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Posts posted by stefmartin16

  1. I'm going to start a fan group called the rangers supporters trust me and my assembly group. I will be president and say whatever shit gets me in the media on an almost daily basis and I'm going to use it to further my standing in this world and take money off gullible people. . Who wants to join?

  2. I can't get my head around this anti green mentality. I know after the way we have been fucked over by Murray and whyte we should be wary of people but this guy stepped up with cash when nobody else was willing too.

    I would love to see Walter in charge of our club. He is a father figure to us. Someone we feel we can trust. I just think though that as soon as Walters name was mentioned yesterday, too many people turned anti green. If Walter didn't get involved and it was another nameless consortium then would people be thinking its a great idea or would we be saying 'no you had your chance, green stepped up to the plate and put his money where his mouth is'.

    Maybe the best way forward is for these guys to put their money in alongside green. Get on the board. Find out what is going on behind closed doors and if they don't like what's happening then buy out the people doing wrong.

    That to me is win/win. Double the amount of money going into the club to stabilise and rebuild and people there who we know we can trust.

    And please don't boo green. He hasn't done anything wrong yet. If he turns out to be like whyte then fair enough, slaughter the guy but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

  3. I told you im the Source ! ....... What you all about Bossman !! Thats what RM is all about, sharin the info, get this thread to buggery hahaha

    Aye right dunny. You told me on the phone earlier you were loving the attention. Haha.

    By the way I'm so pleased about this that I'm buying the pies at the first home game of the season. No drinks though, I can't afford drinks too.

  4. Well Stef, as you know My DAD!!!!!!!! and Uncle have said this very thing, I had a full blown arguement with him last night, personnally I think it is an excuse, I told him last night, the best years of my life so far, were going to the football with my dad, and because of this nonsense view of ''its no longer Rangers'' is completely bull shite.

    His Grandson was the youngest season ticket holder at Ibrox and I cannot wait to have my boy say, '' The best years of my life were going to see the Rangers with my dad '' Instead Grandad Dunny will be sitting in the house kiddin on he doesnt like the new Rangers !!!!!!!

    Doin my head in these people !!

    Mate I cannae believe it. I thought your da was one of the biggest bluenoses I've ever met in my life. I'm hoping he's just upset and will be back when he realises what he has said.

  5. No ones ever said this to me and i know a lot of Rangers supporters.

    Maybe its the new age fan who prefers glory over the club.

    I wish that were true but I'm talking about fans who were going in the early eighties when not many for were and there was very little glory to be had.

  6. Having read the latest HMRC bollox, it's clear that we are being used as a test case for the Tax Man, as ever all the shit gets tested north of the border, remember Poll tax etc, it's time to realise that our destiny has been pre-determined from day 1, what is ironic is HMRC using public funds to pursue Rangers to the ends of the earth, yet Vodafone etc, pay five eighths of fuck all to the revenue.

    It's time we used the Freedom of information act to expose the HMRC's dirty laundry, I suggest we start with carbon footprint (is it in line with the Governments targets), first class travel costs, hotel costs, expenses from agents eating out and anything else that will make good newspaper fodder.

    I know it's a ball ache, but at least it will take the mind off the loss of a century’s history and the gloating inbred green contingent who will be busying trimming their one giant eyebrow.

    Follow Follow……………..

    We won't be losing any history. Don't listen to the mhedia.

  7. Just a quick one to say how pissed off I am with people I thought were true Rangers fans. In the last few months and days I've been told by workmates and friends who are season ticket holders and/or go to as many games as they can that if Rangers become a newco then they will never go see them again. Well I'll tell you what, cheerio. Don't bother coming back. Fucking glory hunters.

    To me being a real Rangers supporter is being there through the bad times and not just the good. It's easy to support a team who win all the time. It's difficult to support a team who are in real trouble. All you folk who are saying you won't be back, why don't you go and support Barcelona or man united. Enjoy yourselves. I'll be buying my season ticket as usual and I'll be there next season no matter what league we play in.

    I'll see you all in a few years when we are at the top of the pile again and you decide you want to be a Rangers supporter again.

    Rant over.

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