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Posts posted by Moraybluenose

  1. No it's McColl (the guy with actual money) who said he didn't want to own a football club.

    mini murray very much wants to own a football club, he just doesn't want to pay for one.

    Maybe mini could have another look down the back of his couch, he may actually find a bit more

  2. I appreciate there are considerable difficulties MB, but surely to goodness everyone can agree on having all the information at hand to assist us making the informed choices.

    D'art I would hope so, however with some folk on here advocating the return of PLG as. manager I dont see it happening

  3. The bottom line is we need a set of published accounts so we can carry out a forensic examination into how our club is being run - free from speculation, suggestion and innuendo. I understand from someone on Twitter these will be required very shortly anyway under AIM rules.

    But if I speak from the heart - after all this support has had to go through - we should not be relying on AIM requirements to gain an insight into the state of club finances - a club which truly understood and valued its fans and all they had been through would put in place a mechanism so that such information was available to this magnificent, undervalued, unappreciated support.

    The suspicious side of me does wonder about the timing of the publication of these. If they were good, they would have been out to encourage ST sales. As you rightly say there are legal timeframes for these to be published within and we seem to be at the latter end of these. This can only lead to speculation

  4. As I posted yesterday, both CG and AM have put themselves into a position where only one can remain. If I am being honest both should fall on their sword.

    The argument about the club publishing this is an emotive one, which we all called for more official info not so long ago. However, it has been published and now needs dealing with. That is what is required, we cant remove the info now

  5. Charles Green is still a major share holder in Rangers so there is nothing to stop him from asking questions if he wants. However it would seem from what has been posted elsewhere on this forum that he is too busy trying to become CEO again at a time when he has openly agreed to sell of his shares to the Easdales. I doubt if you'll hear much from CG until he publishes a book and starts to make money from that.

    So i have been reading on the other thread, whilst I would welcome it I would also doubt it. As there has been no comment from CG since his departure I doubt we will hear from him now either, doesnt stop me wanting to hear though

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