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Posts posted by Wafflesniffer

  1. Fucking brutal first half performance - unfortunately not surprising. McGregor is having a nightmare; hook him or put him at CB where he is more comfortable with Foster moving to RB and Smith on at LB for Mohsni who is still a bombscare. Our midfield is non-existent and QOS are passing through it nine times out of ten with ease. When we actually get into their final third we are, as usual, devoid of ideas, movement and pace. Daly still obviously doesn't give a fuck and has still got the turning circle of the Titanic, while Aird still hasn't figured out how to take on his man or to put in a decent delivery.

    In short, we are still rank fucking rotten and an embarrassment. McCoist and the vast majority of these players need to fuck off.

  2. The usual fucking soundbites. It's amazing that [in my eyes anyway] that he's gone from an absolute legend, Mr-Rangers-type to an arrogant, deluded man who's every word actually boils my piss. If it isn't his pish patter it's the sight of him on the dugout; clueless, statuesque and arms folded praying that he's playing at home with Sue on Question of Sport.

    As for 'level best' and '100%', what a load of pish. More like getting his levels sorted out on the karaoke machine and cracking jokes with his pals in 'training'. Just do the right thing and walk, for fuck sake.

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