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Posts posted by THE_Ibrox_Preacher

  1. 1 minute ago, RFC Eagle said:

    He blotted his copybook with his statement about Hillsborough. I think he is rapidly becoming persona non grata with his obvious inability to rationalise events. They are distancing themselves from him so this could be a desperate bid for redemption aimed at hus usual audience.

    As you rightly allude to any right-minded person or group would distance themselves and even condemn the site and him for the views expressed however this is merely one example of Scotland's "New media" pushing/furthering Scottish Independence and in turn I think it wise that we're all aware with regards to exactly what views these groups/individuals hold.

  2. 1 hour ago, RFC Eagle said:

    Hes video game geek who lives in Somerset and is no more a 'reverend' than I am. Yet another Yesser who lives outside Scotland. Really not worth taking seriously his 'opinions' are irrelevant.

    Not so long ago that site and he himself were held in high regard by the 'Yes' campaign and by several people in the media in this country although there is by their own admission equally a number on the record condemning them/him.

  3. Oath.jpg


    My elected MSP is Derek Mackay pictured above (Renfrewshire North and West; Representing Renfrew, Bishopton, Bridge of Weir, Crosslee, Erskine, Gallowhill, Houston, Inchinnan, Kilmacolm, Langbank and Quarriers Village ) and he is currently the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Constitution. He is also currently the SNP Business Convener (Chairman of the Party).


    Considering the lack of comment on the disgraceful scenes marring the end of the Scottish Cup final I have emailed him the following;



    "Dear Sir,

    As my elected MSP I would like to hear/read you as being on the record with your views on the mass pitch invasion, damage to our National stadium, mass-incitement of the Rangers support, violent thuggery/hooliganism, player/official assault etc. etc. carried out by Hibs fans during their teams Scottish Cup Final victory on Saturday afternoon. 

    Furthermore I would like you either to offer explanation, or, to ask the question as to why our elected First Minister is in the media strongly condemning the lack of golf club membership to women yet she is silent on these disgraceful, violent, criminal, inflammatory and possibly repeating scenes (if the authorities do not stamp it out prior to subsequent encounters between the two sides) bar to say 'Congratulations' to Hibs on their victory? She is after all the very same First Minister who has taken a hard line against what some consider to be offensive words, your party as I need not remind you passed legislation with regards to that despite its controversial nature. There is surely a scale of gravity in which it is recognised that physical violence supersedes words/songs?

    I would like to remind you that following a Hearts fans outrageous violent assault on Celtic manager Neil Lennon, among other offences committed on the 11th May 2011, our then First Minister Alex Salmond commented the very next day to say...

    "Let’s be clear, there were a number of incidents last night at Tynecastle, I've had a full report on them, they are totally unacceptable, they're not going to be tolerated and action will follow which makes that clear.

    "They would be damaging if we were going to tolerate them, but we're clearly not going to tolerate them. "

    "As you know, we had a range of issues connected with Old Firm matches. A summit was held, the clubs, the football authorities, the government participated in that. At that time, just a few weeks ago, a number of people thought it was an overreaction, thought we were overreacting to events at one game."

    "I think with everything that's happened over the last few weeks people now realise that wasn't an overreaction, it was a very timely thing to do and the action group which was established between these parties after the summit which has a range of measures which are now going to be brought into force, that's very timely as well," Salmond added.

    "Let’s be absolutely clear as first minister of Scotland, we are not going to tolerate Sectarian displays of any kind in the terraces and stands of football matches," he continued, "that will be driven from games in Scotland. Nor are we going to tolerate hate pedalled over the internet in an anonymity, people think they've got some immunity as a result of that, that's not going to be tolerated either.

    "There's no debate or discussion about this anymore in Scotland, that's just the way it's going to be. It's not going to be easy, it's going to be difficult, it won't happen in a match, perhaps it won't even happen in an entire season, but that's what's going to happen. We're going to eradicate it from our football game, and we're going to eradicate it from wider Scottish society."

    Here we are, comparatively on the 23rd of May 2016, 5 full years later, at least 42 hours (by the time you read this email) after the worst scenes in Scottish football for decades and not a word of condemnation at Hibs fans behaviour by our current First Minister or even yourself as I understand it. When there is video evidence showing multiple Rangers players being assaulted without the police and stewards coming to their aid it's a wonder that no one was killed never mind seriously injured.

