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Everything posted by HelloMoto

  1. Don't start the Ole football yet, keep it tight, and close them down.
  2. Ridiculous booking there, it isn't fucking ballet you cunt!
  3. Is it just me or is Davis playing McGeady very well?
  4. Fuck me that is comedy defending there, get back in position Broadfoot you cunt!
  5. Adam was going down in installments in the centre of the park there, made me laugh. Hook Miller, get Novo on, hook Adam put a traffic cone on.
  6. Papac was sleeping for the goal against Aberdeen as well, then this complete baws up, sort it out.
  7. You have to keep it tight after you score, McGeady will go past Broadfoot for fun all day.
  8. We don't look like scoring though, that's the problem.
  9. The league won't be won or lost today, so don't sweat it too much. :unionflag:
  10. It's amazing how composed he looks and the classy touches he has compared to cloggers like Adam. Mendes is a class act.
  11. Fuck sake Broadfoot you are an abomination of a player.
  12. This long ball gubbins is utter gash, get it ont he deck and run at them down the channels!
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