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Posts posted by StudsLonniegan

  1. The below is either true or it isn't and very easy to ascertain.


    As far back as November 2010, at the start of the takeover plans and long before there was any discussion about approaching Ticketus, Sir David Murray and Lloyds Banking Group were provided with – and were satisfied with – proof of funds amounting to £33 million. It was several months later, when negotiations were still on-going that the proposed Ticketus deal – '100 per cent the best deal for Rangers'– was mooted.

  2. Seems like a real sit on the fence and self preservation job if you ask me. for these reasons:

    (1) "We sat face to face with him in a meeting just days before he shafted us. We reported back on a succeful meeting. We were taken for mugs and if we say so now we lose all credibility".

    (2) "We've got this guy's ear and trust and it gives us credibility that when can get a face to face with the owner. What happens if he comes back and we've slated him? We will lose that relationship".

    (3) "What if he doen't come back and we want a similar relationship with a new owner, and we've openly supported Whyte and opposed P.Murray for eaxmple?"

    Solution - "Don't lose face over the meeting we had when we couldn't see he was screwing us big style. Say "innocent until proven guilty". Keep all options open".

    Well you know what? If we had sat back to "just wait to see where he eventually takes us because he is not guilty of anything yet" we would have ended up in an unthinkable state (if we are not there already). I'm afraid Mr Whyte is one of these characters that thinks everyone but him fell out of the 'Daft Tree' and hit all of the branches on the way down. HE LIED NON STOP AT YOUR MEETING e.g. Tickitus etc. WHAT MORE DOES IT TAKE?

    IMHO :mad:

    What is he guilty of ? telling lies ? lawyers tell lies for a living, business men tell lies as a matter of course, unless of course your world is populated solely by Jock Ewing and Perry Mason.

  3. Lets not be hypocritical here Studs, its just another rag, no more believable than the Record or Sun. Backed Hiltler in the 1930s too (didn't it?).

    Rather than being hypocritical I would suggest it shows both sides of the same coin while standing on edge, I tend not to believe the date or anything else in a paper safer that way, and much more practical to like the bits that suit us and our imperfect outlook on life.

  4. Again i will re-iterate that we are waiting on the findings of the Administrator before making any further comment.

    There is as we said in our statement areas of concern but the truth will only come out when the report is issued.

    We are taking no sides in this dispute and if Paul Murray has something tangible to say then we will of course listen to his proposals.

    Again i don't know how much more clarity we can give.

    To many not able to see it is wiser to wait for the truth than agree with the taig meeja.

  5. A nice bit of positivity to start the day, always better than taig meeja shit and punters who fold like cheap suits or two bob deck chairs. 21.gif

    Rangers situation is positive, say administrators as fans, partners and sponsors praised

    Last updated at 7:58 PM on 22nd February 2012

    Administrators have described the situation at Rangers as 'positive' after they took control of the running of the club last week.

    Financial firm Duff and Phelps were called in last Tuesday over an unpaid tax bill accrued since Craig Whyte's takeover of the Scottish champions last May.

    They have praised the continued support of fans, business partners and sponsors - as well as the Scottish Premier League and the Scottish Football Association - as they work towards securing the club's survival.

    David Whitehouse, joint administrator, said in a statement: 'Overall, I would describe the situation as positive.

  6. Is that biblical?

    Can I make it simple?

    The statement you provided broadly supports Whyte...yet you quote posts saying he is a crook, liar and cheater.

    Do you support him or not?

    The post is dave king remember him ? did you read the third post ? you sound tired maybe a nice rest to catch up. :craphead:

  7. I don't know if he is guilty of anything illegal because I don't know the law well enough but I do know he is Liar. He told us categorically (and repeatedly) that he bought the club using his own funds. He has now changed that to he secured a loan against his own assets which is basically the same.

    Well it's not the same. He was asked to provide proof he had the cash to move the club forwards, he somehow demonstrated he had this then actually bought us on tick.

