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danger ranger

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Posts posted by danger ranger

  1. The two main men, mini Murray and King were on previous boards, King was offered Rangers for 18 million and didn't want to know, why is he here now?. Murray hasn't a pot to piss in, why is he here now?. Both men have no right to be here yet are running Rangers into the ground, this has to be cleared up for Rangers to move forward and the latest event of a new manager highlights their farcical control.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Smile said:

    Some are not being realistic we are surviving on loans with some getting called in just before the January window yet they are expecting money spent on players.

    Just consider Hamilton, very little money, allegedly defrauded enough to threaten their existence and yet against us they looked like a top SPL side.

    Just consider Rangers, £30 million/year earnings, 50 thousand home crowds and we looked like a bottom of the league side in application, we made enough chances to win three games in a row yesterday.

    Being realistic, we are not playing in the EPL and should be able to bring in and play the right players to at least achieve 2nd spot with a proper manager in place, but this board have made an arse of it and obviously have no idea how to run a football club.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Jamie0202 said:

    We shouldn't be but we've had success with loan deals in the past. I was going to rhyme off a few but I'm too fucked. No been to bed yet. Feel like greetin.

    Depends how you define success, we are anything but successful in running a football club and going nowhere. To me, Rangers getting loan players shows the club isn't being run properly, that's easy to work out.

  4. I can't believe we are talking about a coach being the long term manager of Rangers and a DOF who has never managed a football club running the show FFS.

    If we have no real money to bring in a top manager then Murty should at least get us 2/3 place for a few years until we are in a position to move for a top manager instead of bringing in, lets say McInnes who would at least get us 2nd position with no real difference to Murty in not winning the title. 

    The end game has to be a top manager and money to win the title and champions league football, although the latter is getting more distant every year.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dazzler said:

    Wouldn't change the current two, they've played very well together. 

    Not a fan of changing a winning team. 

    Dump a world cup player, for a newcomer, really?. We have won against two pish teams, nothing has changed. Wilson has been found out in the past, your opinion is very short sighted as why did Rangers have to release a statement on why Alves wasn't picked  yesterday, still dressing room divisions?.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Helicopter Sundae said:

    When Bill Shankly handed over to Bob Paisley, he said that  a monkey could take over the team and still carry on winning. It was hammered into the players...they were invincible at that point. Even up to the point Fagan took over. The continuity carried on, for years.

    What Pedro has said was that the players has a game plan that lasted right up till the point they got on the pitch. Then it failed.

    I have to take his word for it. Plenty are happy to see him fail, and watch him and the team fall on their arses.

    The worst thing is to lose the dressing room, but if players are fucking it up for him, then they are to blame.

    The plenty as you call them don't pick the team or the tactics or have any input on the mediocre results and turn up at least every two weeks to back the team. We have been shite for about 6 years now and the common denominator is players with no skill never mind attitude, oh, and poor managers, BTW, didn't Souness lose the dressing room at Liverpool.

  7. 3 hours ago, Rfc52 said:

    A Rangers manager needs more than circa 8million quid to.beat teams like Motherwell?


    The writing on the wall was Neiderkorrn, way before the season started and he never heeded it by keeping losers and signing losers, also the board never heeded the warning either, they also are losers who have employed a loser, it's a vicious circle at Ibrox, the blind leading the blind and Rangers are well and truly stuck in a pit of mediocrity.

    All the losers need to go, patience with losers?, more money to losers?, a lot of Rangers fans seem to be losers on this forum, but that was not the case at Hampden on Sunday as everybody round about me were shouting for his head and had no patience by heading for the exit long before the final whistle, well nobody likes a loser.

  8. 5 minutes ago, STEPPS BOY said:

    C1872 and The Rangers Obserrver are hand picked lackies by the club.

    When Caixinha goes they’ll be used to blame it on certain players as to deflect from the guys who appointed this disaster.

    They are running out of players to blame, it's been a divided dressing room for two weeks now, he's fucked.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Bluenose1986 said:

    I care about the league cup. We've won fuckall for years. We can't just turn our nose up at the league cup just because it isn't as prestigious as the league or Scottish cup. it's a trophy and it would give the players a taste of silverware. Something not many have. 

    Quite right mate and another 1 million in the coffers lost, get this dud to fuck, duds R US, a fucking laughing stock.

  10. Morelos is doing the work Kenny did and others are scoring, don't see that as a problem, we need to move on from Kenny and the younger players have to step up. Morelos is a young talent with rough edges to his game and needs to gain experience, his 1 to 1 with goalkeepers has been poor so far but his all round play fits in with the team.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:


    Sad fucks out there.

    Brackley Peter 9 ?

    A sleeper, it's amazing the amount of so called Rangers supporters who back the Catholic Church when the truth about them being the most evil entity on earth is posted on here, never mind infiltrating the backbone of our country's culture, they have now infiltrated Rangers and have been steadily challenging and changing our culture from within and without.


  12. 10 minutes ago, wullyRFC said:

    We don't have money to pay 2 managers wages. Do we sack the next manager after 10 games if he doesn't do well? Then the next and the next untill we have 4 managers a season?

    Are you in the know, the tims went through the managers until they got back at us, short memories.

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