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We Will Follow Rangers

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Posts posted by We Will Follow Rangers

  1. I think my problem was I didn't read the headline! I think the BBC must have got to me as I seem to be spouting pish. It shows how bad the BBC is now I think that article is fair and balanced over at STV.

    soon as I see that wee baldly bastard McLaughlin's coupon on a bbc article I wouldnt risk my eyesight or my blood pressure to read it.

    fucking STV still had a "rangers in crisis" page in november. they do present both sides but that headline gives the game away, 18 possible sanctions, including anything they want to make up on the hoof yet they describe it as "Rangers await title stripping verdict"

    nuff said.

    fait accompli it seems to suggest.

  2. This is slightly off topic but I think it's worth pointing out that the STV link posted shows very fair and balanced reporting with the case for the defence and witch hu....sorry prosecution set out evenly. What a difference from the one sided BBC Scotland reporting that I have grown to hate over the last year and a half

    stopped reading at headline mate, "Rangers await title stripping verdict"

    very fair and balanced?

  3. Time to take back our heritage and burnings at the stake for those who try to deny us. Maybe then they will get the message!

    burnings at the stake isnt our heritage, its theirs, thats why we had a reformation, englands last catholic queen set fire to 260 protestants in the street, thats why we dont have catholic monarchs

  4. time to dismantle the web of nepotism and corruption in scottish football.

    stage one unite as many clubs as posssible to alternative plan to rhegan/dungcaster/liesw£ll's dogs dinner .

    stage two , once their proposal is defeated, unite clubs around a vote of no confidance in rhegan/dungcaster.

    stage three, rangers take their rightfull place in discussions around reconstructuring of scottish football as scotland biggest and most successfull club should be.

    stage four, islolate lieswell, unravel and expose whats went at the spl and sfa.

    I see this statement as nothing more than a step to succeeding in stage one. We will only attract other clubs support if we make conciliarity noises, this statement is meant for their ears. Rangers cant continue be a pariah team stuck in the corner with no influence, we are scotland biggest and most successfull club.

    while I back charlies stategy 100%, it wont change my or probably any other bears thinking as reguards to forgiving or forgetting.

  5. Bollocks. It's how the world works. Murray was no different from anyone else.

    yeah with the rich screwing the tax system while the working man is being screwed by it.

    no different from anyone else ma arse.

    I dont think football players earning humungus wages and being encouraged not to pay tax on it is a good thing or the right thing, I dont care if its my club or anyones elses.

  6. it might have been the presumption of guilt that brought rangers down, thats to the eternal shame of scottish football, but the use of EBT’s in the first place was symptomatic of the shyster practices of Murray, and Hugh had every right to critisise those practices, they go against everything Rangers as a club stands for. whether we’ve been found to be innocent or not, EBT use allowed our enemies to attempt to destroy us. And that is to the eternal shame of Murray.

    hopefully the rangers family will remember Hugh Adam as an outstanding servant to the club and whoever is incumbent in the owners office will remember that Rangers require the highest levels of business propriety and integrity.

  7. "Celtic’s values come from a foundation story."

    what theft and religious sectarianism?

    they stole the idea for their club from hivs, then went back and stole their players, hivs disapeared to go newclub a year later.

    they were founded to prevent irish catholic immigrants from mixing with pesky presbyterians at COS soup kitchens.

    strange to read a Rangers fan giving any credance to the historical revisionism of "the celtic story" ffs its historical airbrushing stalin would have been proud off.

    if thats what more than a club means then I'm proud rangers were started by 4 guys who just wanted to play football.

  8. You do know the RCs aren't the only cult to have their own schools in Scotland. They aren't even the only cult to have their schools funded by the tax payer.

    there are no state funded islamic schools, just 3 privately funded ones, 1 jewish state funded one and 385 state-funded Roman Catholic schools.

    does the Blaine Amendment not still operate in 38 states of america?

    Americans saw the problem with state funding sectarian schools early on, as Ulysses S. Grant said, religous education should be left to families, churches, and private schools, devoid of public funds.

  9. Can someone help me out here please. I remember seeing someone had written down a list of everything we feel we have been hard done by from sfa SPL etc. Where can I find it? A Motherwell fan in my work who follows them everywhere and knows his football said earlier I was acting like a Tim when explaining some of the shit treatment Rangers have faced. I'm no doing us justice when trying to rhyme things off so lookin for this list and breakdown of all things done wrong to us over the past year so I can show him in more detail and see if he changes his mind.

    act like a tim, nut him then pish on him

    oh and mind and tell him tam cowan's a fat wank

  10. My problem with that is that I am then funding those whose hearts were set on our complete extermination.

    they failed mate, we've allways funded them, they've allways hated us.

    look at the state some of the spl clubs are in , no amount of shuffling chairs on the deck of the titanics gonna change that, when we return to the spl we'll do so cash rich and debt free.

    and they'll hate us sooooo much more when we're champions again.


  11. However those conspiring against Rangers, and those with a venomous hatred of our club have convinced me our future lies elsewhere. If we were to move out of Scotland many of the issues would evaporate - spiteful and vindictive football authorities, a disgraceful and apparently unaccountable media and a host of opposition clubs who whilst happy to milk the cash cow of Rangers wilfully kicked us when we were down.

    with respect mate these are the very things that make me want us to stay.

    they wanted us burried, they failed, they failed because Rangers fans wouldnt let our club die, only a fool would think otherwise.

    the sweet satisfaction from regaining our rightfull place as scottish champions and once again skelping them round ibrox would be the highlight of my 35 years of following Rangers.

    the ultimate GIRFUY to all our enemies

  12. TBB shouldn't even be an option along with the other three.

    It's between restructuring and title-stripping, I'd go for the former.

    with league reconstructing being mainly concerned with maintaining the status quo of the current spl members. and there even being dissenting voices within that group, more a falling out of thieves than any real conviction, and with rangers being prevented from having input, there are plenty of other clubs who's own agenda's will force them to take up the fight, many wont be happy at it being presented as fait accompli by the three stooges and liesw£ll has made an error backing the plan in an attempt to make it an anti rangers thing amongst the shettleston's support, football fans dont like this plan full stop.

    although league reconstructing is important, my point is its not a battle we fight alone, whereas title stripping is.

    so i'd go with the latter

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