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Posts posted by Wafflesniffer

  1. Mohsni for fuck sake. Get Faure in at RB - even Sinnamon. Best CB partnership for a while in McGregor and McCulloch & he breaks that up?

    Glad Boyd has been dropped however; he hasn't been at it for weeks so one decent decision from McCoist.

    'mon Rangers, intae this shower of bastards!

  2. His season in the top flight, where he ballsed up a significant lead against the taigs before all the shite kicked off? No bother.

    A win ratio of such impressive proportions, but against part time shite as you yourself have highlighted. Oh, with a ridiculous wage bill at the same time.

    Grinding out results. Like 1-1 at home to Alloa. Leaving us trailing behind Hertz. Not sure about you, but that's not the standards I've grown to know at Rangers.

    We should be at the top of the pile. Not floundering trying to grip on to cunts at the top.

  3. Aye cos the part time teams, on tiny fraction of our budger, who have no facilities but have made us look average dont exist?We're not looking for our team to be a team of 18 year olds who would outplay barca but by fuck for the money spent and facilities we have we should be light years ahead of where we are.Folk are rightly fearing hearts with this squad. You know, the youthful inexpensive team 6 points better off than us.Rightly questioning whether we will go up. Rightly questioning the bottle of mccoists squad who have failed under pressure in recent years.Yet some refuse to see Ally as being pivotal in all that is shite about us on the park.


    Three years ago we could have had a crack at it with a decent spine of a team & several youngsters. Not a full team of youngsters; that would have been madness. Bleed a few through though, save the cash monies & let them learn a game. We have a set up which would provide a team to do that, albeit with a decent manager in place to motivate and coach them. The facilities in place & money at our disposal guarantees that.

    Instead we have blown a ridiculous amount of money on players that, while [in my opinion] they have the ability, have been misused & poorly coached to the point that we are struggling against absolute shitehawks in the second tier of Scottish football. McCoist doesn't know how to set a team up, doesn't know how to change a game & doesn't know how to motivate a team.

  4. Dick Advocaat has just quit as Serbia manager, how about getting him back until the end of the season?

    As much as that would be a boost, I doubt he would fancy coming back - especially with all the shit going on at the moment.

    If we were lucky enough to get shot of McCoist it'll be someone from the domestic leagues or some shitheel like Warnock, boak.

  5. Yes, and hearts will get weaker. The gap is the same it was 2 months ago.

    We keep hearing how Hearts will get weaker or won't last the pace - what makes you think that? What makes you think we'll get stronger, when we haven't improved in three years?

  6. hunger, attitude, tactics.

    We've got the players, but they've got a team that's hungry and up for the fight.

    We've got a bunch of journeymen and a manager who's scared to give them the arse booting they deserve and need. I'd actually ask Smith to come back to see the season out, he wouldn't be too long in reminding them who they play for!

    More worryingly, they have a manager who actually appears to have a slight knowledge of football management, while we have an imposter who's taking a break from TV punditry.

    Playing legend, great guy, and a rock through all the shite of the past three years, but also a fucking atrocious manager.

  7. Each to their own but not for me personally. Cunts like Whittaker and Naismith in the team boil my piss, and the tartan trannies have ruined it - not that I ever took much enjoyment out of watching the national team anyway.

    The last three years have made it abundantly clear to me that Scottish football 'fans', the national team and the SFA can get to fuck.

  8. Grossly unfair on other teams? He is aware the aim of the game is to beat them? It would be more respectful to take them on with what we've got at our disposal (despite these call-ups being practically non-existent). Even with four players missing we have a squad to take care of these teams. Just not a manager.

    Perhaps he could respect the support by forming & motivating a team to do some talking on the park for a change. Imposter of a manager.

  9. Unreal. Yet more evidence that he is so out of touch. Is this us now? Have our standards dropped so low?

    This constant bullshit about 'disrespecting' opposition and what not too - it would be fantastic if he could stop disrespecting the Rangers support first by focussing on coaching, motivating and putting a team on the park that will take care of the opposition. He's quite obviously incapable of that though so hey, let's just spout pish and be everyone's best mate.

    Get to fuck.

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