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Posts posted by supermac

  1. 20 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

    Fucking horrendous.

    Andy and Stevie look to be suffering a bad case of constipation.

    That's twice now for Andy. Are we paying him enough to be part of this shite?

    Then fucking priest sitting in the home of the famous. No doubt a plant by nonce fc to deflect from their child rape troubles and blame us.

    On the plus side I never noticed a taig identifying as a bitch in a hooped frock with a stauner.

    We do need to stop this shite.

    Thats our Church of Scotland reverend speaking.   Pipe down. 

  2. Thomson was far more expressive on the park.   His aggression in the tackle endeared him to the fans.  

    A very clever player and in my opinion above Jack, at present.  

    Jack continues to surprise me though, I didn’t think it would work out when he first signed and indeed last season was a bit stop start.   The signs this season are very encouraging. 

  3. He is fucking hopeless big flapping prick

    We had craig Gordon in our hands and mccoist managed to fuck that up as well

    Can't believe that fat fuck is sitting on his arse getting 750,000

    No way he should even be allowed back into ibrox

    Legend status well and truly gone fat boy

    Ally believed we had offered Gordon and Scott Allen deals. I tend to believe him despite his shortcomings as a manager. I think the board shafted him on those signings.

  4. A few of the early Sunday papers reporting he is on 110k and his son 60k, frightening if true

    Easy to be "a good Rangers man" on that wage. I suppose in any other walk of life you'd be saying fair play.

    On the other hand we need to look at who the feck allowed the kit man to earn so much!

  5. As in maybe Scotland fortunes at international level. Coaching the players we have would be a doddle for him. He left Motherwell because he could not take them any further. Look at my previous posts regarding building a new team each year and still finishing behind celtic.

    Aberdeen, United etc could not beat a man who was on a pittance of their player wage budget. He could not drop players this season as had no one to come in and thought it best for the team if a fresh man could kick start them. Thats honourable and certainly is not hopeless. Hopeless would be to continue with same old same old.

    One things for sure McCall would have this team playing a lot lot better than we are now. He is available and wages at Motherwell was probably equivalent to one of our coaches at Murrap park. ;-)

    I have no doubt he would improve us short to medium term. I'd be much more comfortable with McCall being part of the coaching set up at Rangers similar to the role at Scotland as you mention.

    You're right he did work wonders with them season on season. However it's a big step up to manage us as you know. He could lose a game one week with Motherwell with little reaction from the fans. In comparison with our fans it's the end of the world if we lose.

    He'd be an ideal assistant as he has his own views on players and tactics as opposed to a yes man holding a clip board.

  6. They are just shite and don't care, the majority anyway. As long as they get a wage at the end of the week, I don't think it affects most of them.

    We took ex spl players who of course cantered the lower leagues. However, they have failed to gain the hunger for success and now that they are earning treble what they would ever have earned elsewhere. They are quite happy to slip back into mediocrity. Bad times but we have very few real Rangers quality players/people at the club.

  7. It's all very well McCall man managing Nicky Law but we need the team to play better not just one overpaid Shitebag.

    I respect McCall as a coach, but, manager of Rangers I could never see him be a success. He quit Motherwell as he ran out of ideas with them. What hope would he have as manager of the most scrutinised position in Scottish football. P.S as stated I love McCall and would love him to prove me wrong.

  8. No, there are alternatives which would be easier. I.e the board getting everyone who is willing to assist Rangers round a table and discussing the best way forward.

    Also it would help if Somers could go, as he is only in it for himself.

  9. To quote the late great Bill Struth.

    '"...Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome. That has been the philosophy of the Rangers since the days of the gallant pioneers."

  10. Under market value, mini Murray,

    Don't get me wrong fresh investment is good but surely the going rate needs paid.

    Why? Ashley has paid the going rate but in return has had naming rights for £1, advertising rights for £1, a heavily Ashley favoured merchandise deal and god knows what else.

    These guys support the club and do not want to line the pockets of the crooked board in charge.

    This investment must be welcomed, safe in the knowledge that if these guys get in on the board they'll blow the whistle on any dodgy dealings. Why? Because they're interested in the future of the club.

  11. Yes.

    In our first season under Ally everything was going great, then Naismith got injured. Ally did not have a plan to compensate for his loss.

    In the lower leagues he has no excuses as we still had more resource than any other club. Yes he won us promotion x 2 but he's left a squad that is devoid of leaders and players in which we can build a solid base on for many years to come. Lewis Macleod being the exception there, but we'll see what happens with him in January.

  12. Shot down with a spud gun. When is anyone at this club going to have a backbone and stand up for the club.

    Where's our modern day Struth's and Jock Wallace's, I guess they are sadly a thing of the past.

    RE Donald Findlay, I see you as a new person as your new opinion of Rangers doesn't reflect the character I saw you as, thus making you a 'new gobshite'.

  13. Because Lee McCulloch is the gaffers pal and he see's Jig as Davie Weir MK II

    With regards to Moshni, Ally sees him as a good laugh and a great character so that nullifies all his wayward passing, tantrums and general shiteness.

    Sorry to be so negative but I don't think I'm too far from the truth.

  14. Fair enough.

    Your point for me is the problem: Why shouldn't Rangers supporters or any supporters for that matter be able to congregate under similar circumstances and proudly display their allegiances. Fuck the media. The reaction to their smearing of us should not be "ach lets just live in caves", it should be challenged.

    Perhaps you're right, I do care how Rangers fans are portrayed to the rest of the UK and the world and the media reaches these places.

    I want us to have a better reputation because we are the best fans in the world but are wrongly vilified like in Manchester for example. I would have just preferred it if there were no Rangers tops/flags that the media could have got their claws into because quite clearly it's more than just Rangers fans in Scotland who care passionately about the Union.

  15. I honestly don't believe that, me and my misses were in the square from about 730 till around 10 o'clock and it was actually a really good atmosphere and I would say most people there were there to enjoy themselves. I did think the police were at fault letting everyone get so close to each other as there was just no need for it. I do realise that there was a few incidents that kicked off a bit that actually happened away from George square but it really has been blown out of proportion and I fail to see how this is even being made into a Rangers issue in the first place as there was hardly anyone there wearing Rangers tops etc

    There was Rangers flags in various videos and pictures. I just question why people would even bring such a thing to something like that on a Friday night.

  16. Wow thats a pretty massive assumption to be putting out there SM. Are you saying that about all the Yes people who were jumping about, taunting the crowd, throwing missiles, letting off flares etc...

    I'd say on both sides there were unsavoury characters yes. I didn't mean to categorise everyone who visited George Square that was wrong of me, I'm just saying there were defiantly some people there for one reason and it was to wind up the other side. With such passionate people there from both sides trouble was bound to happen unless the police did there job...of course sadly they didn't.

  17. If they were looking for a fight they would have started it.

    They didn't.

    Case closed.

    Fair doos all I know is Scotland spoke on the Thursday by unanimously voting No case closed on the subject therefore I fail to see why anyone would want to go to George Square on a Friday night when there are plenty of other things to do.

    The point which I was trying to make initially which perhaps got lost was I don't for the life of me know why people brought Rangers flags because the media jumped on it.

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