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We Will Follow Rangers

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Posts posted by We Will Follow Rangers

  1. this wont stop them.

    the agenda hasnt changed, the upshoot of todays judgement is more or less that the tarriers have been handed on a plate domination of the spl and all its financial rewards for fuck all, but that isnt all they want, they still have regan and dungcaster on a string and nimmos no stranger to a fit up, as al magrahi knew.

    lets see if these fabled side letters ever actually show up.

    once this is done and dusted we should all unite and demand a full public enquiry into events over the last 7 years, why a function of central government tried to destroy our club, the conduct of the sfa, the spl, d&p, lloyds tsb - the list is endless.

  2. if this is true then the bottom line here is that the fucking tarriers have been handed on a plate complete domination of the spl and all its financial rewards for the next 4 or 5 years - for fuck all.

    cheats they cried doh

    they and their media and bloggers exploited moral outrage about rangers supposed tax liability in order to win that spl vote.

    if we have won or at least didnt lose then only a full public enquiry will do.

  3. It's also a means of raising funds for ex servicemen etc. The money does matter, particularly given the good it does.

    As I said, I'm a poppy wearer, always have been, my family have served for several generations.

    However, I don't necessarily believe that showing your respect has to come down to you wearing a piece of plastic symbolically once a year.

    Charities need the money, they can't fund themselves on symbolism.

    the "piece of plastic symbolism" is exchanged for cash for the charity, a pound in the tin buys your poppy, shows respect and funds the charity, its worked since 1921.

    if you believe celtics token gesture was anything more than a distraction from their fans show of disrespect your kidding yourself on.

    so what if rangers play to an audience in respect of the armed forces? is it not an audience we're entitled to try and attract?

    is there something wrong with showing support for our armed forces? or making an occasion of remembrance sunday?

    I too come from a family who for many generations have served in the armed forces and have a son in the paras, deployed right now, remembrance sunday has allways been the day on which my family shows our respect for the fallen and buying a poppy and wearing it is a fundamental element in showing that respect

  4. http://www.poppyscot...o_poppyscotland

    But they never wore a poppy so burn the witch.

    perfunctory gesture at best, cynical grasp at 10k worth of cheap publicity to cover up the lack of respect / desecration shown by their support at worst.

    people shouldnt be forced to wear the poppy, hitler lost the war, we're free to choose.

    but how else to honour those who paid the ultimate price for that freedom?

    a simple poppy does not glorify war and it isnt a political statement.

    its just a simple mark of respect, better 10k show respect by buying a poppy than a giant cheque presented by a cynical cunt to generate some cheap pr

  5. lets be pragmatic here, Greigs 70. hasnt had any real role in football beyond the mostly honorary post he previously held for a generation, bringing walter back is a masterstoke by green who needs Walter's knowledge and understanding of how the game works in this country and who is also held in immense respect by many in the game beyond ibrox and the media in scotland, the mhedia may find it easy to rubbish Green but they couldnt rubbish Walter, we all know that what Greens been saying has mostly been spot on and was also badly needing to be said, but its been easily batted away as him playing to an audience, no such accusation could be leveled at Walter.

    can think of no-one better to defend our club in the coming battles we face, I'd love to see dungcaster try and take walters titles away, we need him on board badly, John Greig, legend as he'l allways be, would bring what exactly?

  6. in fairness to temps hes been out for a few months and hamstring niggle injuries are common when players are returning from a long lay off.

    pity he's yet to get going for us but its hardly fair to be judging him as a sicknote just yet.

    hopefully the team can kick on from the weekend and by the time temps is ready we'll be flying. :21:

  7. walter would be an invaluable asset to the board, who by their own admission need help with understanding football and the "peculiarities" of the football culture in scotland. but I cant see him taking it as he knows exactly the pressure it would put on ally having him round the club in a official capacity, as pointed out earlier esp if we're in a sticky patch, walter wouldnt put himself or ally in that position. such is the measure of the man.

    brilliant to see walter at games even his presence brings its own reassurance, as well as his seemingly positive relationship with charles. , and knowing that he's only a phonecall away for either charles or ally should they need his input is enough.

  8. many thanks to op for the summary, been at work all day and missed it, cheers also to poster who posted link.

    some remarkable stuff in there.

    No debt. No liabilities. Paying bills and club in sensational financial position come end of season. :peanut:

    how long have we waited to hear that?

    loving chucks chat, he's played another blinder here, the honest yorkshireman he is shines through :clap:

  9. todays ref was only slightly less appalling than those who have proceeded him so far this season.

    the boy neal surely should have had a straight red for lifting his hands, but at least this tube remembered he had a red card.

    if we stopped humping it from the back and trust our mid to play the ball on the deck we'll draw a lot more fouls and get better protection for ball players than simply 50/50's where we dont seem to get the decisions.

  10. ally's trying to build and gel a side together, losing the suit could be a deliberate tactic to appear to be more with the players and establishes that they are there to do a job of work , as stated above with sleeves rolled up.

