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Rangers Lady

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Posts posted by Rangers Lady

  1. Oh dear Oh dear

    How pahethetic are some of our threads tonight - a player we have only had for 2 weeks - gets a two week ban - Right or Wrong and now we want to go to court!

    Fk me grow some balls comrades - the biggest GIRFUT is to keep winning the league and laughing at these things!

    Not Just about Aluko, I'm going back to playing 4 games in a week cause fat Peter wanted it, that cost us dearly and I will do all I can to fight for the club.

  2. Can we not do anything legally ?

    Take them to court and sue them for damages,

    Reclaim money paid to follow my team who are unable to compete evenly due to the persecution from the SFA ?

    There must be a prejudice law somewhere, consumer protection etc..

    There has to be a way of challenging these feckers......

  3. I heard Keevens trying to justify bias against the Rhats, Quoted some dead man holding back papers so Cadette couldn't play in an OF game.

    How the fu*k does that come close to being forced tp play 4 games in 1 week in a season when the Rhats had 2 games rescheduled without protest.

    Shaggers ban, Naisy's ban, now this with Aluko..

    This big difference between us and them is that the FACTS show we are undergoing several years of persecution from the authorities

    They THINK all referee's including Collum are masons.... little they moan about can actually be substantiated..

    BBC SPL SFA GTF....................................

  4. Kenny did fuck all to put anything right. He did whatever made him money, including turning coat, having the brass neck to come back, then fucking off to turkey for cash. Fuck the prick.

    He caused them a lot more bother than he inflicted on us and looked very happy in doing so.......

    He fuc*ed up but put it right, just how i see it, I was raging when he went to the Glitter Dome but felt a lot better for his goals against them...

  5. He came out as a taig and moved to the glitter dome, it's as it should be, disappointing that he didn't have the same agenda when he signed for us. But taigs are taigs.

    He is giving it large about turning down Sir Walter, no doubt if he was that good he would still be at Ibrox

    Other than Kenny, who came back to make things right, I'm happier if anyone with downtrodden connections stay away from the Champions

  6. Why because i think hes not as good as other keepers? <cr> Doesnt mean he doesnt deserve praise when its due, i have already said he is a very good goalkeeper.

    Is there no inbetween? <cr>

    Just had to ask,,,,tongue.gif

  7. Shagger, a very good keeper who came through the youth set up, loves the team, No transfer fee,Scottish and loyal..

    If he wanted to chase a big wage he could have, and what price his replacement ?..

    In the current climate be thankful we have him, what if he did a cruciate ?

    Could we afford to replace him ?

    Without him we have no 4iAR

  8. I'd take Scott MacDonald if he'd move to us his finishing and overall link up play during his time at Celtic was fantastic. He scored some really important Champions League goals for them too, I was glad when they sold him. Doubt we could afford him now though. For those of you who would be against an ex-Celtic striker joining us just remember the name Kenny Miller (tu)

    Not even a close comparison.

  9. You only have to read threads on here concerning some of their lot to discover some on here are no different.

    Anyone who revels in affliction of that kind is scum, regardless of who they support (tu).

    Good and Bad on both sides but no doubt they have the edge when it comes to these matters, it's the bitterness that pushes them further into the gutter

  10. Despite all the predictions from those outside ibrox last year we won the league by amassing more points than any other team.

    It started to look a little bleak when we lost a last minute goal against D.U. at home after hitting the bar at the other end to deny us 3 points.

    We dominated the final old firm game and the opposition management celebrated as if they had won a major trophy when they escaped with a draw

    We went on to destroy everyone in our run in without dropping a point.

    They.. dropped points at Inverness, had they won there it's more than likely, given their recent record of bottling it, that the pressure would lead to more points being dropped....

    So if you happen to stumble on an interview this week, in the papers, on line, on tv or phone ins and you hear the obligatory "We Lost The Title" when we were here last time

    Remember this, they want the world to think if they hadn't had 1 bad day at the office they would be champions, it was just 1 bad game that cost them..

    No it wasn't Rangers are the champions and that other team were runners up.........................simple......

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