    I should not have to remind you sir, coming from Renfrew, with Erskine, Bishopton, Inchinnan, Houston and Langbank among the communities you are an elected representative of, that these are well known Rangers supporting areas and in turn a very large number of your constituents await with bated breath your response, as we do your superior and our collective First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

    I trust I will hear/read both of you on record addressing this matter forthwith as a matter of urgency!


    Yours Faithfully 


    (Name disclosed in the email but not in this post)"


    If you too live in Renfrew, Bishopton, Bridge of Weir, Crosslee, Erskine, Gallowhill, Houston, Inchinnan, Kilmacolm, Langbank or Quarriers Village and wish to contact Derek as your constituency MSP, you can do so by:

    Email:  derek.mackay.msp@parliament.scot

    Telephone: 0141 885 2076


    Constituency Office

    37 Hairst Street


    PA4 8QU


  4. 38 minutes ago, Essandoh said:

    "Rangers" at every opportunity. :lol:

    Sad, cretinous, hurting, deluded, dangerous cunt.

    Positively a masterclass in apologetics and in what I believe they call 'victim shaming' these days among the P.C. ranks by this "journalist/blogger".

    Rangers-hating masquerading as reasonable acknowledgement of goings-on with regards to the cup final carnage.

  5. While I don't normally have reason nor desire to check up on what they are churning out I think it's important to shed further light on the narrative being spun regarding the Scottish Cup Final chaos, especially considering the climate in the last decade inparticular.

    To save anyone else within our fanbase having to give their site numbers a 'hit' I have took that hit for all of us and have copy and pasted the "article" here to highlight what we are up against (as if we were not already aware).


    "Statements of the obvious

    Posted on May 23, 2016 by Rev. Stuart Campbell

    So a few things need said about the events of the weekend.


    1. Hibs fans had no business invading the pitch. They’d waited 114 years to win the cup, but in those 114 years no other club’s fans had felt the need to take to the Hampden turf when they won, other than (as far as we can tell) in three incidents, all involving Celtic and Rangers.

    In 1909 the Scottish Cup was actually not won by anyone – after two draws between the Old Firm the crowd invaded the pitch and rioted (allegedly suspecting a fix to increase revenue from having more replays), and no second replay was ever held.

    In 1965 a Celtic victory over Rangers in the League Cup final ended like this:


    And most recently, another Celtic win over Rangers in 1980 sparked an infamous riot:

    The incident led to the banning of alcohol from all Scottish football matches, which the Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy recently tried unsuccessfully to overturn, backed by then-deputy Kezia Dugdale.


    (We can only imagine the scenes yesterday had everyone been tanked up on a few half-time pints. Scottish Labour have declined to comment, understandably.)

    Every precedent of fans invading the Hampden pitch has ended in violent disorder and it was always bound to do so again, particularly with the other end being occupied by fans of the new “Rangers”, people who have never reacted well to opposing supporters celebrating on the turf.

    Whatever else happened, had Hibs fans stayed in their seats at the final whistle they could have celebrated, their players could have enjoyed their moment on the field, and all anyone would be talking about would be football.


    2. Some Hibs fans actively provoked trouble. There are countless examples in football and other sports of exuberant fans invading the pitch after a victory and causing no harm – including most of the playoffs this month in the English leagues – but while the vast majority of Hibs fans appeared to be simply overcome with joy, a significant minority went up to the other end and goaded the “Rangers” support.

    Smashing up the goals and ripping up the turf are also violent, provocative acts that can’t be brushed away as “high spirits”.


    3. Some Hibs fans definitely attacked “Rangers” players. Despite conflicting rumours and counter-rumours (“Rangers” striker Kenny Miller was at one point said to have been knocked out cold in the centre circle, but his wife later tweeted that nobody had touched him), we’ve seen with our own eyes conclusive footage of attacks on Lee Wallace and goalkeeper Wes Foderingham.

    Neither was particularly serious in terms of physical harm, but were also a step beyond mere jostling (still unacceptable in itself) and must have been extremely frightening in the circumstances. Anyone identified must be banned from all Scottish football grounds for life, in addition to prosecution. There can be zero tolerance for assaulting opposing players in any circumstances.


    4. “Rangers” fans had no business on the pitch either. They were provoked, but nobody has to react to provocation. They could have walked away, retaining the moral high ground and leaving Hibs alone to bear responsibility and punishment.

