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Posts posted by THE_Ibrox_Preacher

  1. I think what's most encouraging is that we are clearly not near top gear thus far in any of these games.

    What's most concerning is that we still, rather than cut a team apart with a killer ball quickly, tap it around 30 yards from goal and allow the opposition to defend with 10; then when we make the chances, too many guilt edged ones are not taken. Against the top teams week in week out this could become a real problem, particularly as you'll have teams like Aberdeen that will play the best game of their lives against us then the following week lose 3-0 to St Johnstone.

    We need a better CB than Wilson/Kiernan and he should have pace and be able to command better than them too as we can't be too reliant on Hill playing brilliant in every dept. for a whole season. We all know that, though. 

    In terms of a forward I think with the players we have, the increase in possession/service that should see, we don't need an obvious 30 goals man but I do feel that with the crossing ability we have a 6 foot 3" CF/target man that scores frequently with his head and who muscles space when given the ball, will give us a hugely important alternative to things up front; no matter how good you are Plan A doesn't always work and when it fails someone to head home a cross/set-piece could be all the difference.

    We'll have to see what the manager goes for and what actually happens but we're pretty much a good CB away from a challenge at least (assuming they don't go out and sign internationals to ensure victory).

    In the meantime amuse yourselves with the Aberdeen fans predictions for the season ->  http://boards.footymad.net/showthread.php?t=38163963

  2. Weaknesses are as follows;

    Neither Wilson nor Kiernan are solid, both have been left at 6's and 7's against inferior opposition with regularity, neither is a leader/commander/dominant, neither is recognisable as a man that wins the headers to clear the ball (that's off for a CB in Scotland lets be honest), both would ship enough points this season to see our title challenge melt. We assume Hill is going to be far better and will replace one of them but currently that means Hill will have to be some player to make either of them good enough for the title this season. If anything were to happen to Hill (injury/suspension) the Chronic Combo would probably lose us the league. A better standard of CB with some pace and who can head is about the minimum we need to improve the situation.

    Going forward we seem to believe that possession 30 yards from goal is 2 goals in itself and that it would be improper to attempt to create the chance until the opposition has organised a 10 man pyramid on the 18-yard line. We lost how many points/games/ties last season heavily in part to this? and it has been seen again in pre-season. This is something I expect to correct itself with a few more games but it's a flaw that's yet to be rectified at present.

    We don't have an aerial threat up front, nor for set pieces (Hill Maybe?). I could extend it to say we don't have a target man that with 3 men on him can head one home or lean his shoulder and create a few yards of everything. If we were to sign someone of that ilk at 6 foot 3" I'd be delighted because I think you should have something for as many occasions as possible and that's a string we don't have on our bow. The CB's in this country may not be gifted but they can head and are generally big sturdy types (mind we tried to break that mould with Karl Svensson?!), worth bearing in mind that we'll be against what seems like a back 10 as well so that'll help those CB's out. There will be times when the answer isn't a 5 foot 10 player that's a bit nippy. Set pieces are a good answer to games not going your way and having someone to head it is a big part of that.

    Wallace and Tav are good going forward but neither are good defenders or at least they get caught out of position a lot with their forward play - it's an opening for a team to have a go at us that has someone of pace that can play on the wing. To be fair to Wallace he's stepped up in a big way last season and he's improved on the whole but the opposition creates enough from where he should be snuffing it out to think that he's got a bit to go or that it's a weak point in his game(if you get what I mean?).

    Everything else is something that I assume has been rectified i.s. midfielders are more all rounded types that can help defend, more creativity should create more chances meaning our forwards all chip in goals or score more to the point where signing a '25+ goals' striker isn't necessary (especially if we get the target man that can rattle headers in). At the risk of repeating myself 2 of those 'problems' could be more by design than actual flaws and easy to address with doing next to fuck all.  CB and CF that can head a ball and we're in astonishing shape for a squad built for less than a dozen semi-detached. 

    If you wanted to extend it to the more political side of things then Dave Kings promises of personal investment is a weakness  - we're never seeing 20-30M of his money coming in. If we spend some real money next season it'll have been earned from transfers or it'll be something like the fans money accumulated/saved from this season where we've pulled in a mint more than last yet spent less than Ally when the club was up the creek. Some will be raging I've even mentioned it but I didn't promise 10's of millions of my own money and get groups to lobby for me getting to be in charge instead of buying my way in. If you make the promises deliver or take it on the chin when you get reminded of it. We may be going in a good direction but it doesn't change the promises made to our fans. 


