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bears fan

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Posts posted by bears fan

  1. I blame the management team of the last three years. Not all of thesepkayers are talentless, they are though unfit, seemingly clueless with regards to running off the ball and positioning and morale is pretty low.

    Yesterday is the most i've seen our players move in a prematch warm up for such a long time. Extra training and fitness will take time to change their mindset but SMcCall has already shown that is something he will be working on. Whatever has been going on within the team is anyones guess but AMcC and co have ruined the footballer in most of these guys.

  2. For me the boycott helped get rid of the most corrupt board we've had in our history. My heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in this. As for those who continued to turn up, week in, week out, they are basically strike breakers deserving of our contempt who see themselves uber alles and who prolonged our suffering.

    Your a cracker. Your only on here to cause division, never a Rangers fan.

  3. Respect to those who kept going, but respect too to those who said enough is enough.

    If people had been buying season books and filling Ibrox every other Saturday we would not have got rid of those pricks.

    Absolute rubbish! King (eventually) buying shares calling the egm and gettig the backing got rid. Boycotts had no effect on that whatsoever.

  4. I think folk are:

    1) Overreacting! Any publicity is good publicity especially if we can play a hand at keeping it swinging in our favour.

    2) Grasping at straws. Jumping on the first thing they disagree with to discredit the board cos fat Mike is out.

    Either we establish connections with the papers or they run shit anyway.

    Why not butter the bastards up. Give them that special feeling if in turn they are in our pockets.

    Could have lifted the ban without thanking them. Who's next? The sfa.

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