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New Signing

New Signing (1/12)



  1. I reckon Watty might be goin upstairs at the end of this season leaving Ally in Charge and Kenny McDowall as his No. 2 and hopefully Ally will be more into given youth a chance otherwise it's pointless having murray park developing the youth if the have no chance.
  2. But surely it's a midfielder who does his best work in the final third that we are looking for? My opinion is wouldn't be in this mess if we'd had cover for barry in the first place in the form of hungry young starlets from the Murray Park youth system that is what it was built for is it not my policy is give youth a Fukin chance for once instead of wasting money taking new crap midfielders like amdy fae on loan, canna beleive he was allowed to sit in the "barry position" in our midfield one game last season what did watty expect a miracle. Time to give dean furman the creative CM role and stick fleck on the wing canna be any worse than chris burke who showed so much promise and has been injured more times than I can remember. Steve davis would be most useful if watty ever gets his finger out his arse and actually signs him flippin greedy fulham where has all that money from the alan hutton transfer gone not to mention the CL/Uefa Cup stop penny pinching buy him he's worth 4 mil if kyle lafferty is worth 3 mil whom i see as probably a player for the near future once he gets some games. Could afford stevie if watty hadn't bought kenny miller first whom is not worth 2 mil try 500K-1 mil at best judgement is still out on him only time will tell canna beleive he was our first and I use this term extremely loosely 'high profile signing'.
  3. My sentiments exactly for too long we have relyed on feguson to be the only availiable creative midfield I mean look at the sorry mess we're in because there is no-one been given a decent chance to prove there worth in CM or as I like to call it "the barry position" i'm dreading the champions league qualifier at the mo. I beleive he was an outstanding player before he picked every single injury in the book and with his ankle being suspect now that is the kind of injury that cannot rely on surgery to fix when you are leathering the hell out of a ball week in week out. For me it's time to look to replace our captain and in Dean Furman ex chelsea youth one of the few decent signings of the le guen era 'shudder' perhaps we have what we are looking for. He's young creative, attack minded he's won at under 19 level is he not captain of the reserves so why not have fergie mentor him and mould him into his protege before fergie can't even kick a ball anymore cause his leg has fallen off...ok highly unlikely...just so frustrated. On another note I also hope John Fleck gets more of a chance this season as really beleive he has earned more regular first team football. Would still like to see Davis bought as the more cover in midfield the better but that Roy Hogdson is hacking me off with 4mil and not a penny less what's wrong with 3.75mil ya giblet what's that extra 250K gonna buy ya and will you please take that lanky useless impetulent cousin off our hands somebody.
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