    Instead, thousands of them struck up another chorus of sectarian anthem “The Billy Boys” (which had also been sung during the match) and hundreds took the excuse to enter the field seeking violent confrontation.

    Dealing with a pitch invasion is the police’s job, not vigilante ned mobs who did much to wind up and antagonise the Hibs fans in the first place.


    Oh, and the lack of self-awareness it takes to set up a petition demanding Hibs be banned from European competition, just a few years after the same “Rangers” supporters smashed up the city of Manchester before and after losing the UEFA Cup final, is quite breathtaking.


    5. All “Rangers” fans are responsible for sectarian singing. The notion that only a tiny minority participate in songs about wading “up to the knees in Fenian blood” is a farcical lie, proven countless times by incontrovertible video evidence, often filmed by the club’s own supporters and tweeted or uploaded in unrepentant triumphalism.


    If, as is continually protested, there exists a “decent majority” of fans at Ibrox, they have the solution within their hands. Don’t join in. Boo down the songs when they start, which involves no individual confrontation. Make them socially unacceptable.“It’s nothing to do with us” is no longer an excuse. If you’re the majority, prove it.

    The Tartan Army had a terrible reputation for drunken, boorish hooliganism, but then it took responsibility for policing itself and is now loved across the world. You don’t everget to play the injured innocents if you’ve been singing about wading in people’s blood because they’re a different religion to you. Those are the rules.

    6. The club itself is also culpable. Extraordinary official press releases like the one put out on Sunday afternoon, almost certainly penned by the demented former Daily Record hack turned PR man Jim Traynor and blaming everyone from Nicola Sturgeon down while totally exonerating “Rangers” fans, fuel the persecution and victimhood complex of the more loathsome elements of the support, storing up toxic resentment and hatred – not least with the use of religiously-charged words like “parish”.

    The singling out of individual journalists for vilification puts their safety at risk and is as criminally irresponsible as the claims that “Rangers” fans only invaded the pitch to“protect” their players are laughably insane. Whoever wrote and approved the release should also face police investigation for inciting violence.


    7. The Scottish football authorities’ cowardice is another factor. For decades they’ve failed to take the only meaningful action that might deter sectarian singing – the deduction of points – out of fear of the reaction (or worse).

    They’ve also cravenly bowed to pressure from the “Rangers” support over the events surrounding the liquidation of the original Rangers and its replacement with a new club, something else which has only fuelled the fans’ unjustified and poisonous sense of bitterness, grievance and injustice.


    8. The same goes for the Scottish media. We can’t help but be reminded of the parable of the frog and the scorpion. Four years of craven appeasement have brought the succulent lamb brigade no gratitude. For as long as the press are too terrified of the financial or physical consequences of standing up to the bullying of the club’s thug fans, they’ll create an angry dog which will turn round and bite them.

    The Daily Record’s pious condemnation of the violence even as it gleefully stokes the hatred with atrocious ultra-partisan regular “fan blogger” columns and lurid, unsourced incendiary allegations is as hypocritical and cynical as it is reckless.


    9. The police handled the situation extremely well. A few hundred police and stewards can’t possibly stop 10,000+ fans getting onto a pitch if they really want to. There was no reason to expect a pitch invasion (see 1), and when it happened it was dealt with in a careful manner that didn’t make things worse. There appear to have been no serious injuries and a more heavy-handed approach could have been bloody.

    Anyone can be wise after the event and demand a heavier presence, and we suspect future finals for some time will see more visible police lines in front of the stands as the final whistle approaches, but nobody wants fences back or thousands of cops in the ground at showpiece occasions.


    A thrilling football match on Saturday that was a credit to the Scottish game (it’s been all but forgotten that both teams contesting the final were from the lower divisions – possibly the first time, and certainly the first in the modern era, that such a thing has ever happened) has since been overshadowed by utter idiocy on the part of just about everyone involved – supporters, clubs and media.

    The extent of the disorder has been massively exaggerated to suit various agendas, but nobody comes out with any credit, although Hibs (in refusing to be drawn into the shouting match since the immediate aftermath, in sharp contrast to several hysterical, swivel-eyed and borderline threatening press statements from “Rangers”) and Kenny Miller have conducted themselves with the most dignity.

    As ever, what the events tell us encompasses far more than football, revealing truths about Scottish society, culture and politics that are often unpalatable. Imbeciles like Tory MSPs Adam Tomkins and Murdo Fraser, at least one of whom should know better, in stoking up the fires of bigotry with inflammatory language, bear as much responsibility in the long run as the idiots who ran onto the pitch.