  3. 32 minutes ago, RFCRobertson said:

    I wouldn't under estimate the hatred clubs have for us, that itself will give the squads a boost and want to beat us. 

    I'm not, but the fans of Aberdeen and Hearts are but two teams fans that are severely underestimating us going by their comments.

    Watching Aberdeen their keeper seemed competent, Hayes has some ability, Stockley could score a good amount with his head, but I wasn't watching thinking "Oh it'll be a battle for 2nd". They are chanting we're gash without correction and like they are well ahead. 

    Hearts fans chanting we huffed by Alloa and then they get handed their arse at home by a team from Malta. 

    Hibs look better than both as an all round team so far from what I've seen.

    When I look at us I see us being a good CB away from genuine title challenge and there is talk that we might even be signing someone else after that, a CF/Targetman would be my ideal but regardless I don't see it as a needed signing, it may be of a standard that tips things more in our favour.

    Obviously the tims might go out and sign a few to put them "well in the driving seat" but thus far they've signed Dembele who while he was valued at a few million and done ok in the Championship - he had umpteen chances to score the other night and he reminded me of Marc-Antoine Fortuné, obviously he's young and might turn out to be a good bit of business but his touch the other night was like a bus and he never looked like bagging one for all the chances he had. Their best player was an Englishman on loan, central defence still looks as fragile as our Wilson/Kiernan combo and we're improving that. They might just have too much to do with a new manager and leave too many problems/suspects to remain giving us an extra hawn. Early days and if get Euro money things will likely change but I'm cautiously optimistic of our chances with a good CB on board.

  4. Hearts fans want Neilson the sack.

    Aberdeen won but it was fucking shinty.

    Few days ago on both forums both were saying "huffed and puffed past Alloa, they're shite" and Hearts are out to a Maltese side at home and Aberdeen are punting it away from the box to the opposition while 4-0 up in a tie with 20 minutes to go; played at a Latvian town sports center.

    There are punters actually saying we'll struggle to get in the top six this year and in reality, I think it's fair to say we should have 2nd secured "already".

    Aberdeen have maybe 4 players that look half handy at present and Hearts cannot create a chance.

    You'd imagine that is the best of the rest right there, maybe St Johnstone would be harder to beat and might do well but 2nd and 3rd from last year don't look like good teams this far. 

  5. Looking at tonight 6.10 due to Chandresh being involved I think Sciarra on paper has already won.

    I had Chandresh at 16/1 E/W in a 7 horse race where it came 2nd, I am sure it's capable of better and could do so tonight.

    If's and ands should be considered though and I'd be worried in an 11 horse race that Sciarra 11/8 might just be mugged by a sleeper or that Chandresh 8/1 will keep the powder dry.

    If value is what we're looking for then Take Charge and Dark Forest are it imo, both 22/1 and worthy of an E/W on paper - if you look at the betting on bet 365 you can bet without Sciarra and get 14/1 on both of them. Without Sciarra and Chandresh you can get 11/1 on both and E/W I think the pair of them are a cracking bet. If Sciarra and Chandresh are the first two in the latter bet then Take Charge/Dark Forest could finish 3rd and return a 11/1 winner. Hell 4th and 5th would get you a return of 1/1 e/w on either of them.

    There's also the forecast/reverse forecast options to consider in such a race.

    Bit mucky and time is now VERY short but I've put it up.

    Peter Park looks the only other danger of sorts but don't fancy it.

    EDIT Peter Park wins :lol: if I had said fuck all it'd have panned out roughly what I said, I could have the winning lottery number and if I said fuck all the machine would split and the balls would bounce all over the set floor live on tv.

  6. 10 minutes ago, LegendofCoop said:

    Dodoo, Dodoo. De doo de doo de doo!

    Dodoo, Dodoo. De doo de doo de doooo! :D


    Welcome Joe, all the best mate! :uk:



    Rangers beating celtic 2-0 at the piggery wie 5 minutes to go, Waghorn and Dodoo the scorers............................"Wag-a-Dodoo doo push pineapple shake the tree" (could maybe say 'applepine' for shits and giggles)

    I'll get my coat :uk:

  7. 5 minutes ago, JockyWilsonspants said:

    I said on his thread in the transfer forum that Dodoo in all likelihood will be average-ish. The big unknown is whether he'll be average-ish bordering on good or average-ish bordering on poor. We all know the type of player he's being described as on the Leicester forum; talented, but raw, and questions about his commitment over the whole 90 minutes. Its now in his own hands (and Warburtons)  to improve.


