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Everything posted by ABOD

  1. You see this razor gang stuff. That wasn't why i sung it when i was growing up infact nearly all from Ulster sung it and put at the end "We are the boys of King William". None of us never even heard of this gang infact i still don't think thats were the song actually came from this song was even being sung when my Grandfather was growing up.
  2. We all know there is no letter and if one pops up now it will be a fake.
  3. 1. YES and NO 2. Yes it is acceptable for 2010 our culture and traditions mean allot to thousands if not millions of people around the world past and present especially to the people who give the biggest sacrifice for our traditions and culture who shall not be forgotten. Lest We Forget. 3. I have seen protestant homes being attacked on a nightly basis but i have also seen if you don't see it our Rangers being attacked nearly on a 24hr a day basis. Their war isn't over so neither is ours. 4. The quicker Sir David Vineyard has sold Rangers the better for all you need your head checked if you think Sir David Vineyard has done anything for Rangers.
  4. Whats wrong with knowing the truth?
  5. I think we all know the answer to this now then Sentry..... He would say "i thought i seen it but maybe it wasn't" There was NO letter and The Billy Boys has not been banned simple. But what i'd love to know is why Dingaling would tell this lie about such a letter? Maybe to gain something (nothing new) i wonder does anyone know what that could be?
  6. Sectarian stuff And theres that auld "living in the past" statment once again. Can i tell you something this is 2010 and it's happening now, it's not the past but more like the present and future....... Our CULTURE cannot be bargined with and Our CULTURE is Our PRESENT AND FUTURE. Its time for YOU to move on and thers more than you i would say that too on here.
  7. What a pile of CRAP. The same shite that every handwringer and republican apoligist is coming out with Is David Murrays lapdogs OUR CLUB.
  8. Whats damaging our club because its all a fart in the wind at the minuite. Only the taig jornos squealing their shite as per useal expect nothing less from them. And of course David Murrays lapdogs taking the bait and not sticking up for the MAJORITY of the fans.
  9. You were here there and everywhere weren't you
  10. I have to say all of that is true. And we don't need people like TravelingBilboard spouting his crap on these forums we have enough enemys to worry about. FACT Question to Travelingtwat.... Why support Rangers if you don't like what the fans sing at the matches?
  11. I know you were and thats the problem. I know yous all think its fun but certain people could have a handicap or learning problem.
  12. I never said i was using it i just said you can read it and thats good enough some people aren't as fortunate as others when learning and typing so just leave it.
  13. Yous knew what it said didn't yous so stop complaining FFS.
  14. Do you think that you're the only Rangers fan in the planet or what And i hate to break it to you but you're the wanker who dosen't have any balls to stand up for what you believe in. O thats right you don't have any beliefs and you're not a Loyalist so you just like to slag people who are. NO SURRENDER!
  15. You sound like one at times ill leave it at that.
  16. Nothing wrong with being a Loyalist Keith infact its really good to believe in something. Them boys don't believe in anything because they wouldn't understand it infact i dought they would understand anything other than the point of their noses self upcessed and in denial. NO SURRENDER!
  17. Did you see what you apologise about in Sweden today? Believe it or not it was your republican friends who invented the suicide bomber.
  18. It seems you were at every game i wasn't at then
  19. Yea a Apologist a Republican sympathised
  20. Were you at drumcree or the battle of the boyne too
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