    (Both, of course, are pontificating sanctimoniously about it regardless.)

    We wait, entirely without bated breath, to see if any lessons are learned."

  6. 27 minutes ago, Vanoli said:


    this boy came at wes with a clenched fist. another fan beat him to it. Greg Binnie, an intern for the sfa, and he's absolutely shat the bed- have a browse through his tweets and the responses. hound this cunt Bears :541:

    Whether or not I agree with the sentiments of what you have said, assuming what you report is correct, I think you should change the part in bold as to not be instructing anyone to do anything with regards to this individual and in turn so you are absolutely on the right side of the law. I know some will think that overly cautious to put it mildly however I'm sure individuals have found themselves in bother at least in part because of something similar to what you've said there.  

  7. 1 hour ago, TheBoyDave said:

    Not that you had too but thanks for explaining.I do read a good amount of posts on here although I do not always sign in to post.Totally makes sense if you did not see all of game.I honestly think if shoe was on the other foot and our fans attacked Hibs players our players would condemn the fans who did it and enquiry about wellbeing of the assaulted.

    I know I didn't have to however I see it as a matter of personal reputation and clarity with regards to my comments on here. Our support is understandably, considering the last decade, apprehensive and on edge regarding comments/accusations about our fans and my comments amounted to slander of those Rangers fans present.

    With regards to your latter point I agree with you, our club and key individuals at our club are on record as immediately strongly condemning violent attacks when they have arose; Comments from the club, board members, the manager and players regarding on the assault on Neil Lennon by a Hearts fan is an immediately memorable example. I see no reason why this would not be the case if the shoe was on the other foot with Hibs when we can speak in solidarity with who's regarded as our most bitter rivals in Celtic. 

  8. I by no means claim to know anything in this regard as a matter of fact however I would imagine there is scope for legal-action/investigation with regards to failing to provide a safe working environment, failure to protect the health and wellbeing of players and staff, failure to provide/ensure adequate and competent security/personnel under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.


  9. Everyone remember when a "Rangers" fan masquerading as a Hearts fan attacked Neil Lennon trackside? These are comments I found with a quick web search regarding that incident and are by no means the only comments or the most influential/strong. In turn we have to ask ourselves if the commented response to violent attacks (among the crimes committed) on reportedly all 11 of Rangers outfield is fitting or on a par thus far; 


    "Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has condemned the attack by a Hearts fan on Celtic manager Neil Lennon.

    “This sort of behaviour is utterly unacceptable,” he said."


    "Hearts winger David Templeton has echoed the sentiments of those in Scottish football by condemning the attack on Neil Lennon by a man from the Hearts support....

    Templeton, a boyhood Celtic fan, said: "It was really bad what happened with Neil Lennon.

    "When stuff like that happens it's not nice to see and you don't want that happening in football."

    Templeton added:"With it [the crowd] being so close there are times when someone might get a chance to get on, but hopefully that will never happen again."


    "Celtic chief executive, Peter Lawwell, meanwhile, believes that the series of attacks, both physical and postal, on Lennon are indicative of a wider sectarian problem in Scotland, one which was highlighted by his club’s fans singing of pro-IRA songs at Wednesday’s game.

    “Last night’s appalling attack on Neil Lennon brings shame on Scottish football and again highlights the fact that Scottish society must address fundamental and serious issues which lead to outrages of this kind,” said Lawwell."


    "Rangers chief executive, Martin Bain, offered sympathy to Lennon following his ordeal.

    “Every right-thinking person in Scottish football will be appalled by the incident at Tynecastle last night,” he said. “All of us at Rangers Football Club condemn out of hand the attack on the Celtic manager. There is no place in football for this kind of behaviour.”"


    "Celtic assistant manager Johan Mjallby said: "What has happened to Neil is a dark day for Scottish football and I've never seen anything like it, he is shaken but OK.

    "I saw someone coming and we didn't react at first, we were obviously shocked and the guy could have had anything in his hands."


    "In a statement to Press Association Sport, Scottish Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan condemned the attack....

    Regan said: "Clearly this kind of behaviour from supporters is wholly unacceptable.

    "The safety of players, club officials and match officials is paramount on or around the field of play, and this clear breach of security is a matter I will be discussing with SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster tomorrow.""


