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Posts posted by LeeWallaceRFC

  1. Rangers FC have settled a civil case over a debt with a financial services company out of court.

    Capita Trustees Services, which provides pension services, had taken the Ibrox club to court over an alleged unpaid bill.

    The amounts involved, or the specifics of what the debt was run up for with the branch of Capita Group Plc, have not been revealed.

    The firm was seeking what was described as a "straightforward commercial debt”.

    On Monday at Glasgow Sheriff Court, Sheriff Lindsay Wood dismissed the case after Capita confirmed it had settled out of court with Rangers.

    In September, Rangers were taken to the Court of Session by law firm Levy & McRae over an unpaid legal bill.

    The club paid the lawyers £35,000 last month after the court action, during which counsel for Levy & McRae said there "is a real concern about solvency" at Rangers.

    Former board members Donald McIntyre and Martin Bain have also taken the club to court to freeze a total of £780,000 of Rangers' assets ahead of damages claims.

    It was also revealed in a separate court hearing that HM Revenue and Customs had also previously frozen £2.3m, while the club also faces a potential tax liability of £49m which is under appeal.

    Rangers owner Craig Whyte said in his first TV interview following his takeover of the club in May that the club are "doing all we can to avoid" administration.

    Whyte also revealed that should Rangers win its tax case, he would write off the £18m debt owed to him by the club.


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