    I think if Warburton can't bring him on Dodoo have to look at himself but I'm confident in that regard. I just feel that unless he turns out to be that guy that plays 'meh' and scores with his only chance having come off the bench then he's not really adding a string to our bow for this season. I did say weeks ago that O'Halloran would come good and he was unlucky last season, I said that Kenny is like the big game or key goal man (experience a plenty and still fairly rapid, just a 60 minutes man at best now though), with regards to Waghorn I see him as the allrounder but I see no header-scorer, I don't see the brute force option against the back 10, the boy that signed for Aberdeen (Stokely or summit) is a headers man and maybe not good enough for us but he'll score more headers than we have in our locker up front of that I'm sure. Dodoo looks to be a finisher who's a project so I don't think it's fair to expect much from him as he could go either way over the course and might just be too rough in the short term. Hopefully, he is a 1-chance-goal man and he'll contribute in that sense but now that he's signed ruling out a big CF/Target type I'd assume we'd be looking for O'Halloran to contribute far more. Our midfielder and wing options are lightyears better than we had last year and that'll make a huge difference too goals wise, I just like to have someone for every problem and I think we lack someone to stick a header on it up front in that regard. CB is needed now though and not a project either.

  8. Letting go of Kronenbourg was a mistake, underrated in my opinion. Releasing Strongbow and bringing in Blackthorn seems like wasted effort frankly and probably has more to do with behind the scenes stuff, can't see it being more than a squad type for a League cup game. Foster has been a pale shaddow of the one we loaned from Aberdeen so it's for the best there even if there was the odd game. Tennants is at least a local boy and won't do anyworse. The other new recruits I couldn't say much about but Best is getting a bit old now surely? One for the cucumber sandwhich brigade to shout "come on son" at.

  9. 1 minute ago, The Beast said:

    I agree with with lot of what you say but I still believe that the vast majority of Scottish Premiership players wouldn't even get into the reserve team of an EPL club, even an "unfashionable" club such as Leicester (pre last season of course).


    They wouldn't be signed based on arrogance as much as anything else although I've generally felt that players from other SPL teams that went down South in better moves weren't much to shout about and wouldn't make it, we couldn't give Charlie Adam away on the other hand and within a few months he was worth a gazillion. Basically our top division is like 2 teams from each level down south it's a bit of an odd mix in comparison but just being in England doesn't mean you'll make any impact up here. I'm not saying someone at Aberdeen should be in the Man City reserves or anything like that but England thinks everything it has is better than up here and a lot of people up here think the same. There's plenty of gash in the Championship and us and celtic have had plenty of Premiership players that were mince. If we get a Premiership reserve player that doesn't mean he's going to be any better than a decent first teamer at Hearts for example. Mind the two boys we got from Man Utd when they were still running amock, one lasted 7 games and the other a few months, celtics had how many Arsenal/Man City "wonderkids" that's been shite? Basically a lot of Premiership reserves will end up average in the Championship/L1/L2, plenty of examples. You tend to have some twinkle of potential to end up in the Premiership reseverves but that's at what age when they get picked up? 15? 17? Plenty hit early 20's and then drop to League 2, it simply doesn't mean you're a good adult first team player. We've had plenty of cracking young boys that go no where, some fail to make it at our club then go down South and do well. I suppose I could sum it up in a line and that would be - there isn't a rule for it that holds true. Our manager might be picking up the what would be considered dreggs down South BUT crucially I think Frank can spot what's worth having and our manager can spot the right attitude (that's something many fans don't even think about, aye he might be good at Hibs but does it mean he'll be a winner with us? he'd be playing the same teams but crucially with entirely different expectations and teams give hoe much extra effort against us?), that changes perspective. If I'm rambling I'm sorry but I'm busy the now so just rattling words out like ad speak to a pal, an editor would have a stroke no doubt reading this.


  10. Just now, The Beast said:

    I'd take the "can't beat a man" stuff with a pinch of salt as the defenders he'd be trying to beat in the EPL would be miles better than the hammer throwers in Scotland. 