    Im more concerned with re-establishing the tradition of rangers being scotland's pre-eminent football club than what our manager wears on matchday.

    not only that but appears to be working...

    if it aint broke dont fix it

  11. Protestant


    1530–40; < German or French, for Latin prōtestantēs, plural of present participle of prōtestārī to bear public witness.

    to bear public witness to the evil corruption and perverted vice of rome should not be a crime, its the single biggest factor in the success of northern europe, where our enlightened protestant work ethic and attitude to progress and education led to the industrialisation of the western world. have a look at southern europe's history and current ecconomic state, fascism, corruption and vice, with a major failure in getting aff their arses, ffs its taken 15 years to jail berlusconi who only got himeself elected in order to give himself immunity from prosecution, ireland, portugal, spain and italy and all virtualy bankrupt.

    max weber was bang on the money.

    and now it appears they want to rollback the reformation for the sake of their votes in an attempt to destroy our union which in turn puts us at risk of becoming the next ireland, portugal, spain or italy.

    fuck that.

  12. There is no logic to your post. Irrespective of the BTC, we owed HMRC for VAT and PAYE/NI.

    wasnt it precisely because whyte withheld VAT and PAYE/NI that a CVA was refused? nothing to do with BTC?

    if whyte hadnt have withheld VAT and PAYE/NI I reckon HMRC would have had some scope to be sympathetic about a CVA in regard to BTC, which is why he has no defense for driving rangers at the rocks, despite his shit stirring and protestations of innocence

  13. an organisation that carried out 1500 years of ethnic and cultural cleansing, set mandkinds development back 500 years by torturing and imprisoning those who wished to read and write in their own language, or some of mankind's greatest minds like galileo who wished to further our knowledge, who invented anti semitism and who have actively supported every fascist regime thats ever existed, that turned a blind eye to german and italian expulsions of jews to death camps and set up networks for escaping nazis at the end of the war to further their grim work in south america, that has provided safe shelter and protection for paedophiles and still does, this organisation is now deemed to be beyond critisism???

    along with its head who used to be a nazi, who's dad was in the SD and is now paedophile protector and bigot in chief.

    and now these fuckers are suddenly beyond reproach?

    have we forgotten why we had a reformation?

    it would be like jailing jews in israel in 400 years time for saying bad shit about the nazi's.

  14. usual media hypocrisy, they have derided, pilloried and acted as judge and jury against this "man" when it suited their agenda now they hang on his every utterence as if gospel in a drawn out shit stirring excersise.

    we're in a better place now that we've been for years despite this rat bastard and the egomaniac before him.

    guessing some in the media are fucking gutted that rangers fans came out in such huge numbers to save our club and make it resurgant again, all they are left with now is shit stirring about history thats irrelevent to us now.

  15. still astonishes me what they got away with, the moral zeitgeist, they'll tell you, says you shouldnt score points on child abuse, thats not the issue here its the fact that they covered it up, they dont seem to get that, or more likely they cling to some notion of a higher morality that actualy helps to perpetuate the cover up.

    After penn state and now the beeb it should be screamed from the fucking rooftops,

    They covered up child abuse..

    time the bastards faced the music

  16. fucking brilliant, let them commit commercial suicide, what potential advertiser would want to decimate their potential market share by sponsering their green and grey rag on a solo basis?

    liewell took his begging bowl round the world and had to come back to duke street, the quicker we get their jakey brew off our tops the better. it looks fucking awfull.

    will be happy to trust green to get us a better deal, he's done well so far in that department. the worldwide publicity we've generated by supporting our club in such huge numbers despite our position will make us even more attractive to potential sponsers

  17. had someone told me 6 months ago that we'd be playing in div 3 with a crop of young exciting players coming through, top of the league by october and still to settle into our surroundings I'd have bitten their hand off.

    the massive, massive thing for me this season has been the reaffirming of love for the club I have felt and the immense pride at how our support has rallied to the club.

    rangers is all about pride, and its the fans that have given the club it back.

    my fellow rangers fans are simply astonishing, simply the best.

  18. As some of you may know, we sometimes do a Fans' View feature on the homepage, collecting comments from The Bears' Den, facebook and twitter on a certain subject.

    This week we are asking how well you think we have adapted to life in the Third Division, and if you can give a reasonable justification your opinion could appear in this week's Fans' View! :sherlock:

    Over to you...

    poorly if truth be told.

    the only real surprise is that anyones surprised by this, its ok saying its the 4rth tier of scottish football and our players are better than those we oppose but that doesnt translate into a cake walk, teams will raise their games against us and we've yet to acclimatise to the agricultural often fairly brutal style of play we've encountered. its up to the players to go out and show that they are better and they havent done that with any real consistancy, hopefully that will come.

    we're a new team with players with very little game time and no preseason, we look unbalanced and we've been unlucky with injuries. yet we still sit top of the league, still plenty to come from us and once we get going as a team and players learn what it takes to win at this level.

    all that matters is at the end of the season we achieve the aim of promotion, we're rangers we dont wont to be adapting to life in the Third Division.

  19. TBTC is away,it has got absolutely nothing to do with Rangers anymore.Nice try tho.

    aye if HMRC win, should they lose however, remembering it was the btc that was used as the moral justification for the attempt to kill our club, I for one would be demanding to know why resources of a function of central government were used to persecute our club. then revisit the reasons and the outcome of the persecution we've suffered at the hands the football authorities.

    public enquiry time.

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