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Posts posted by CoinFollower

  1. Several possibilities:

    1 - Whyte is following a very clever plan, the fruition of which will only be realised over time.

    1a - and the plan is for RFC's best interests; had to be done; and he knew he'd be a fall guy - which would make him a kind of hero.

    1b - and the plan is for Whyte's personal interests; e.g. To 'line his own pockets' in which case he's a villain.

    2 - in the absence of other buyers of the Club; and in the knowledge he has business skills and contacts who could meaningfully help, he proposed himself as a buyer, not truly realising the depth of the problems, or more likely overly optomstic about what he could do. Heart's in the right place, but quickly became hopelessly out his depth. Could have happened to any one. Getting put out of Europe early probably scuppered any chance he had of turning the situation round.

    3 - the man's a baffoon.

    As time goes buy, it's looking less and less like option 1; and more and more like option 2. However, I doubt the man is a baffoon, even though he is currently looking like one.

  2. Thanks goodness we're getting some political heavy weight involvement. It's much needed.

    I would respectfully request the meeting also considers and discusses 'the Club ethos moving forward'; with a view to defining the principles upon which the Club should be directed in future.

    To facilitate this, please consider the recent RM thread 'club ethos moving forward', which sets out some ideas for this.

    In God we trust.

  3. ***** ATTENTION *****

    A successful meeting of Northern Ireland Bears was held earlier on tonight to discuss the ongoing crisis at Rangers and what Ulster Bears could do to assist in helping Rangers FC through these turbulent and testing times.

    Out of many items discussed two points were considered most prudent:

    1/ How to raise funds to assist the club in its hour of need

    2/ To get on board all the Unionist Parties to show a united front

    At the next meeting, it is expected that a senior Ulster politician will be present to discuss how to exert pressure on those responsible persons to ensure that the institution that is Rangers FC is saved.

    Details of the next scheduled meeting will be made available in the next few days - in the meantime could ALL Ulster Bears & Bearettes make your RSC's and Bands etc aware of what's happening, to allow them to prepare to have representation at the aforesaid meeting.

    Your club needs you more than it ever has in its 140 years existence - the spirit of Ulster has always served Rangers well.


    Please spread the word - share with your friends.


    The next meeting for representatives of ALL Northern Ireland Rangers Supporters Clubs is:-

    Wednesday 14th March at 7.30pm in The Welders, East Belfast.

    Please make your supporters club officials aware of this meeting which is of great importance.


  4. It would be very British of us.

    The key questions:

    1 - would the authorities allow it? (UEFA, FA, the police)

    2 - how many English leagues down would we need to go?

    3 - if it would take 10 years or more to make the premiership, it would be a long term strategy. Could we the fans stand it.

    4 - in England, we'd become far more attractive as an investment opportunity. What would be the cash difference in investment between RFC in Scotland, and RFC in England?

  5. There are hundreds of thousands of us. Whatever happens, we'll still be here, to support The Team.

    Tbh I hope all this pain is leads to something positive, that in time we can look back on and say, yeah it was grim, but look how far we've come since then.

    Personally, I'd like to see the club make meaningful efforts to join the English league system, and work towards securing a place in the premiership.

    The club's talked about it in the past, but it's never been a practical or viable option. Perhaps now it is?

    It might feel a bit odd for the Scottish based fans, but what's the views of fans from the other parts of the UK? If we could make the jump, should we?

  6. Regardless of the OP I'm surprised at the follow up posters anti religion posts.

    Or the uneducated nature of some of our support. I am assuming those fans of the anti religion element do not use the saying We are the people which is from the bible? Psalm 95:7. You do not sing the sash my father wore as if your father did indeed wear the sash he would have been a Christian Protestant promoting and protecting the faith. You do not sing our national anthem of God save the Queen. You don't wish to embrace The Rangers proud Protestant history ? Just me ?

  7. I completely agree with you. We shall overcome needs to be the mindset.

    I'd like to hear the administrators read the quote out word for word, just to make sure they truly understand the sentiment.

    It might even aid build bridges between them and the players, as they attempt to reach a fair and reasonable consensus on the way forward.

  8. "Never fear, inevitably we shall have our years of failure, and when they arrive, we must reveal tolerance and sanity. No matter the days of anxiety that come our way, we shall emerge stronger because of the trials to be overcome." - Bill Struth

    That's it really.

  9. Your idea is a good one.

    Can the RSA publically and strongly promote this?

    Can the employees of the club help promote this?

    And most impotently, can the Administators advise how much of a cash gap needs filled between now and the end of the season? (hopefully to give the Club some breathing space to sort out the CVAs and hopeful sale to a worthy owner).

    If the gap is say two million, and say a 100,000 folk could be counted on to contribute, that's a very affordable 20 pounds each. I spend 5 times that atleast every home game on travel, beer, food and a cheeky bet!

  10. Time for Fan Power

    When everything else fails fan power can maybe save the day in the short term.

    As we are all well aware our club is now in a perilous position of going into liquidation as there is a financial shortfall of around one million pounds per month at the club.

    Potential buyers are maybe not ready for an immediate takeover to buy the club as everything there looking to have in place may not be in place. That’s where we all come in...

    If you agree write a short email to the club direct

    Email as follows : Due to the recent revelations to the financial shortfall at the Club and no solution being found could you please set up on the home page of Rangers.co.uk a donation structure where we the fans can donate direct to the club to help plug the short term financial shortfall whether this be donations by credit,debit card of any amount. Send this email on the contact page of Rangers.co.uk link > http://www.rangers.co.uk/contactus or email Rangers@duffandphelps.com

    If enough of us send this email in now we can maybe just maybe make the difference and if the donation page is on the official club website we all know the money is going direct to our club.

