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Everything posted by two_coats

  1. Here is an extract from a email sent to St Mirren fans begging them to buy season tickets.think the hard reality of truth is beginning to set in and already clubs who will struggle to survive will blame it solely on Rangers. ... The current uncertainty within Scottish Football surrounding central sponsorship money has put St.Mirren Football Club at risk of having to make severe cost cuts across the whole football club in the immediate future. As announced by the Board last week, the Club could face a revenue drop in the coming season forecast to be in the region of as much as £400k to £600k should the SFL member clubs vote only to allow the Newco Rangers to enter the league hierarchy in the bottom tier. The SFL clubs will meet this Friday to vote on the issue. At worst the board of directors have told the fans and shareholders of the club that it could be faced with offloading star players, making forced redundancies or even facing administration if costs cannot be cut sufficiently to meet with reduced income from central sponsorships. This level of uncertainty has also postponed our own planned purchase of the majority shareholding of the football club. We are unable at present to proceed with our offer but similarly we do not want to stand idly by and watch the football club we love struggle to meet it's obligations, or lose key staff, due entirely to a crisis that was not of it's own making. The main way fans can help is to purchase a season ticket for the forthcoming season 2012-2013. If you have not already done so please consider doing that to support the club. We do know of course that many of our members have already renewed but still want to be seen to help the club in any way they can.
  2. Too many words in summary your point X+Y *{31 - 11} - 1 \ 3# + 1 = Rangers SPL Absolutely bollocks
  3. First class statement ... Nothing more needs to be said , delivered with Pride and Proud to stand behind that statement.
  4. For me the list is simple and we must never forget how this sorry saga started... 1. Lloyds TSB - they forced the sale, I hope that the Westminster Committee set up investigates the corruption at this point. 2. Donald Muir - helped force through the sale in order to protect Murray International. 3. David Murray - for not dipping into his own personal wealth and stopping this. 3. Craig Whyte - for obvious reasons 4. SFA / SPL - for complete ignorance 5. The players who walked away, they should never ever be made welcome back to our great club. John Fleck aside his agent at least negotiated a settlement with Rangers. 6. Duff and Phelps - they played us like fools,they only ever had one plan.
  5. A perspective on Motherwell fans vote, 85% voted against Rangers.... What they didn't report that this equates to just over 500 fans. Unbelievable really!!
  6. The 1st division is not an option, and we need an announcement from the management To state that. I think that when they do this they will get there season ticket money to plan for our future. 1st division I'm not interested and would reluctantly avoid games as it would be playing into the SPL turkeys hands.
  7. A comment to make your blood boil. No mention of Sporting integrity now. It's the let's back the Rangers for Division 1 campaign is now in full swing. Unbelievable how crooked the SPL and SFA have become. They are just as bad as Craig Whyte... Would Regan/Doncaster pass the fit to run a football organisation test, brought into revolutionise Scottish Football. Congratulations you have succeeded. It makes me cringe that clubs say they will sell more season tickets now , never have I hated a club more than I love my club. We are the People and the future once settled will be a great one.
  8. Why can you not make a point without being touted as an imposter. This is just a simple post and don't really have any strong feelings about the specific topic. Just thought that the RFFF could do with some press time and this would have been an idea of getting some positive press time.
  9. It's a funny old world I was barred from follow follow a couple of months ago for suggesting Donald Findlay as credible candidate for the fans to trust. Was shot down I retaliated to the wrong user and barred for being a trolling dhim. Seems he is the saviour now over there. For the record I believe the QC is still a man I would want on my board at Rangers.
  10. I agree with the following... 1. Pay the wee guys 2. Pay Dundee Untd fuck all But if we do still owe Hearts dosh for a player that has shown loyalty then a small nominal fee to show his support would be fine in mind. The words from a great song should be remembered We are Rangers no one likes us we don't care. ... Never have these words had more meaning an we should remember these. I couldn't care less what most of the pundits/Chairmen have been saying as it was expected but Untied went to far in my book and deserve fuck all from us ever.
  11. With Lee Wallace commiting his future to our great club would it me a nice gesture as well as some good press for the RFFF to donate a nominal fee of the debt owed to Hearts for Wallace. I belive that this would be great thanks to the young lad and would give him not only a personal boost but will show that loyalty is always and will always be a true characteristic of supporting our Great Club. He has shown these great characteristics and I belive that it would be a nice gesture to thank him for his loyalty.
  12. That's not technically correct, you have no choice in TUPE . If you are selected to move company via TUPE you have three very clear choices... 1. Move company and remain on same contract, although pensions do not for part of this. 2. Object to the transfer, effectively resigning but has to be done in a reasonable time 3. If TUPE transfer involves a change of work location > 25 miles you are deemed redundant and would receive contractual severance pay. At no time do you stay in the old company, you have resigned from the new company. On the set day of TUPE you effectively transfer and resign.
  13. What all the facts lead to is that a court case will decide and either way , players will struggle to register for other clubs while that goes on. What club would take the chance of signing Fleck , Ness or McCabe only to be hit with a potential transfer fee/compensation package later via the courts. For the likes of MacGregor/Naismith/Davis then it is a gamble worth paying for other clubs as they will hold a high transfer once signed. Unfortunately TUPE was designed to protect the welfare of Employees and all these guys have done is use clever lawyers to find loopholes to gain a higher signing on fee and salary when they move. Interesting point on TUPE is that the courts very rarely side with the Employee as this legislation is designed to protect Employee benefits, if they are deemed to take advantage of this legislation for a financial advantage then i believe Rangers will be due full compensation. This actually could result in higher compensation than the reduced transfer fees previously set. I believe all these players have taken bad advice from Solicitors/Agents and will live to regret their foolish decision. Also will be interesting to see if we can claim compensation for under 23's who leave. Similar to the Aluko .
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