    "Arsène Wenger has condemned the attack by a supporter on Celtic manager Neil Lennon as “horrendous and not acceptable”.


    Phil Mac Giolla Bhain Phil.jpg


    "Hearts said they were disgusted by the incident on Wednesday.

    “While not wanting to prejudge the outcome of the court case, all true Hearts fans will have been disgusted by what they witnessed last (Wednesday) night,” said a Hearts spokesman.

    “There is no justification for such actions, which have no place in the game of football, and we have taken the severest action open to set the strongest possible deterrent.

    “As such, the supporter involved has been handed a life ban from Tynecastle.”"


    "Bang them up! Dalglish wants thugs who attacked Celtic boss Lennon to be jailed... Scottish football legend Kenny  Dalglish has called for the missile-throwing yobs who attacked Neil Lennon to end up behind bars."


  10. 9 hours ago, TheBoyDave said:

    I agree with what you are saying 100% very quiet when the big bad Rangers are the wronged party.In a topic you yourself posted in you were condemning the Rangers fans that went on the pitch and granted not as much info was available at the time.I may be wrongly projecting this on to you and its nothing personal you are a sensible and decent poster on here but you had the Rangers fans guilty as charged and I think partly the constant negative media portrayal can even give Rangers fans this mindset to a degree never mind the neutrals.Not an attack on you just my observation.

    No offence taken and as more details are made public my initial interpretation of events becomes more evidently wrong.

    While one or two, who in taking understandable offence at my mistaken understanding of events, believed I had Rangers fans down as guilty on the basis of previous accusations laid at the door of our club, my interpretation and subsequent comments were actually on the basis of an unfortunate series of snippets of the goings on which I seen/heard. To elaborate I never got to see much of the game but I managed to catch basically the last 10 minutes, as you can imagine in dejection at seeing us concede a soft-winning goal, I averted my attention from the screen/commentary around the final whistle. What I then got to hear was along the lines of 'Hibs fans have invaded the pitch in celebration but who can blame them' or 'it's understandable considering the wait they've had for a trophy', followed by 'ugly scenes here with Rangers fans taking to the pitch' (in defeat mind); I then got to see pretty much a Hibs fan bouncing on the bar and our fans being driven back by police mounted on Clydesdales (harks back to a bygone era of troubles in British football) while several individuals on both sides goading each other.

    Now I hold my hands up to just how wrong I interpreted the events and I understand why several of our support were both quick and strong to tear me a metaphorical new-one but I hope at least that it can be understood why/how I reached such a wrong conclusion at that moment. None the less I backtracked hastily in my latter posts and edited my initial post to hold my hands up at getting it wrong and to apologise for the offense caused. I have no interests in seeing our fans and our club be targeted further on the grounds of fans behaviour and in that moment I thought I was witnessing a massive own-goal from a minority but sizable number of our support in response to an abject performance and defeat to a side whom have, with regularity, riled us all in recent times. My hopefully understandable concern was that the actions of a few were misguidedly providing a big-fucking-stick to beat us with to the hands of our enemies; I think that had my view of things been correct then my comments would have been considered fair and balanced considering the certain ramifications for our club that has, let's not forget, been persistently singled-out and targeted for near the last 10 years. I believe most people would automatically assume the commentary/pictures to have provided more accuracy to the reality than it did (despite my view being snippets) and in turn I hope it's at least understandable to those that I rightfully angered, why I got it so wrong. From my point of view the initial posts/threads on the matter made by others seemed to confirm my understanding of things but it became obvious in the subsequent posts/minutes that I had been, infact, well off-base.

    You know you have made a massive howler when you later get to hear commentary of Andy 'allegations against Rangers couldn't be more serious' Walker strongly condemn the Hibs supporters actions/violent-thuggery in real-time as things 'kicked-off'.

    I'm scunnered at the responses I got to be completely honest however with the knowledge I now have of those events, I cannot complain at having received them and I fully understand why I was on the receiving end of them.

    I know quite a few on here are themselves scunnered by the lengths of my posts (I do get that) and oddly to me my 'uppityness' but I would like to think they can accept my explanation and apology; furthermore that they don't hold those comments against me in future. 


