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Everything posted by DavieCoopersLeftFoot

  1. Brown getting into a huff....aaawww diddums...
  2. Mine too! Someone pulling wires out in the studio.
  3. We'll we've already seen it, we pumped them at ibrox and never broke sweat. And it was more luck that they beat us the last time, had that goal counted would have changed the entire dynamic of the game. I'm looking forward to may and septic getting shown up by cyprus fc or whatever crap team they find themselves playing in the euro qualifiers.
  4. They are pish, they win a bunch of games in the SPL and they think they're something special. They will probably win because lets face it, Kilmarnock are rank rotten in defence, but as soon as septic come up against anyone of any class whatsoever they get shown up for what they really are...distinctly average.
  5. Has anyone noticed how un-athletic the scottish game seems? I watch english games and its full of guys who look like they can run the 100 meters in under 10 seconds.
  6. Will be an interesting test of the mhanky mob being that they are historically a bunch of bottle merchants.
  7. This game is an embarrassment, like watching 2 pub teams. Passing, ball controll, all crap. Hampden looks likes been used to grow tatties.
  8. I really hope no one from outside the country is watching because the standard of football is gash.
  9. Well at first I was like "yeah its not that tainted" but then I looked a bit closer and it was totally tainted.
  10. Cause it was the 60's and no one spoke about it and he cared more about the club's reputation than the weans. Fair enough don't drag the club into it but at least get the cunt knee-capped, I'm sure there'd have been a lot of people who'd have done it no questions asked for big jock.
  11. So at what point in that whole statement did Big Jock not know? If he knew about it and didn't phone the police then thats Art and Part Liability. In the US it's aiding and abetting and carries the same punishment as the person who personally commited the crime.
  12. If by tainted you mean winning when you have no real competition then of course. Granted it's not their fault we're in the trouble we're in, but if Andy Murray made the final of wimbledon and his opponent injured himself in the first serve and Murray won do you think everyones going to be like "yeah what a worthy winner". I think not. Septic has simply been the best of the rest this season.
  13. Of course the title is tainted, how could it not be. Rangers were run away winners until they collapsed in a heap through injuries, having no money to spend having to raid the bargain basement and finally going into administration. As per usual the scum seem to have this notion that their team are something special instead of the mediocre bottle merchants they really are. I mean fuck sake they scraped a 1-0 win against us at home where we scored a perfectly good goal that 'no-one seen'. We fucking ran riot at ibrox hardly even breaking a sweat for 4-2, even when they jammied their 2-1 lead there was only one winner. Fair enough they can go on about the unbeaten run but that's a lot easier when there's very little pressure. 2 seasons in a row they've been pumped out of europe and only got in this year on a technically only then to be shown up for what they are, pish. I can't wait until the start of next season to see lemon and his superstars get dumped out of all european competitions by baltic pub teams.
  14. Yeah precisely, you never heard old Walter ever come out with pish like that, even when they were using the death of their "legend" to get out of playing us when they knew they were onto a hiding.
  15. He's such a fucking knob, he is the embodiment of that club and their small nature. All he had to do was sit and go "no comment, people will write what they want to write our business is on the park". Instead goes on an embarrassing 30 minute rant about how really he doesn't care but will explain exactly why they are wrong. Suppose it can't be easy winning a league by default, story of his magagerial career actually. Can't get into europe except by default on a technicality, cant win the league without their main rivals going into admin, having no money to spend and a injury list as long as your arm and being docked 10 points. Enjoy your success ya ginger prick, we all know it will taste like ashes in your mouth.
  16. http://www.<No links to this website>/football/spl... What a twat, favourite quote "It’s not a shame for our supporters. The fans won’t take a blind bit of notice of what Mark Hateley says or thinks. And neither will we." But I'll sit and talk about why he's an arsehole for half an hour because I dont care what he thinks
  17. Seen it, so called news outlets are quite happy to stick pictures of the cunts all over their site with them. I'll probably get into trouble off folk for posting that or banned or something because people think I'm on the wind up. But if that were a Rangers fan with the F word on a scarf it would be all in our faces, doesn't matter how man *** we used.
  18. I'm not at all surprised by the complete lack of class, that's to be expected. They are away fans anyway and for that mob usually the worst of the worst, half of them will be banned from the san giro. It's funny how you can walk about with a scarf that says "the H*** have gone bust" and nothing gets done about it.
  19. The guy at the bottom is looking up going "what does H R M C mean". But yeah not an attractive bunch, the guy to the right of the wee ned with the party hat on has a fucking bowl cut ffs!
  20. In my irate state of mind I posted this in the wrong bloody forum. Well it's here now. I actually feel physically sick at that display and makes me hope that Whyte fucks the lot of them, HMRC, the SPL and gets us up and running again debt free and watch them all moaning when we're right back to the top of the league.
  21. The mail online has it up, not going to post the link because it makes my blood boil just looking at it but no doubt you's will all see it again eventually. What an absolute shower of scumbags, but as angry as I am I know they'll be laughing on the other side of their glakit faces once we get back on our feet again.
  22. "should have done better that was a real chance" - when the player has had to volley the ball on his wrong foot in the pouring rain being closed down by 3 defenders and has about 2 nano seconds to set himself. Usually spouted by some low rent no mark ex footballer who from how he talks must have scored a 1000 goals all of them perfectly struck volleys into the top corner of the net.
  23. Yass, mon the nidge! They're a good wee outfit, promoted twice in 2 seasons and are in playoff position in league one. Thought they might sneak a wee win but a reply at white hart lane is brilliant for them. Well chuffed for them.
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