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Posts posted by dexiboy

  1. Great a good young Rangers team full of Scots with a few veterans like Jig and one or two others thrown in while we stock pile money for 3 years. Rangers would still make a minimum of £20m per season in sfl3, sponsers know we have a huge fan base and we'll still sell a load of season tickets. We only need to spend about £5-8m per season for running costs and the rest we could bank for the long term.

    As for the spl here is what will happen to them.

    -sky will cancel the £80m per season spl contract and replace it with one for £5m.

    -Lack of any real competition will drive sponsers away.

    -Celtic will have the league tied up after 6 weeks.

    -Spl and Celtic will be at each others throats over voting rights.

    -Aberdeen,Hearts,Kilmarnock and Dundee utd go into admin within 5 months.

    -spl will disband and form a new league and beg us to come back season after next, we tell the gtf.

    At last some1 who shares my views on why 3rd division would work thank fuck watp

  2. And who the fuck will play for us in Div3????

    We need to be at the top to be even able to get into Europe once we require the license

    Div 3 = Disaster and im not too proud to say it

    Unless we stay in spl we wont have any players fact.1division apart from Lee mculloch all top players will leave fact I know it will be a cunt going to 3rd division but I'd rather start from the 3rd n work our way back.incase u hadn't noticed 3 votes down already possible 4 we wont be in spl next year then sanctions in the1st division sorry mate if you think rangers wont attract good enough players to get us thru the leagues the you need your head looked at.fuck Europe build the club 1st then worry about that when we r strong enough to compete again on all levels

  3. Let`s take our destiny in our own hand and apply to the 3th Division rather than go cap-in- hand and beg for any favours from anyone. No doubt as we move through the Leagues we will see at least 6 SPL club passing us on the way down or even going out of business

    Here here

  4. Finally!!!! Some fucking sense around here

    We are barred from Europe for 3 years if we stay in spl points deduction for couple of year less money of spl for couple of years n you think the players will stay in a league they no chance of winning no European football some sense that make

  5. all yous shouting for div 3 need your heads examined

    Why?so you would rather stay in spl n get stick of every cunt forever and all the sanctions that come with spl less cash points deduction to line all the other clubs pockets my heads fine I'll still buy season book no matter what leave we r in in a rangers fan not a what league we r in fan

  6. If our Club accept The SPL or Div 1 with sanctions then it will be Longer before we get back to anything like the Team we are just now.

    Sorry Div 3 for me ,cut our Cloth to suite ,which is going to happen in any League as we Speak , then 3 Years save up and get back to some sort of Football Team .All Sins gone and no shit from any of the Bigoted Scum again .

    End all of this now .

    Give them their Sporting Integrity and see what they do .

    100% agree with you mate put us in the 3rd fresh start from top to bottom no point in trying to build the club with sanctions no chance of recovery spl with no sanctions or 3rd division and start again
  7. When septic had their problems i had a bit of a laugh but knew i would miss the Old Firm games.

    These feckers are so bitter and consumed by hatred that they want us to die.

    The worst part is when they try to take the moral high ground.

    Rangers breaking laws, cheating and depriving hospitals & schools of money while septic are snow fucking white.

    I am sure they even convince themselves that they believe it when if it wasn't Rangers they wouldn't give a fuck.

    Its all bullshit - basic story 'wealthy people used expensive accountants to get richer'.

    Any top earners having to pay 50% tax will have their loopholes and schemes (see Jimmy Carr, Take That, Vodaphone...etc).

    Septic will have their own versions - lawell, yellow teeth & reilly are involved in limited liability schemes.

    Where is their fucking front page headlines.

    One guy at my work must spend hours on internet researching everything about Rangers 'issues'.

    Think he must be :wanker: over his computer every night while reading mad phils pish.

    Have been close to decking the cunt a few times, luckily he see it coming and leaves but his day will come.

    Got to rise above it and if all else fails........

    Drop the PAEDO bomb

    Rangers til i die

    No surrender

    I could be in the RAF the amount of paedo bombs I've dropped n every1 shuts them up boooooooooom

  8. I completley agree but it will never happen our support is to divided to many of our fans care more about their own ego's than about Rangers do you see Dingwall giving up his spot in the limelight? or do you see the hundreds of fans who wan't to be able to say they have been to every game or the thousands who go on about "it's a good day out" do you see them deciding to stop no they are to selfish and untill they prove otherwise then I can't see a proper sustained boycott happening.

    But if we go to the 3 rd division we can still go to away games i for 1 will not be in another football ground except ibrox whilst in spl fuck the lot of them I love going to away games but what other clubs & there fans having been saying about my club will never be forgotten used to get my wee boy the new Scotland strip that's stopped aswell fuck the sfa won't be at Hampden either wankers are trying there best to kill my club no surrender watp

  9. As usual Der Bun chooses to deflect and not take responsibility for their own actions.

    Do you actually think you've done nothing wrong and Rangers should just continue without sanctions?

    In other countries namely Italy clubs have done similar things to Rangers and they've been relegated without question, without a vote even.

    The corrupt SFA want to keep Rangers in the top flight but know they wouldn't get off with it. They're looking for any way to worm out of it so they can accept as little responsibility as possible.

    There shouldn't even be a vote and if it had been any SPL club out with the Gruesome Twosome they would be in the 3rd division as we speak.

    Listen ya fud put us in the 3rd division apply the rules but don't hit out with bullshit if ur club and others vote to krep us in for there gain

  10. The playoff is 95 was in place from the end of the previous season and in 2000 Aberdeen were saved from a 3 way relegation PLAYOFF which was also in place from the start.

    Falkirk knew their stadium was not fit for purpose which was another RULE ( You lot know what they are) that was in place from the start.

    You lot have no shame, trying to bring down everyone else for your years of wrong doing.

    What's ur views on little kids being tampered with for years n the club involved sweeps it under the carpet.2 businessman killed our company not the employees,players or fans our football club remains.so let the spl apply the rules n put in the 3rd division but don't dare blame us if the spl teams vote to keep us in the league for there financial Gaines n after uve read this fuck off back to whatever shitty team u support ya fucking wank or cow.no 1 likes us we don't care

  11. This fat prick doesn't speak for me or my son who are season ticket holders the only fans club im behind is the fighting fund an organisation that's done more in 5 months than any of the so called spokes men for fans have done ever bunch a cocks in my opinion my wee boy thinks that aswell but he's only 6 so he says there a bunch of silly sausages

  12. also - where is the sporting integrity in demanding a game be cancelled because it benefits your team, and use the death of a former bit-part player as the reason, yet within 4 months, when a club legend dies, you demand all fixtures are played immediately?

    this is the difference between us and them - i would be ashamed if my club acted like this. i would not get out my fecking broom.

    No what else the cunts did they played Motherwell at parkhead on the anniversary of there former players death they didn't even wear black arm bands unlike the team they were playing fucking joke sporting fucking interference.they interfere with everything football religion and not forgetting little kiddies bums

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