    I agree with the poster above, fans groups should form an opinion apply pressure by numbers to get information that is vital to the club. As for CW, I backed him until very recently. I understood the apparent necessity to enter administration and felt a little sorry for him for being the fall guy. After everything that has come out since the administrators took over, the guy seems very slippery and not someone I want associated with the club.

    Obviously, this is based on the information provided by the administrators - we interpret it how we wish.

    A judge, dismissing King's latest appeal last October against his tax liabilities, said he had "no respect for the truth and does not hesitate to lie if he thinks it will be to his advantage. He is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by objective evidence. In our assessment, he is a glib and shameless liar."

  8. the audit.

    They didn't know about it allegedly or if they did they failed to flag it up either way not a clever move signing off incomplete accounts, aj waffling that it was an MIH problem, bit of a porky there aj or was it just incompetence or being so far out of murray's loop that you were dizzy. :craphead:

  9. VB Statement On Recent EventsWritten by Admin Friday, 17 February 2012 16:25Vanguard Bears would like it to be known that their stance on Rangers has not changed. After our last meeting with Craig Whyte we ended our statement with these words:-

    "The Administrators of Vanguard Bears remain supportive of Rangers owner Craig Whyte until unfounded allegations are proven otherwise".

    One look at the list of so called "financial experts" the media have called upon this week (Graham Spiers, Paul McBride QC, Charlie Nicholas, Kevin McCarra and Tom Devine to name a few) tells us it would be folly of any Rangers fans to believe everything that is reported in the media.

    Yes we have concerns over certain issues but without knowing the facts we believe it prudent to await the findings of the administrators before commenting further.

    At this time we urge ALL Rangers supporters and ALL Rangers groups and forums to get behind the team and Ally McCoist on Saturday and indeed at all times to prove just how strong the Rangers family is at this very trying time.

  10. not quite true he first talked about it in April 2011 but provision is made in the half year figures to 31.12.10.

    Very true, the figures were delayed and the small tax bill was an addendum, what's up you not like the robber baron's definitive figure as stated to the press of £36.6 million without additions, or do you think he just invented that and thought it not important enough to be a liability possible or otherwise noted in the accounts. 00000042.gif

  11. there was allowance on the small case. I expect the auditors had heard of the big tax case. its fairly common knowledge.

    aj claimed to have known nothing of the small tax case until March 2011, you expect the auditors had heard is that it sorted, funny how the auditors missed a definitive figure given by murray of £36.6 million excluding penalties and interest for the big tax case, someone is going to sweating over the signing of those accounts.

  12. The question the administrators will be giving their full attention to is how previous accounts were signed by aj and his other incompetents without a note or allowance for two possible major tax liabilities, what exactly was the auditors told or allowed to be told.

  13. The guys a fuckin Rangers man and was right about Whyte from the get go, he never applied for the job at Rangers Murry asked him several times and he decided he would do his best untill a buyer was found. Do half the people on here even know what the guy does for a living, how succseful he is and who he actually works for??? He could be sitting back in his mansion in Florida doing fuck all but shouting "I told you but you wouldn't listen". Ffs he's on our side

    He is or was a vice-president in the mccormack mob, every second staffer with a pencil is a feckin vice-president of something in that mob right down to the jani. craphead2.gif

    Johnston has invested more than £1million of his personal cash in Rangers and helped engineer the investments of £40million made by Joe Lewis and £20million by Dave King to help during the big-spending years.

    And he has been fiercely protective of his friend Murray and his reputation in the face of the minority of critics among the Rangers support.

    He said: "David Murray is an extremely successful and adept businessman.

    "Anybody who suggests otherwise is not looking at his record. He's one of Scotland's greatest entrepreneurs and the country needs a lot more David Murrays in terms of the big picture, so I reject that out of hand.

    "David at no time passed on anything he wasn't prepared to undertake himself in terms of the risk and his commitment to the club.

    Aye right. craphead2.gif

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