kind of dysfunctional bastards we're up against.

  6. It doesnt make sense to be friends with Rangers hating scum such as this bitch, I hope she gets whats coming to her.

    Tbh, I can see that being a valid point, but football rarely comes up between us two.

    Somehow, this seems to be the more pressing issue in the thread however.

    Go figure.

    Can you kick her in the cunt for me?

    :praise: :praise: :praise:

  7. For that to be published it would need to get past two sub editors and probably the editor if it is her first story. Chances are they'd have checked it out and decided it had enough truth in it to make it worth running. No doubt the deeply offended windy cleaner can produce 20 people sitting beside him who will each swear every word is true. It is a gutter paper but it is a well run one and they'll be careful, they don't want sued. The story is clearly nonsense, but it is sensational and it is Old firm related so the Scottish tabloids will run it. It isn't an agenda it's economics, this kind of shit sells. This complaint is going nowhere, no one has been libelled, there is no way of proving the guy is lying and, unfortunately, being a Celtic fan, and having an Irish flag on your wall isn't illegal.

    Ah... now I see exactly where you're coming from. Thanks.

  8. Excellent - hit back at the shite that call themselves journalists

    LF calls himself a journalist and hes been brainwashed by a girl journalist who according to LF is not an irish wannabe but has an irish tri colour in her bedroom mmmmmm ok. :uk:

    Im going to tell you the truth im finding really hard to believe you LF others can believe you if they want, i'd like to know why you would tell everyone here you know her it dosn't make sense, anyway i can't wait to see what you write next. :wink:

    Laudrup Forever has over 5,000 posts, how many have you got again?

    I see you've worked out how to judge the worth of every poster. :rolleyes:

  9. FFS, even a cursory study shows her to be a Rangers hating bitch of the worst kind, bragging about broadcasting her bigotry in public. How any bear could try to represent this shitebag in reasonable terms in beyond me.

    That's just where you and I differ then. (tu)

    Be assured, I didn't need you to point the difference. :rolleyes:

    I just wanted to end the matter.

    I was curious as to how you'd know her better than me though, but never mind.

    Didn't you actually read her article then. Defend her all you like but the facts on show tell me everything I need to know about this stirring little bigot.

    I've read it about three or four times now.

    You take the facts on show.

    One day you'll realise they don't always show the entire picture.

    SO, you reckon we should ignore what see actually wrote and judge her on what you say instead. Maybe you're the one who needs to see the picture. Still, deny and deflect eh?

    Point out where I said we should ignore it? Others did, but I wasn't one of them.

    All I'm offering is an insight into what she's like as a person.

    I do hope the deny and deflect comment is not some veiled attempt at calling me a tim?

    Veiled? I don't do veiled. I just have this simple philosophy that if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then there's fair chance.....

    As for what she's like as a person, wtf has that got to do with excusing the Rangers hating lies she writes? She is what she is ... garbage.

  10. FFS, even a cursory study shows her to be a Rangers hating bitch of the worst kind, bragging about broadcasting her bigotry in public. How any bear could try to represent this shitebag in reasonable terms in beyond me.

    That's just where you and I differ then. (tu)

    Be assured, I didn't need you to point the difference. :rolleyes:

    I just wanted to end the matter.

    I was curious as to how you'd know her better than me though, but never mind.

    Didn't you actually read her article then. Defend her all you like but the facts on show tell me everything I need to know about this stirring little bigot.

    I've read it about three or four times now.

    You take the facts on show.

    One day you'll realise they don't always show the entire picture.

    SO, you reckon we should ignore what see actually wrote and judge her on what you say instead. Maybe you're the one who needs to see the picture. Still, deny and deflect eh?

  11. FFS, even a cursory study shows her to be a Rangers hating bitch of the worst kind, bragging about broadcasting her bigotry in public. How any bear could try to represent this shitebag in reasonable terms in beyond me.

    That's just where you and I differ then. (tu)

    Be assured, I didn't need you to point the difference. :rolleyes:

    I just wanted to end the matter.

    I was curious as to how you'd know her better than me though, but never mind.

    Didn't you actually read her article then. Defend her all you like but the facts on show tell me everything I need to know about this stirring little bigot.

  12. FFS, even a cursory study shows her to be a Rangers hating bitch of the worst kind, bragging about broadcasting her bigotry in public. How any bear could try to represent this shitebag in reasonable terms in beyond me.

    That's just where you and I differ then. (tu)

    Be assured, I didn't need you to point the difference. :rolleyes:

  13. "She has no agenda" are sure you read that shite ffs, thats what you would call a twisted irish wanabe, you must be making this up how the hell do you know someone like that who has a tri colour in her bedroom.?

    Maybe he's a rounded enough person to be able to speak to Celtic supporters without automatically going into a beetroot-faced rage.

    As if by magic, the apologist appears.

    You better watch mate he'll be calling you a bigot next for saying that.I would just ignore that one mate. (tu)

    No problem to me mate. When it comes to the dark side and its sundry minions, I'm a fully paid up bigot waving my advanced bigot membership card for all to see.

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