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Posts posted by Gash07

  1. :rolleyes:

    just him, aye? :lol:

    Well our current predicament is administration and impending liquidation. Brought about by Whyte.

    Murrays failings being the previous loyds debt and the big tax case are neither here not there at the moment, we would be in admin even if they didn't exist.

    It would seem that Whyte it's doing everything in his power to liquidate the club.

    So yes, one man.

  2. If work is being put out with your name on it and you're not being allowed to influence matters at all, then I or anyone with self respect would see no other option than to quit immediately.

    Smith will have to explain why it took the administrators to relieve him of his position for me to place any credence in this story.

  3. I believe Smith when he says he wasn't being allowed to do his job, a man of his experience could never have been behind the shambles that was our transfer dealings.

    However this begs the question, why did it take the administrators to remove him from his position? If, as he states, he wasn't allowed carry out his remit he should have resigned long ago.

    What was he doing? Collecting a nice wage? Doesn't speak well for the man.

  4. So there you much ado about nothing other than being economical with the truth as the politicos say, incidentaly our present owner has not been accused of anything illegal let alone charged, I wonder if the bumhinger will come out of hiding and provide the proof that Whyte is skint, I believe hell will freeze over first.:sherlock:

    It's pretty irrelevant if he's skint or not, fact of the matter is, he hasn't put any of his supposed wealth into Rangers, this much is clear.

    He insinuated he'd be investing his cash, not simply reroute our own vital revenue. Are you happy with that?

    It remains to be seen if he's done anything illegal, but frankly, I'd be surprised if he's slipped up whilst turning this trick.

    He's clearly well versed in these arts.

  5. I said on Saturday/Sunday that the club faces liquidation but I got hell for it,there is buyers interested in buying the club but they cant purchase Rangers until there is clarity on certain issues. I have never spoke like this on here but Craig Whyte you really are a wanker!

    You also said, probably about a week ago, that in 11 days time big things will happen. We still on for


  6. It's because so many of our support are willing to trust implicitly and without question, that Whyte was able to get so far.

    Mountains of evidence explained away, opinions of judges swept under the carpet, barefaced lies forgotten about and still we have people willing to state that they still trust Whyte, incredible.

    I don't doubt that the people whose loyalty still holds out believe they are helping and supporting the club, well your admirable loyalty has been taken advantage of in the most comprehensive way possible. Learn the lesson.

    Its not the records fault, its not the BBC or radio clydes fault, in fact these people were providing information which could have helped.

    What would you be saying if you found out that the Daily Record - or any other apparent enemy from the media - knew all along what Whyte was doing and sat on it?

  7. The Arsenal shares are a big deal. If indeed he has sold them, then they are of limited monetary value (circa £200,000) which in the grand scheme of things isn't very much. However, they hold a far larger sentimental value, and provide a link between the past and present. Ask yourself why someone would actually do this to the club, as they stand to gain nothing but criticism and hatred from the fans for the sake of £200,000. It becomes increasingly impossible to reconcile Whyte's, "I'm doing the best for Rangers" statements with his actions. If the shares were worth a decent amount of money I would still be unsure about selling them, but I could at least see the financial sense in doing so. These actions appear nothing but malicious and frankly stupid.

    Well said.

  8. I have one of the big 4 in now closing last years off and I described the situation to a partner. He reckoned, though he said it was only from the info I gave him, that whyte would not even be a creditor if it could be proven that the money was an asset purchase in the primary company.

    He also said that technically speaking and again subject to more info whyte might even be a debtor and that the club could potentially have a claim against him hugely dependent on the asset purchase documentation.

    The only thing to bare in mind is that he has absolutely no prior knowledge so a lot of ifs and buts but certainly made sense, if he got my description correct. (tu)

    Finally some financial opinion that would appear logical.

    The idea that some clown can buy a business by somehow flogging said business' assets before hand, then liquidate that business and be first in line to collect the dough that was never his in the first place defies logic.


  9. Even if what he did was right and proper, how is essentially borrowing this amount and paying it off over 3 years, the best possible deal for Rangers. A 25 year mortgage would have been a better deal.

    What Whyte has effectively done is turn a business making a £10 million loss (with no european football) into a business making a £19 million loss. Thats some best possible deal.


  10. Ticketus own a good portion of our season tickets every year for the next 3. Those tickets will be valid unless we are liquidated, I assume.

    There will be no need to go after anyone for money, they have assets, that is their game. Its very simple.

    For the next 3 years our earning potential will be heavily depleted.

  11. It would be easier to for everyone to deal with and understand this whole situation if - from now on - we all automatically assume that everything Whyte says is a lie.

    Think about it, almost every important statement he has made has been fiction.

    There are some vulnerable people on these forums, people who, even now after all his bullshit, still really want to believe that Whytes master plan will be revealed soon.

    £33 million, hahaha, if I don't laugh I'll cry.

  12. I think if there is one lesson which has to be learnt from all of this it's that blind faith should not be our default stance on anyone in a position of power at the club.

    Question everything, we have a right to know!

    Everything must be transparent and open for all to see and if something is - for whatever reason -withheld then it should be treated with caution and suspicion, until proven otherwise.

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