  11. It beggars belief yet at this point comes as no surprise that in a country that with regularity demands serious punishment of Rangers football club and it's supporters, by everyone from fans to key figures of Scottish public life, for alleged financial wrongdoing or for alleged singing/chanting offensive words, that the response to a mass pitch invasion, vandalism of the national stadium, goading of the Rangers support in an aggressive manner and assault/ABH/GBH on the Rangers players and possibly match officials is met with merely vague comments that 'scenes after the final whistle marred an otherwise good game' and were also met thus far largely with indifference/dismissal/deflection in response by the Police, the SFA, Hibs as a club, their supporters, the wider footballing support, Scottish government and figures of public life in this country.

    Where is the immediate and angry condemnation of physical violence by the many who regularly vocally condemn strongly the disputed seriousness and offensiveness of words?

    We are thus far witnessing a very public and blatant, shockingly unequal double standard with regards to acceptable behaviour by different teams fans.

    The sinister tone, nevermind undertone, expressed numerous times now by key figures is that Hibs fans violent thuggery and widespread mob-mentally was understandable and could be largely dismissed due to the fact they hadn't won a footballing trophy of significance for a long period of time; I could infact put that statement in quotation such is its accuracy.

    An absolutely outrageous lackluster response to serious violent criminality when compared to the swift, persistent and strong words/action on offensive words/songs that goes all the way to the Scottish Government itself.   


  12. 2 hours ago, RFCRobertson said:

    ...The Record understands all 11 players who finished the match were kicked, punched or spat on by Hibs fans as they tried to leave the field at Hampden Park - Absolutely outrageous!


    The Record also learned that Halliday was being protected from a mob in the centre circle by referee Steven McLean and his assistants. - Outstanding actions and bravery on the part of those officials.

    Fourth official Bobby Madden has also been credited with chasing a Hibs fan who was attempting to attack keeper Wes Foderingham. - For a man who is generally viewed as being an incompetent official across Scottish football, that rightly or wrongly makes his actions somewhat surprising and extremely commendable more so than they otherwise may be viewed imo.

    An SFA source said: “Steven was out in the middle of it all protecting players and acting like a steward. He deserves enormous credit. - Evidence that the stewarding/security overseeing the event was not sufficient and not where it needed to be when a match official has taken on that role.

    A single police officer came striding into the centre circle and told the officials to stay put until more police arrived. - Evidence/indicative of an unprepared and inadequate police/stewarding/security response.

    “Steven ignored this advice and get his team and Halliday to safety. He was acting heroically out there. The officials really were a credit.” - A risky and potentially serious judgement call on behalf of an official overruling the aforementioned inadequate police response. A brave personal decision to put one's self in harms way, heavily outnumbered amongst chaos in order to carry out a selfless duty of protecting players from physical violence and personal harm in his capacity as a "merely" match official of a football match.




  13. 33 minutes ago, bombaybadboy08 said:

    So to sum it up, you aren't really armed with all the facts but fuck it! Have a go at the fans anyway!

    Human shield :lol:

    Were you raised in a convent?

    I got to see what I got to see and I got to hear what i got to hear, I commented that our fans taking to the pitch in defeat isn't a good thing in the current climate and regardless of the realities of situations that's how it plays out against our club these day - now as luck should have it, the situation is different to what I got to see/hear so my comments are incorrect or skewed from the reality of what happened as witnesses have jumped to point out.

    Got it wrong. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, scottyc06 said:

    That's exactly my point though, your mindset is to have a go at our fans rather than the fact that thousands of them came on to the pitch to goad our support and incite a reaction! I just can't understand that point of view where your initial reaction is to have a go at our fans! 

    My initial reaction was from what I got to view and hear at that point, despite what it came across as to yourself, I was saying that Hibs fans taking to the pitch to celebrate is something we wouldn't have got away with but with some of our fans taking to the pitch it would be used against us, i.e. like songs, referring decisions, uefa cup final. When we do anything outwith the rules even in minority we are tarred with it and it's used to target us i.e. FARE and others when everyone knows there's far bigger issues in British football nevermind European. From that perspective our fans taking to the pitch for a barny having lost is walking into the trap that's been set for a long time.

    It would appear though the glimpses I got of it all and the description given are entirely different so my comments are inaccurate and invalid. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, ben51 said:

    I'm glad you're backtracking because what I saw was total scum charging out our hugely outnumbered players and assaulting them. They then rounded at our fans, who stood their ground and knocked out any wee shite in green. 

    I was delighted every time one of them got floored. 

