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Posts posted by TheNuts

  1. It's a statement of intent, it shows everyone (especially if on TV) that this is what the future holds for SPL clubs who wlecome Rangers.

    No more of them budgeting because we pack their shitty grounds, no more leaching onto our fans!

    People will be asking why have Rangers not got any support and they will get the answer we have all been saying since Feb last year!

    but if we were to reject, do you not think their fans would make more of an effort to spite that and fill our allocation? A full stadium of them would be very daunting for our team.

  2. if instead of boycotting a Scottish Cup game that we will be getting a share of the gate money anyway, we boycott an SPL game in the future where we will receive diddly-squat?

    This is not a game where we will be giving them our money to go to their stadium and watch the game, we will receive a share of the gate as a condition of being in the Cup, so essentially the money we will be spending will come back to us rather then go into their greedy pockets. (never forgive them for charging us again after the game was PP'd)

    Personally id want the team to know we were behind them in the cup and give them our full support. That could be the difference between winning and losing this game.

    If we were to reject the allocation im more than sure their fans would make more of an effort to fill our allocation! It would be more effective if we took our allocation and did not go. (this would hurt the pockets of people who have already paid for a ticket for this game when renewing a season ticket)

    Lets just bide our time and hit them harder when we boycott an SPL game. We will get our chance, and this is not it...

  3. "Also why do people keep asking if we will get a share of the gate if we don't take any fans, of course we do, just like Elgin did for bringing only about 500 fans yesterday."

    the difference is they brought fans! If we reject it why would they need to pay us gate money especially if they sell that stand to their supporters? - do you not think their supporters would feel disenfranchised if we reject the application for tickets, bring no fans and still demand gate money?

    Imagine if it was the other way around...

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