    Having said that he's one to develop and hopefully get 2 or 3 good seasons out of before selling him on for a big fee. That'll be the reality for us now, which considering it's how teams like Ajax and Porto have been operating for years isn't a bad reality.


    They were basing that on the reserves level or whatever he was playing against it seems and I'd say that isn't any better than our league. Still though I know what you're getting at, I would prefer not to insinuate he'll tear it up, up here because well alot of players have came here and done nout in our "pub" league. As you say (and I agree with) he looks like a development job rather than a 1st team player. I just get the niggle going by what some said in the LC forums that he could be a bit of a Boyd, now before you smash your screen let me explain; if he's generally doing hee haw all game in the reserves but he gets a chance and scores it that would be like Boyd at his best, if he could do that coming off the bench then he'd contribute where it matters and would actually be of real benefit THIS season. I think we can all imagine he'll get better the more he plays he's still only a boy aint he? so if he can chuck in a few game winners and improve then he'd help this season and set us up nicely for the subsequent seasons (where I think we'll see the better of what he can do). I'm optimistic but don't expect that he'll be an instant success because well who knows anything about him?! I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed (i.e. like Zelalem). I'm guessing like everyone else ultimately.

  11. 40 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

    I don't know a great deal about him but i'm expecting to be impressed 

    From what I've read I wouldn't put too much expectation on him (Leicester forums).

    Given time he could come good, our management seemed to think so or they wouldn't be signing him.

    The general view seems to be that he's not all that much presently but he's a decent finisher and there's some talent there but very raw. The views were all over the place as to what he's capable of being but what I said previously seems to be the view as to what he is just now. A few others did say that he can't beat a man and with that in mind it's odd they played him out wide, one or two reckoned play him through the middle, make the most of what he's got, and you might see a different side to him.

    I think he's going to be the bench at best generally and knocking up appearances as a sub, part of me thinks he'll score quite a lot considering that fact but it won't be this season that we see the best of him or a regular 90 minutes. Going by what Warburton has been like thus far that's not exactly a bad thing, Zelalem seemed to get better towards the tail end, McKay with a season under his belt is picking out crosses I haven't seen in years at Ibrox, it might not be the CF/Targetman I hoped for but if he's a finisher out of nothing and can only get better then he's not what anyone would call a bad signing. 

    Hopefully, we can get that 1st team CB sorted out because even if Kiernan or Wilson looks good next to Hill (could very likely happen because neither Kiernan or Wilson is a commander and so it makes them look awful together) if Hill was to be sidelined for any reason we'd be stuck with the chronic combo and I can't imagine our title challenge would survive it frankly. Mariappa would have been great and unless he's signed elsewhere you never know (doubtful but still). A Marvin Andrews type is all we need if push comes to shove and there must be someone out there like that for change.



    Miss Phillyjinks 6.15 kempton was expected to turn up a few races back and I reckoned that it and a couple of others in the field at big prices were the best horses (Chandresh and Stormflower were the others), none of them turned up but Stormflower has since won and Chandresh was a 16/1 2nd last night. It's a big field but I fancy it to have a go tonight and small E/W  or putting it in an acca E/W seems reasonable. If it's not tonight it'll be soon.

    4.50 and Pyroclastic looks way too big, perhaps tiny e/w without 2 favs? Has a time that puts it in the frame with no favours but big price for a reason.

    6.30 Agerzam has passed up good opportunities for a win, I just think it's waiting for something soon, tonight? We'll find out.

  13. Had a good couple of days so I'm going to commit the sin of opening my mouth (and in turn jinxing it);

    Ann Maries Reject e/w 3.35pm Worcester today E/W (I can't be 100% sure as I don't keep a book, but I'm sure I watched this one and sais "If it came here to do anything it would have savaged this race", it's 10/1 and it's only a matter of time, whether it's today or not is another matter best left to the gods to speak on). (Edit; 4 places and comes 5th, jinx is real >< )

    4.25 Ayr Classy Anne 5-1 has a very good chance today of giving Goldie a winner (pulled out Sea of Green [take note of it it's time is coming 16/1+], 2nd Goninodaethat), threat is My Name Is Rio who may have more in the tank than it appears (as such I have both in acca's with Hab Reeh 4-1 winner and Kilascan 25-1 3rd). Classy Anne doesn't really have a better shot though so on balance I think today's the day. (Edit; 2nd and keeping ma mouth shut again)

    Edit 3; To prove keeping my shout is how I roll, here's my latest...


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