    If we want to keep our history intact I see no other option lets get donating as much as we all can.

    If administrators do agree spread the word ….The more people that email the better chance of it happening,we need to do something fast,lets grab the bull by the horns and lets get our club under control....This is an immediate ask not tomorrow or the next day...do it just now or we may lose our club.we need 100's if not thousands of emails overnight for the administrators to take notice.

    Lets do this People ….Save our club now !

    People looking in on this forum that are not on members on Rangers media...Please copy and paste this full statement on your facebook and get sending an email as quick as you can....We all love our club that was established in 1872....Lets keep it that way !

  11. Religion, politics and football are powerful when combined.

    If the Club stated it's preferred way for fans to vote, we would become, overnight one of the most powerful political movements in the UK.

    I also note recent high profile religious figures making statements that impact the political arena.

    I would like to see the Club, after being born again, via CVA or whatever means, to appoint a public figure, in. Chaplaicy role, to promote both political and religious policies, in keeping with the history and heritage of the Club, and it's fan base, across Scotland, Northern Ireland and the wider world.

    For we are under attack from all sides. We are under siege. We need to shut the gates and man the Walls (metaphorically speaking).

  12. We need powerful and rousing song to sing; one that is consistent with the Club's history and heritage.

    It must be beyond criticism.

    I recommend we adopt the BB anthem 'will your anchor hold in the storm of life'. Most Rangers fans will have sung it at some point, in the BB or church services.

    I would encourage the Club to promote this. Play theusic loud. Include the words in the programme, even give out the words as fans come in.

    In the emotional hurly-burly if our next home league fixture, we need to avoid the tempatation of singing 'old favourites', our enemies will use it against us.

    If 40,000 sing 'will your anchor hold' it will be powerful.

    However, if anyone else has ideas for alternative new anthems I'd happily hear them. Constructive, positive action is the order of the day.

  13. If we genuinely aspire to winning the champions league, our best chance would be to join the English, and like Swansea or Cardiff City, play our way into the premiership.

    Leeds Utd have demonstrated how hard that can be; however if we can get there, and in due course challenge for the title, we'd be able to strongly challenge for all the top trophies in club football, European football and World football.

    On this basis, I would like the Club to publically promote the Union, and campaign against Alex Salmond's SNP. if the Club recommended all fans vote for a particular political party at each election, we would overnight become one of the most powerful political forces in the UK.

  14. The club has previously and publically stated its origins are: conservative, unionist, loyalist and Presbyterian. The current crisis is not in accordance the highest standards I expect, and trust we all expect.

    Agreeing principles fir the Club to adhere is sensible, and defining what we are in a positive and constructive manner will reduce our new 'bad boy' image, which if unresolved could hinder future corporate sponsorship.

    I had hoped to receive more support for my ideas, however not to worry. I would still encourage us to debate the principles the club should be based upon, with the intention of helping the Club develop in the future.

    Historical point if note - the Presbyterian Covenanters were persecuted during the 'Killing Times' from 1638 to 1688. 18,000 men, women and children martyred (executed) for their adherence to the word of God (caught carrying a bible and the like). Much of the killing took place in Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway. Many migrated to Ulster, then took part in a major migration to the Americas around 1720.

    Some fans might wish for a Club with a more secular outlook.

    The objective surely must be agreeing, in essence, what it means to be Rangers through and through. We are a great football club, but we are also much, much more than that.

    How would you define the best of being Rangers?

  15. Our club and our community had taken a battering in recent weeks.

    We, the supporters, have a duty to ensure the risk of this ever happening again is reduced to as close to nil as possible.

    I therefore propose that we discuss and agree upon a set of defined principles to be accepted by the Club as the basis for our direction and management in whatever form the Club is resurrected from its current desperate situation.

    I would welcome your contribution, thoughts and comments; and to start the process I respectfully propose the following principles for your consideration:

    1 - Fair play - the Club will adhere to the laws of football, business and taxation, and will respect both the letter and spirit of the law.

    2 - Cultural heritage - the Club acknowledges and supports the history of its fan base, which traces its history to the origin of modern freedom and liberty; including the Christrian Reformers if the 1500s; the Covenanters and Ulster-Scots if the 1600s; the founding fathers of the new world during the 1700s; supporters of the Government against the Jacobite rebellions; the shipbuilders, engineers and doctors who helped build an empire during the 1800s; and who defended freedom and liberty during both world wars. We will not tarnish their memory or their sacrifice.

    3 - We promote the teachings of the Holy Bible and encourage its interpretation using modern historical metaphorical methods. Based on this we pin our Club to these teachings:

    A - Equality - we are all equal before God. All people are welcome to support our Club, and the only criteria to play for the Club is competence and fitness. You are welcome regardless of your race, ethnic background, religion, sexuality or age, without discrimination.

    B - Social Justice - we will promote and encourage freedom and liberty across Borders and Cultures.

    C - Against Elitism - we will stand against elitism and tyranny as Moses stood against Pharoh.

    In keeping with these principles we will promote religious teaching and the singing of hymns at our games. However we do not seek a universal single religion across the world. We will therefore encourage scholars of many religions to speak to our assembled fans, so we may all share the wisdom of God in the many forms it is found.

    We will also promote ethical politics, be active to ensure promotion of our culture and heritage; and act as agents for peace and reconciliation in the world.

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