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Posts posted by dexiboy

  1. Got my 3 tickets about half an hour ago.

    Cheers all the same.

    I hope you didn't pay in full was speaking to the ticket office about season ticket money going into the same bank account as last year asking would creditors be able to claim from it and she said yes

  2. I'm not saying John browns not a rangers man BUT even bomber must know that no rangers fan is ever gonnae back his fucking tim mate to buy rangers I for 1 fucking wouldn't.another point John my wee boys been going to ibrox since he could sit up straight last year was our 1st season tickets together he's 6 why would you wait till he was 17 to take him unless you've got Walter waiting uve got nae chance of my money don't care what u say about 9 in a row.incase you hadn't noticed bomber the amount of shit we've had to deal with ESP future investers holding up Celtic scarfs wanting our club you can fuck off nae chance and you should have known that before you put your name to there bid.if you know something about green fuckin tell us don't sit back and just say don't trust him tell us why we've not to put our faith in him

  3. My mate played in these divisions won the 3rd division promotion from 2nd division to the 1st all in 3 years if my mates club can do it with players on £150-£250 a week the Glasgow rangers can do it.sign players from 1st division no use players from down south they dont know what it's like to play up here 1 division players will get us out 3rd n 2nd divisions no problem then start getting ready for the spl by that time we should have a few quid in the bank then attack the spl on the pitch n off the pitch n hopefully a few of the fuckers that have fucked uz about will b in there graves

  4. My mate played in these divisions won the 3rd division promotion from 2nd division to the 1st all in 3 years if my mates club can do it with players on £150-£250 a week the Glasgow rangers can do it.sign players from 1st division no use players from down south they dont know what it's like to play up here 1 division players will get us out 3rd n 2nd divisions no problem then start getting ready for the spl by that time we should have a few quid in the bank then attack the spl on the pitch n off the pitch n hopefully a few of the fuckers that have fucked uz about will b in there graves

  5. I was there and my baldy napper made an appearance in this video.at half time iwas sitting gutted thinking I'm off then the bears piped up ally mcoists blue n white army start of second n I thought I'm going fucking nowhere I remember ally looking over at us whilst we were singing to him he must have been thinking wit the fuck we are getting beat 3.0 at peedo dome and Im looking to my right and the bears are singing my name he looked over for about a minute didn't even look at the game just watched us I sang my fucking heart out that day.then the dj cunt at parkhead tried to play c'mon over to my place at the final whistle to annoy uz and the whole Gers end sang it rite back at them haha beat 3.0 but left feeling like a win WATP

  6. Great letter get it posted.i just wished they had waited until after the vote then let the club know they wanted to leave for football reasons.let the club get a bit of cash for them at the agreed reduced price and they walk away with there heads held high and still loved by the fans because for me Naismith last season and a bit was outstanding and I loved watching him giving the beggars dogs abuse every game he played again them.but I'm afraid what he said about my club makes me sick for the last few weeks I've been defending our club to the tims that we are still rangers with history n all then theses to pricks come along and say that for there financial gain.i hope they enjoy there cash but don't ever come near my club again we don't need the likes of you

  7. cheers lads, been raming the pacific shelf 595 right up them and they dont like it lol

    if anyone else has some good ammo post it and help a bear in a scrap with a good few torbet terrors

    Yip used an ebt on 2004-2005 didn't declare until 2008 all our ebts were in our accounts for every year we used them they fucking hate it.then hit them with there your of Japan that stopped the league being extended when we took over Manchester then boom they shagged wee bhoys n guess wit there manager knew

  8. Mate, I couldn't give a fuck about your spelling or grammer or grammar or whatever it has was or shites outta

    Its the tim "mate" that bothers me :dry:

    I take ur point but I've known him from b4 I knew what a dirty Ira supporting scumbag was n he's not 1 of them in that sense.trust me he's me mate I fucking hate the fuckers as much as every1 else anybody in my local the grapes bar would vouch for me on that front so that's my Tim mate explained no surrender

  9. Had my tim mate all nite with this started the nite slagging me bcoz players are leaving told him everything thats happening with us happened at the peedo dome.1st question I asked him was did in 1994 did uz form a newco.2 NAND question did uz use an ebt in 2004-2005 and not declare it untill 2008.no answer on both cunt prob ran out of credit.fucking sat here raging these cunts sfa spl ceptic fc are calling us all sorts our ebts were in our account every year nothing hidden nothing swept under the carpet.so I sit here half pissed thinking fuck the sfa fuck the spl n fuck bobby sands he's deed WATP

  10. The fact that JJB has to keep a list of things that they are not allowed to print on the shirts of Sevco Pretenders FC is an excellent example of why your soon to be liquidated football club doesn't deserve a 2nd chance.

    The reaction to being called "Newco", a name which is entirely appropriate, shown here is just one of the many reasons the other good, honest people in Scottish football have jumped at the opportunity to dispose of you.

    Filth of the highest order.

    Stand free!!


  11. This is mad vlads chance to get out of hearts he can't afford to pay the wages just now so what's it going to be like if we r sent down the leagues there fucked along with many others.if the other teams do keep us in spl he knows that Gers will boycott tyncastle bcoz of his comments sending them into financial meltdown.just thinking the sfa will prob step in and help them out take our money of us and give it to hearts bcoz no doubt it will be our fault.

  12. Barry fry is a good Guy fucking bonkers bit like Ian Holloway blackpool manager.he's done every job at posh seen a documentary on him lost millions at that club all his own cash now there on the way back and even better he speaks well of the Gers aswell and he's rite if we all stick by the club with our season book money we will be back soon bigger and stronger WATP

  13. Barry fry is a good Guy fucking bonkers bit like Ian Holloway blackpool manager.he's done every job at posh seen a documentary on him lost millions at that club all his own cash now there on the way back and even better he speaks well of the Gers aswell and he's rite if we all stick by the club with our season book money we will be back soon bigger and stronger WATP

  14. Yaas fucking manky scum loving prick cunt dick peedo bastard get it rite up ye n ur fucking horrible club no season ticket money for ur club less money from spl less money from sky no visits from the most successful football club in the world to help run ur Irish football team n all the text messages n tv interviews from all uz cunts we don't need the Glasgow rangers hahaha aye sure uz don't.p.s I fucking wish u wer on the titanic

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