    I'm backtracking because even if I'm being called all the bastards I'll take our fans word that the situation was different to what I had portrayed to me.

    From what I got to see on telly and the presenters comments, Hibs fans to the pitch in numbers to celebrate and we got involved creating ugly scenes with police using horses to separate supporters (now that's not good for us is it bearing in mind that we've been targeted for songs/words etc. etc.). Now in this scenario IF our fans have took to the pitch for a barny following defeat then It's indefensible and in my view in this scenario would see blame shared/shifted by the authorities and used as a stick to further beat us with i.e. falling into the trap set for our support, OR, would be used to get Hibs off the hook. 

    Now the fans that I'm assuming were there of that seen something I didn't are saying they that players were attacked and fans took to the pitch to defend them, that's a little different to what was described as "understandable celebrations" (Hopefully I have quoted that correctly). In this scenario I would expect Hibs and the Police to be fucked for rioting/violent conduct and failure to protect respectively.

    I've already had a shite day, missed most of the final and pretty much got to see us playing shite and conceding the winning goal. Wallace being punched etc I never got to see, I got to view a couple of panned out shots of masses of Hibs fans on the pitch, one guy sitting on the bar of a goal mouth and had  it described that Rangers fans were taking to the pitch and police were separating us with horses. The number of hibs fans on the pitch were the offence I was talking about a small number of Rangers fans getting them off of in this country at present, not mobs attacking players etc which is entirely different.


  16. 1 hour ago, spion kop said:

    Sorry but that is ballix

    It maybe is more so than not going by what I'm hearing now about players being attacked etc, this isn't what was portrayed to me earlier which was that Hibs fans invaded in numbers and a section of Rangers fans took to the pitch - there wasn't mention of defending players and if that's the case then I'd fully expect Hibs and the Police to be shafted.

    From the scenario I was addressing Hibs fans take to the pitch to celebrate in huge numbers - something we would most likely be shafted for. Some of our fans take to the pitch in what is descending into 'ugly scenes'. That being the case (I'm thinking it's not now going by some of the comments laying into me) then it's not hard to imagine the blame being shifted or dropped due to our involvement (been targeted and singled out for years bear in mind). This is something which I view as fair point but if it's the case of fans defending players etc and not taking to the pitch for a scrap then it's a different thing entirely. The comments i heard on telly don't tie with what I'm assuming are first hand accounts on here.

  17. 3 minutes ago, ben51 said:

    I've already banned one, and I'll happily ban you. Where you at the game? Because I fucking bet you weren't. Twice our fanbase has been antagonised and I fucking love that some of our fans stood their ground and knocked out any wee cunt who came their way. 

    The police let us down so we protected our own. I'm glad I don't stand side by side with you, because no doubt you would run.

    I've already said I wasn't at the game or at least inferred it from my comments.

    From what I heard fans took to the pitch from both sides, I haven't seen players being attacked or fans rushing to their aid, I heard a tv commentator refer to Hibs invasion as 'understandable' and  that our fans were getting involved (when your teams just lost that's generally never a good thing is it).

    If our fans were merely defending players from mobs of them then that's a different story to the one that was being painted earlier - I can see why our fans would rush to the aid of a heavily outnumbered player - my initial comments were in response to the suggestion that our fans had took to the pitch for a fight which is a very different thing.

  18. 15 minutes ago, scottyc06 said:

    I actually can't believe the reaction from some is to have a go at our own fans! 

    Our players were attacked! They were throwing stuff at our support! They shouldn't have been anywhere near us, yet you decide to have a go at those who stood up for us rather than those who instigated the whole thing! Who needs enemies eh?

    Hibs should be dragged over hot coals for that invasion.

    If a single player has been assaulted then the Police and the footballing authorities better respond with an explanation, charges and sanctions.

    All I am saying is that in the climate of this country, the second our fans do anything (they do us for songs ffs) then it'll most likely be used against us.

    If some of our fans seen a player being attacked and ran on to form a human shield or something that's one thing, but if you've ran on for purely for a fight with the opposition you're not helping that situation. The latter is all I've been referring to in my comments as i never got to see much of it, predominantly what I heard was Hibs fans invaded the pitch and a section of our fans did too.

    Obviously a lot of the guys on here actually did see players being attacked from the glimpses I got on a stream I never seen that, all I seen was a huge number of hibs fans on the pitch, a section of Rangers fans taking to the pitch and the TV commentators justifying Hibs invasion as "understandable".

