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Posts posted by dexiboy

  1. I'd like to think if say, Wallace got injured, we'd have the embargo lifted so we could replace him.

    At the end of the day I'm more concerened about us accepting an illegal transfer embargo than us losing a player through injury on international duty.

    We had to except it or no football illegal or not.the sfa signed a letter to say that they would pay our debt to scumdee untd then said they never and you think they are going to let us sign players if ours get injured whilst away with Scotland.the sfa don't give a fuck about us that has been demonstrated for the last 6 months.having represented my country at different levels of football it was great standing there proud as punch in that Scotland strip but if the sfa instruct Craig have a shave levein not to select our players then club not stopping any player from being selected.if you ask the players available to risk playing for Scotland and get injured or playing for rangers for a year till embargo lifted its a no brainer.look at mcoist himself super missed 6 months of football breaking his leg whilst playing with Scotland ask him proud Scotsman if he could turn the clock back and miss that game to play all those missed games for Glasgow rangers I think we all know the answer.not for the club to decide has to be the player but during embargo players incase of injury should only be playing for rangers.p.s no surrender Ian black

  2. Wallace, Black, Alexander and Broadfoot have made sacrifices to stay at Rangers and we're saying if they get the honour of playing for their national team we should deny them of this?

    What if these four mentioned get injured whilst away with Scotland what do we do without them.the sfa should be saying no rangers players will be selected during embargo in my opinion

  3. I'd have kick his balls and his supervisors if they tried that with my family I'd take the jail.next time some1 bumps into chicco green let him know he seems to listen to the fans first club official for a while that does

  4. Don't watch it fuck them wankers after what the bbc is doing to us never watch that programme again.these shows are based on viewing figure don't watch them they get dropped simples just ask big roughy n dj what happens when ratings fall

  5. Levein doesn't have a problem home fans booing scotland players fucking wank.that's black defo fucked now for Scotland the manager says wont be picking him then picks him and doesn't even condone the abuse from his own fans.ian get tae fuck out of there next time your phone rings tell him tae shuv his tartan army up his arse specky prick

  6. Had a few myself feeling good.season tickets check school uniform check spl going down the tubes check Stella do anything you want when uve had a few.dont think I've looked forward to a game so much for ages can't wait for Saturday me and my boy walking down the shieldhall rd WATP

  7. To be honest mate,it's not even the pissy attitude I got on the phone that was the biggest problem. The problem is WHY can it not be done? It's now pretty much guaranteed that the seat that I want is going to a new season ticket holder rather than a renewal, which is complete bullshit in my opinion. I know who sat in the seat I want to sit in, I have his seat number and Rangers number AND he hasn't renewed the ticket, I don't see why it has to be such a big deal FFS :mad:

    Why did you not get your mate to renew it for you and give him the money simples

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