  19. 2 minutes ago, psb07158 said:

    I don't give a shit mate. If I saw our players or fans being attacked by some junkie fucks I wouldn't stand about thinking about the consequences of me running on in our players/fans SELF-DEFENCE. 

    It's not self defense is it? You are in the stand and not involved and you take to the pitch for a barny when your team loses. You are getting involved in something that's nothing to do with you.

    If the our players are attacked and the police fail to deal with it they are in trouble along with the Hibs fans, how do you think things will play out once our fans get involved? Bearing in mind our support has believed itself to be unfairly targeted and singled out for the last decade.

  20. 3 minutes ago, scottyc06 said:

    You do realise our players were getting he shite knocked out of them? 

    Didn't see a player getting the shite knocked out of them.

    The police's job is to handle that stuff, nothing positive will come from our fans getting involved and it will be used to justify the failure to do anything about the initial instigation. 

  21. 1 minute ago, psb07158 said:

    They ran onto the pitch and started throwing punches at our players and lobbing stuff at Rangers fans - what the fuck are you babbling on about? The police response was an absolute disgrace they were meandering on to the pitch whilst our captain was being assaulted FFS

    If you believe we are being unfairly targeted in this country then you will know that we'll  be blamed for anything untoward our support does, it therefore plays into our enemies hands to do just that.

    If the opposition fans do something and we don't get involved, they are fucked - we get involved and it will be swept under the carpet or see us once again targeted. This is where I am coming from.

    Is there any scenario in which Rangers fans getting involved in trouble will a) see our club painted in a positive light, b) see our club not be targeted by the authorities, c) not have our fans painted as scum?

  22. 1 hour ago, fanaticCR said:

    Well we let Motherwell charge our end last year.

    Won't happen again so fair fucking play to everyone who ran on the pitch.

    Charge the Rangers end and we will lay you out. 

    If the opposition fans charge our end we can demand the authorities do something about it.

    Take to the pitch when your team loses and you not only allow them to get away with it but you add to the violent/thug/scum stories that everyone outside our support likes to tell and propagate.

    If you're an adult and you take to the pitch from our support in a game you've lost you deserve to be banned from football as you putting a target on our club for everyone else to aim at.

    Want to fight, go to a boxing or arrange a fight closed doors with opposition fans where you can avoid dragging Rangers name into disrepute.

    Hibs should get dragged over hot coals for that invasion as would be demanded of us these days but the second a group of Rangers fans take to the pitch the blame can at best be shared and in turn they'll get off with it. In effect we've just gave them a 'get out of jail free' card.

    EDIT; Going by what others have said, some of them reading like first hand accounts, I've got it wrong in my comments prior to the 'edit' in bold and in the immediate posts made by myself after it; My comments were based on the understanding that Hibs had merely a celebratory invasion and some of our fans took to the pitch in defeat. My comments in turn have either offended or been misconstrued with regards to what I've subsequently read happened i.e. Hibs fans attacked our players, fans took to the pitch to defend them etc etc. Assuming the latter accounts relayed to me are accurate (I have no reason to suspect they aren't going by some of the well vetted posters having a go at me) then I fully expect Hibs to be hung out to dry, fans prosecuted, the Police to comment on failure to protect and just about everything else you would expect if the tables were turned. I apologise for any offence caused, I got it wrong.

  23. 4 minutes ago, lidorfc said:

    Tbf it was looking like we were heading to extra time before calamity Clarke decides to have a special moment. Fs that last thing you want to be doing that late in a game is giving corners away.

    "Calamity Clarke" as you put it scored the goal that avoided us going to extra time with Kilmarnock in this competition, you could therefor say that we wouldn't be here without his goal earlier in the competition.

    If you view him as not being good enough for Rangers that's hardly his fault is it? I mean Dave King is running the club and Warburton is the manager and the rest of the team never turned up - but sure Nicky Clark actually has control over all that. 

    Nicky may not be good enough for where we need to be but at least then he has an excuse - what is everyone else's?

    The way we were playing you honestly believe we'd have turned up for extra time? Everybody else needs a dressing down after that performance not Clark as he won't be here going forward.

  24. Classless scapegoating of a guy we signed for free from Queen of The South.

    If you are a Rangers fan and serious in what you say (I doubt the former) then you ought to book an appointment with a professional for your mental health issues.

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